R-66-02RESOLUTION NO. 0 -66-2 WHEREAS,.a petition of Kauke and Baxter Laboratories has been filed with the Zoning Board of Appeals•of lake County. to rezone._property in Section 31, West Deerfield Township (bounded on the East by the Toll' Highway, on the south by Coun.ty-Llne Road; on the west by Saunders Road, on the.north by undeveloped) from the R -2 to the 1 -1 classification; and, WHEREAS, the above described property lies within one and one- half miles of the corporate I.imi is of the Village of Deerfield: NOW, - THEREFORE, BE. IT RESOLVED by the President and Board of Trustees of the Village of Deerf.leld; •Lakes and Cook Counties, Illinois, that: -The Village of Deerfleld objects to.and protosts against the rezoning of the subject property .!n the 1 -1 District as being incompatibles , rwi th. the planned development of the-area, It Is not .the intent of the village. to .objoct to the use of the subject property under. they OR classification as defined In the new Comprehenive.ndment to the Lake County'Zoning ordinance. . PASSED: This l7th.day of January, 1y66: "Village President ATTEST: Vi I'lage Clerk STATE OF ILLINOIS i COUNTIES OF LAKE AND COOK ) a VILLAGE 3F )EERFlELD ) The undersigned hereby certlftes that she.ls.the duly elected and acting Village Clerk of the'Villags of rfI*Id, Lake•and Cook Counties, Illinols,'and that.the foregoing is a true and correct copy of a- Resolution passed by the President and Board of Trustees of tho said Village at a regular meeting thereof on the 17th day of January, . ig66. • Dated this 18th day of January,. 1966. Village Clerk SEAL. RESOLUTION NO.' R -66- 10 RESOLUTION APPROVING ANNEXATION AGREEMENTS BETWEEN THE VILLAGE OF DEERFIELD and NORTH SHORE GAS COMPANY, HARRIS TRUST & SAVINGS BANK, as Trustee under'Trust No. 32133, and CULLMAN WHEEL COMPANY WHEREAS, NORTH SHORE GAS COMPANY, HARRIS TRUST & SAVINGS BANK, as Trustee under Trust No. 32133, and CULLMAN WHEEL COMPANY, are the owners of record of certain parcels of real estate, the legal descriptions of which are set forth on attached Exhibit "A "; and WHEREAS, pursuant to the provisions of Section 11- 15.1 -1, et seq. of the Illinois'Municipal Code (Chapter 24, Illinois Revised Statutes 1965), each of said owners submitted to the corporate authorities of the Village of Deerfield a proposed Annexation Agreement with respect to their respective parcels, copies of which are attached hereto and made a part hereof, and the corporate authorities held a public hearing thereon pursuant to notice as provided by statute; and WHEREAS, pursuant to notice as required by statute and ordinance, public hearings were held by the Plan Commis- sion of the Village with respect to the request of said owners to zone each of their respective parcels in the "M" Manufac- turing District and the additional request of the North Shore Gas Company for the issuance of a conditional use permit au- thorizing the use of the parcel owned by it for public utility facilities, and written findings of fact and recommendations with respect thereto were made by said Plan Commission and submitted to the corporate authorities; and WHEREAS, the corporate authorities, after due and care- ful consideration, have concluded that the annexation of the several parcels of real estate to the Village on the terms and conditions set forth in said attached Annexation Agreements would further the growth of the Village, enable the Village 2 to control the development of said parcels, and subserve the best interests of the Village. NOW THEREFORE, BE IT"RESOLVED BY THE PRESIDENT AND BOARD OF TRUSTEES'OF THE'VILLAGE OF DEERFIELD. LAKE AND COOK COUNTIES,' ILLINOIS, AS FOLLOWS: SECTION That the Annexation Agreements between the ONE: Village of Deerfield and North Shore Gas Company, Harris Trust & Savings Bank, as Trustee under Trust No. 32133, and Cullman Wheel Company, copies of which are attached hereto and made a part hereof, be and the same are hereby approved. SECTION That the President and Clerk of the Village TWO: of Deerfield are hereby authorized and directed to execute each of.said Agreements. AYES: SIX (6) NAYS: NONE (0) ABSENT: ONE.::: ; ( I ) PASSED this 2nd day of * Max .2'. A'.D.' 1966. APPROVED this 2nd day of May I,I A.D. 1966. ATTEST: Village Clerk Village President PARCEL NO. 1 Owner: North Shore Gas Company"'. is That part of the North Half of the Northwest Quarter ; ''t of Section 4, Township 42 North,'Range 12, East of the.,' Third Principal Meridian, described as followss Bc i� ginning at a point on the North line of said See tioa. 40 said point being 479.37 feet East of the Northwest ;° corner of said Section 4; thence South porpeadicular '1 ( , 9f t1 {•I� to the North line of said Section 40 a distance of 367.79 feet to the eenterlices of the Union Drainag® Ditch; thence Southeasterly nlon.g the centerline of f I .•�.. " is ".t� ",I �' said ditch to a point on the North line of the lands. conveyed for the Tri -State Toll highway; thence'East- , 1. • trig along the said North line of the Tri -State Toll . 6, I ° Highway to an intorsaction with the South lim of the � said North half of the Northwest Quarter of Section 4 and the Westerly right-of-my ` :�` • y ig y line of the Chicuvo, Milwaukee, St. Paul and Pacific .Railway; thence North westerly aloe the said Westerly right line I ti Y S �, } =' a distance: of 1456. Y . ' 1 I 31 feet to a point on that North line of said Section 4; thence Westerly along the ` i.. said North line of Section 4, a distance of 1242.33 feet to the point of beginning (excepting the North 9 50.00 feat thereof) in Cook County. Illinois, , ', .! 1 � 1 7'11 •I � ' L J Iii I EXHIBIT "A", page. '1. • .I . ` — 7. Trustee-Urider-Trust NO., .52133 �11 C_1_1011= West-quarter of the North West-Quarter of ection.4,*Townshi' That part.'of the orth -42 North, Range 12 East of,the Third PrincipalMeridian, described as follows Beginning jI! 4 aforesaid with the North -line t. Hit: 1 at the point of Intersection of the West line of Section of the LUinoio Toll road, said North line being 250.20 feet North of the Southl-ine of',,� on N h West quarter of the North West quarter of said Section 4,'thence East said: :-:-North line 377-5T feet to a point, thence North on aline drawn to a point 371-22 h line of *said FAst of the North West corner of said section 4 (as measured on the Nort 1.4 section 4).0, a distance of 373.65 fe'et..to the place of beginning, thence continuing North:' line having an along saia-last dbseribedl3ine 321-35 feet, thence North Westerly on a 130 degrees 50 minutes 20 seconds with the last described line (sold "..line being .70.0 feet South Westerly as measwed at right angles and parallel. to the &nter line of*the'Uxdoa Drainage District Ditch), a distance of 300.0 feet,. eas 29 minutes 50 seconds vith the last on a line having-an interior angle of 130 degr said Union Drainage DistkA l� describeA line, a distance of 92.05 feet to the center. line of ; -11 Ditch; thence South Easterly along'said center line.of said Ditch a distance of 92T.66 6'y ci a line drawn at right angles to the North line of said section 4'from,' feet t ut on ;:a poi�� W feet Ust of the North Vast corner'of the North.viest quarter of said S'ecti=,-,,,` a West parallel to said North line of_M%_j= S_ 4,, thene aR t. It PARCEL NO. 4 Owner: Cullman Wheel Company . That part of tho North hest Quarter of the North tJost �i. Quarter of Section Four. (4), Township Forty -Two (42) ;i � i j ; i +� North, Rnnga Twelvca (12), East of the- Third Principal 'Meridian, described as follows: BEGINNING at the 'point of intersection of the Went line of the North West quarter of said Section 4 and the North line of j.;. the Illinois Toll Road, said North line being 250.20 foot North of the South lino of the North West quarter*, of the North West quarter of said Section 4; thence East ' on said line a distance of 377.57 feet FOR A POINT OF . f .�4 BEGINNING; thence NORTH on a linen drawn to a point 371.22 feet East of the Northwest corner of said Section.- 4.(as measured on the North line of said Section 4) a. distance of 373.65 feat; thence East pirallal with the •. , ,. North line of said Illinois Toll Road a distance of 476.78 feat to the center line of Union Drainaga District Ditch; thence SOUTHEASTERLY along said center line, a ' i distance of 457.67 feet to the North line of an eaaseman't i ! I I �' I !' ' for Illinois Toil Road being a , curvead ZiaQ having a _ r .� .;� !, ;.i;:•N ...0 .: radius of 2989.79 fact • thence WEST along said curved t ­­,—North line of said casement, a distance of 19.3 feet f. to the North West corner of said casement; thence SOUT"d along the West line of said easement, a distance of 80.0 fact to the Southwest corner of said easembnt and tFaca . �;;! , , .,•� North line of Illinois Toll Road; thence WESTERLY along said North line of said Illinois Toll Road, being a , euraved line: having a radius of 2989.79 feet, a. distaanco }i„„ ,of 177.41 fect .to a point of tangont;' thancca continuing Westerly along said North ' lina of Illinois Toll Road, a ' ' : distance of 625.72 feat to the point of beginning, in; i' Cook County, Illinois, , Exhibit "A", page �. AWU=Ws ss ang entered into Uds ,.,,,,,,,,,,.,r,,, day of 19": by No between the Nom SWU WW C(i my'o an UlImIs eavorstion. (holoinofter rrefer"d to as the "Owner ") and the 1tIUAG9 OF WMIELDs a OanioIpsl 00rpM- tions located In Iabe Old Cook Counties, nunois (hereins3'ttear referred to es the "VIllogo o) i fit , the Owner in the earner or mord of the fol- lowing dos erlbod regal P"O ty* to snit t Tbsat pat of the North salt of ewe Nor meet Qtr of Section 4, Township 42 Nortb, a 12 Nast of the Third Prineis al Nerldlan, dos eri,Dend as follows o Be- Sliming at a point on the North line of sold Soction , said pout being 479,37 feet Nast of the Nortbast corer of said Seetion, ki tleence South perpex�dtauler to the North line of said Seot on 4, distance of 367.79 feat to the centerline of the onion Deno o Dittohs then o* Southeaetorlalong the senteerlIne of a*14 ditch to a point on t forth line of the I&ndr conveyed for the Tr1 -8tate Toll Nib# then+es, Mot - or)$ along the said North Brea of fAw Tri -Stato T*11 Lfthvoy to an intoraootlon mith th e► South line of the said north IOU of tho NorUmet dm►rto r of Station 4 and the Neottrly right -of -way Uns of the Chi U11mauhee and St. Paul Sethi t1wome N tr bfts riy along the said Westerly resat -of-my IIM* a 41stm e of 1"6.31 toot to a golut on the North line of said Section 41 theme Iteat+erl al e said North line of Seeti on 40 a distance of 1$20 the toot to tho point of be SInniag ("00 tiog the North 50,00 toot thereof) in Cook County, Z3 noie, I which propaaa o is located in the wei orporated portion of Cooke County# Illinois, cont1guous to the 'Vxllage►I and i 'J►as the ProvertY is presently developed and uti*" lixed for utility purp m*o by the Owners including the. followings 1. a r*ririaa builsiing for Wintee and admintra- tive purposes; 2, spree trao i 3, th e storage of liepeifled vet"1e S" In Urge tankse N rookop eondtmation tanks, neater tank*, +end related t 'M 2 .M structures and faallltless 4* Mtlalde Storage of •Mterialm, Ball; , dell"ry point for natural ese the odrisation of natural Vvp and the iristallatidsa or related meterixsg *PA uruw fooilitioes) 6. related faoilitles for clorlesal. poreo 1, serve vieeemeu and eoustrwtiaa Crews "d otbor activitios rolaEtiag to public utility ove ti J 7, a cowpressor operation using bath steam and, Inter- nal l cowuntion engim driven n coavressors; �. outdoor atoms, of trues, pao"npr WS aW oamtructim equipments 9, a holder for the storms of Aatunal,• Mauftatured w or a m twe # 10. a radio antenna for the purpose of send and reoeel.viM s ssagee j and exparaslon of maid plant for such pose an the subject altej VHMUMO the operaticils peatly Carried an and contemplated at said plant awe peX14ttaed In the M NUMMUKAS distriat Of the 20A UM ordIMn* o Of the Village Of Deepfiee ld9 i prowtded, ho"Ver, that a +conditional Use pert be ,&,mated witch would pexvtt a public Utility facility and uses austo*» arily weessory thor sto of all kind sA4 Characters and wwM "* it is tho desire or the villase that aaid Property be "hexed to the villasol #Ad wamAs, it is the desire or the owwr to amox the property horetaasbove described to the Ville" f*r the use and deve lapment as 1!se"Inabc►V Set fort]U and HMO tta Owber will aause said proporty to be -» 3 40 a=*Zed to the Village pmrsuant to the term$ of this "W"Mati { R the Owner *lom to b&V* the g"perty h ere- Inabove 416se ribeed. alb sMeifiod #fir thO xonlat ord#n a Of the Villae for they purpose of Usim said property In the Nowwr h1,lminabovs deaitrsbsd and to rl"I" S. oonditio i us* pendt for utility operations; and WHIM i, the Village is agreeable to UW use and ft V*- lopmat of said property In the menner and for the purpo+aes fOr ah the property is presently utilized; and �, titan annUatum and Mwe developont of the s►ubaest property will be high3y beneficial to the Village In that said a►noxatiog and dievouvow nt will increase tb taat030 values of tho Vvoporty within the Ville 0 will extend the ao orate ],imi►ta and Jurisdiction or the Vi? ege No will othory ee en- hane a and promote thre gawakl welfare of the YLl►Upj and WHERM, in rollance vpon the d+ev+alop wnt Of the Sub- se ©t property to the manner d ese r► d,, the OwrAr Me *souted all mcessm 400uments to accomplish the ammati,on of said terri- tory to the Vilugol and �►' Ass in rel#anee qpon the oxIst M ordiummea, aoaea and regulations, or the V1124ge aad the C=t d efi'aotl,O- neos of sal ordlummos,# codes and regular +r ror the period herein Moot forth, the owner ms oared on an* Lion petition to be filed With the V12,1ego alert SM im WIUUIS to undOrtSft t oblisotsom hereinafter set forth, and hes watearUlly tehanged Its position in rriiance upon ss44 ordlx wwos, codes and regulations; and WOMMS notice of - publi,a h+eag on this ammtion agM►eiem ont me been given so the asamr provided by law and the corporate authorities of the VIIU stave held such boar , all .. 4 ft as s*rlted by the Provisions of jivIrion 15.1 of the Illinois taui►LOtIe►l 'ode (112.RfolStat. 196% Oh, 244, "44 wMMSO prior to said hearing an thle OWeemant, all pUblia bsarl ► rtquired by lair to be hold beta" the adoption of air brdlrAnco. saeendmentil .pry Vidsd %eVsin bav* b4ft bald$ , ' 3HMU, for wA In consideration of the prseet- iea and the ffiutVgl oovel"ts ar4 agnownts herelMft*r aft fo tbp. this partlfo fimto asm 00 follows: One Ow Village hareby agrses to annex the abo" 4esermed tsrritaxT Won the term and conditions hfreinaftor. Beet forth in this agr"mont. The Owner "tal to Utilize the pro"rty for tbe.purposm df $ 1, a ae rVU* bUWUV for MO tenance and admUArtrft, * tins gwcpcaea; 2. opus tracks) 3.0 the stomv of Uqu "ifd S*trolovm Pa in large tc►nkae, vv$ r9oko f conom mtton tanks, woter tangy, and related sts4 atwes an►d faa�.litAfs; b. outside stomp of eaeterlAUS oil) 5 • dels vory point for natwral ,gar, the odoritOWit of natural ,pis, and the installation of related "Urldg and eurU4 fees Lutists j 6. Misted taoflit es for axerical personnel, ser.- viceeawn and construction or ews and other activities relates to public utility operations$ ►. a aomproraor aparatlon. usift both *to" and Inter- nal aoabustim fng'ine driven ao auo�e� �• autdaor stamp of trualm'O vassonger Carp and aaawtruotion equ nt# g. a holder for the stor&ge of netural„ mAutactursd ape., or a lepaeturle j 10. a roWla antom& for the purpose of Geed ng and roctieieeeg eeeesaae► es. The Owwr easy eap wA "Id uses within the territorial liseitatiorzo of the property hor * nabove deserlbed and 904M said uses In &AY W=Wr consistent With Its operatiftf public utility. The Owner asesee tIAt MY additional cOnstruc -0 tion shall be carried on in a sanner which Is stellar to the standards of construction *gployed for the ""song punt, in_ cludlag th amstrustion currently In progress on the subject property* The Owner farther agrees that all tutu" construction Mall, be oarried on in omforeaaoie with the toraeees and conditiont igposed by the xon ng Ordinances, the bulldim a ade, aced other ordInsamm at the V11 o, as said ordinances euist on the date of this agreenent, except as hereinetfter set fouerth, except for holot l tatlom and roquIregent of tonaeen. Iwo: ow village will classify tree subject property for g seeenufacturing d1striot under the terms of its eonir4c ordt— "no* and shall further grant a pormanant conditional use permit to parent tbo use of the sub jeat property fora public Utility raollity, includsng the uses bore mAbOve de "ribed, and all otter uses Mhiob are noreeesplly tined eustomarily accessory thereto. Said conditional use permit* to the cadent that there is a on- fliet, shall s uporseede MW provisions of the ssniM urdieAae, building add*, or other ordinances of the itillaV of peeW101d, l hUM Mould otherwise restrict the operation of a public utility Fao Mty on said property. =wt The villaip cam* to persdt the Owner to cause smote coramotimm as may be required to water and sewer faclutles as my be furnIsbad by the Village. fte owner ague to M tbo covert of such comerations It wads and the P"Valling ft 0.0 6 410 eharges for water and sir service as such conneetions are mde. Nothing. herein, bowevaar,, *hall be construed to require the Owner to mks eannectiow to the yillne water supply system or ite songs disposal teollitiees Sad the Village agrees to permit the Owner to utilize its a xletIng water aW sever facilities or to expand such foo lgit lee . The Village further agrees to peervAt th* Ownear, to purohas *. water tzvm any private utility oomparq or to seswe its water supply from wW aau4�e which the Owner my deem desirable, FOURS It le they vxWerstandino and agreeement of they parties hereto that the intent and purpose of this agreement is to :induce the Owner to proceed with the aennw tion of its pro- perty to the Village in "o dances with the tem and intent of this agreement. It Is figthe understood and agreed that the OwMr will comply with all, eppllcable, valid ordl mn*e$ of the Village, e1, the eexlst on the date Of this agreements except as modified h+ersire, and that the Omar 3s entitled to rely WA the terms of those ordinances and the team or this agreement an4 change its position upon push reliance. FIVga Upen the eeaecution of thy+ agreement by the parties hereto, thee V113agee agrees to enkat such reesoluti,ons or ordinances as may be necessary to permilt the 'village to comply With the terma Of .thine a nt. SlXs We apeeement shall be binding Egon the Owner and its succossore and asalSmos and upon successor r mua c.ipal authorities of ties Village and successor ssca Aalpalittos for a period of five years from the date herear, Either party to thin ass"ie Bent may tither In law or in eegvity, by su+tt, action, madamus or Athaer proceedInSp enforce and eo el performume of this a eeemont e _ IN WZMMs Wild RM,* the parties hereto have set their Y .4110 i[ M hand$ and 00910 the day and year first OboVe written, vnuoE o8 mrwina, a teunicual corporation Attests P Attest i 'A"Istant secretary d n an Illinois corporation e nt 'a ANNEXATION AGREEMENT THIS AGREEMENT, made and entered' into this �( day of A.D. 1966, between the VILLAGE OF. DEERFIELD, Cook County, Illinois (sometimes for convenience hereinafter referred to as "Village "), by and through the President and members of the Board of Trustees of the Village of Deerfield (sometimes for convenience hereinafter collectively referred to as the "Corporate Authorities"), and CIS TRUST t indiu a`t' i & SAVINGS BANK, as Trustee under Trust No. 371330 OV Chcago, Illinois (sometimes for convenience hereinafter referred to as "Title Holder "); and IRWIN J. FERDINAND and SEYMOUR NORDENBERG, sole beneficiaries of said Trust (sometimes for convenience hereinafter.referred to as "Beneficial Owners "): W I T N E S S E T H: WHEREAS, Title Holder is the holder of record title of certain real estate, the legal description of which is set forth on attached Exhibit A, which real estate is hereinafter, referred to as "Subject Property." Xmrding to t'epresentatioris of beneficiaries of undergjgned Trysteor WHEREAS said real estate is included within an area which is proposed to be annexed to the Village and is contiguous to the corporate limits of the Village, and Beneficial Owners and holder of record title desire to annex said real estate to the Village on the terms and conditions hereinafter set: forth: and i• ' i i i i i .. i I-- WHEREAS, pursuant to the provisions of'Section 11- 15.1 -1, et seq., of the Illinois Municipal Code (Chapter 24, Illinois Revised Statutes 1963), a proposed Annexation Agreement in substance and in form the same as this Agreement was submitted to the Corporate Authorities and a public hearing was held thereon pursuant,to notice as provided by statute; and WHEREAS, pursuant to notice as required by statute and ordinance, a public hearing was held by the Plan Commission. of the Village on the requested zoning classification of the subject property in the V' Manufacturing District'and written findings of fact and recommendation made by said Plan Commission were submitted to the Corporate Authorities; and WHEREAS, the Corporate Authorities, after due and. careful consideration, have concluded that the annexation of said real estate to the Village on the terms and conditions hereinafter set forth would further the growth of the Village, enable the Village to control the development of the area, and subserve the best interests of the Village. NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration.of the premises and of the mutual covenants and agreements herein contained, it is hereby agreed as follows: 1. That this Agreement.is made pursuant to and in accordance with the provisions of.Section 11- 15.1 -1, et seq., Illinois - Municipal Coda (Chapter 244 Illinois Revised Statutes 1965) . 2 - r. , 2. Beneficial Owners will cause Title Holder, upon the execution of this Agreement, and Title Holder will execute and file with the Village Clerk a proper petition, conditioned on the terms and conditions of this Agreement, to annex the Subject Property to the Village, or, if necessary to effect such annexation, Beneficial Owners will cause Title Holder, in conjunction with other owners and electors in the area, to institute a proceeding under the provisions of Section 7 -1 -2 of the Illinois Municipal Code (Chapter 24, Illinois Revised Statutes 1965) to cause the question of annexation of certain. territory, including the Subject Property hereinabove described, to be submitted to the Corporate Authorities. 3. The Corporate Authorities, immediately upon the execution of this Agreement and upon the filing,of a proper petition by the holder of record title as hereinabove pro- vided or upon the-submission-to the Corporate Authorities of the question of annexing certain territory, including the Subject Property, pursuant to a proceeding under-the provisions of Section 7 -1 -2 of the;Illinois Municipal Code (Chapter-24,.� Illinois Revised Statutes 1965), will enact an ordinance i annexing.the real estate hereinabove described to the Village. 4. Immediately'after the passage of the ordinance annexing the real estate hereinabove described, the Corporate . Authorities shall cause to be adopted an amendment to the Zoning Ordinance of the' Village zoning and classifying the L J-1 Subject Property hereinabove described in the "M" Manufacturing District. Recording to representations of beneficiaries of undersigned I,[usteW , }; 5. It is understood and agreed thatA the Subject Property contains less than three acres and that three acres is the minimum lot size permitted under the provisions of the Village Zoning Ordinance in the "M" Manufacturing District, but it is further understood and agreed that the Subject Property is a lot of record within the meaning of said Ordinance and that as such a lot of record the fact that its area is less than the minimum required by the Ordinance shall not restrict -its use and development in the "M" Manufacturing District, provided that there is compliance with all.other applicable provisions of said Ordinance. 6. All ordinances of the Village relating to sub -. division control, zoning, official plan, and building, housing and related restrictions, presently in effect and as modi- fied by the terms hereof, shall, insofar as they apply to. the land which is the subject of this Agreement, continue. in effect during the effective period of this Agreement, except with the mutual consent of the parties. 7. This Agreement shall be binding upon the parties hereto, their respective successors and assigns fora term of five (5) years from the date hereof.as provided by statute. IN WITNESS.WHEREOF, this Agreement has been executed - 4 - � .,.J e. -..7— `--� "` : " "—'�T v�r• ar- r.*wat+ , ��- � ` -; - , .. . ,, ,., -� . R,- n .. .i `•`r^;. ,;,,- �+*c -«y� •�- •T•,.r...,. ,.j . • Q on behalf of the holder of record title by its duly authorized officers and on behalf of the.Village of Deerfield by.its Ex0P29%t iP 1Mr& SDK and by the Beneficial Owners. any liability of Harris Trust and Savings Bank, typed below, is hereby espressly. HARRIS TRUST & SAVINGS BANK, made a part hereof. As Trustee under Trust-No. 32133 W not individuatj� By ATTEST: Pi® W►SSISTANt 6ECRGTA7 VILLAGE OF DEERFIELD, ILLINOIS By ATTEST: President Village Clerk r SE UR NORDENBERG This Annexation Agreement is signed.by Harris Trust and Savings Bank not individually but solely as Trustee under a certain Trust Agreement known as Trust Number 32133. Said Trust Agreement is hereby made.a part hereof and any claims against said Trustee which may result here- from, shall be payable only. out of any trust�jroperty, which may be, held thereunder. Any and all personal liability of the Barris Trust and, Savings Bank is hereby expreadly waived by the parties hereto and their respective successors arid' assigns ., 'a u r k2r i 3 s 1 s` �.,::�..r - a.. I } {..:... , i_ ... • PARCF ' That part' of the North West quarter of _ the North West' Quarter' of Section 4 Town 1 Ship' . ` I_• 2 North, Range 12. East of the Third 'Principal Meridian, described as follows: Beginniz�; at the point•of intersection. of the West line,of Section 4'aforesaid with the North line ` •of the .Illinois T031 road, said North line being 250.20 feet North of the South line of Ii e{ the North West quarter of the North West.quarter of said Section 4,.'thence East on i T?orth line 377.57 feet to a point, thence North on a line drawn to a point 371.22 feet,'.-* i a -East of:the North West corner of said Section`+ (as measured on the North line of said Section 4) -;:a distance of .373.65 feet to the place of beginning, thence continuing North !•� .along.•said last described line 321•35_. Peet, thence North Westerly on a line. having an � r �,. exterior angle of,130 degrees-50 minutes 20 seconds with. the last described line (said !l line being 70.0 feet South Westerly as measured at right angles and parallel. to the,' center line of the Union Drainage District Ditch), a distance of 300.0 feet, thence North 9 . on aline having •an interior angle of 130 degrees 29 minutes 50 seconds with the last • !;° . described line, a distance of 92.05 feet to the center-line of said Union Drainage District t �; J Ditch; thence South: Easterly along said center line of said Ditch a distance of 927.66 E feet to a point on a line drawn at right angles to the North line of said Section 4 from*''. t�+ {t a point :848 feet Last•of the North West corner of the North West quarter of said Section " 4, thence West parallel- to said North. line of.:the •I131nods Toll Road 476.78 feet to the ' place of beginning in Cook County, Illinois,"" "" ANNE X�TJ0N 'AGR1ZK9NT THIS MRRMXT, *ad* aged ecntered mate this „ day of ..�....�... .�.. ; ... AM. 19660 betwo" the VIU-#AE OF DBZMRi®,- a and ook countios, Illinoie . (berainaftetr for convenience sometimes referred to as , the ` Vi1logo' : by and through the President. and members of the l4oard of Trustees of tho Villagw. *f Dwfield (hereinafter for ton- +veni*atce somotiaws referred to collectively as . the "Corporate Authorit %s `) , and CUi.:yiAli . ML COMPANY* ate l lli aois corpora- tLea (hereinafter for convenience sometimes referred to as i T R R 8 S 9 T 8: WRI AS, Owner. is tb* oaaor of record title of. certain . real estate, tbo legal description of uhieb is set forth on attached fthibit '; A' , which real astate is hereinafter re- ferrod to as the "SubjOtt Piro erty;' and WIMAZAS, said read astate is iocalddted wit his as aaea wbLeb is proposed to be &coa►xed to the Village and to eon- tiguous to the coerper4t* limits of the Village, and Owner desi.re& to ano-ox 's :id atoal astaee to tbo village on the t. a ed conditions hereinafter set fortk; *ad WRERW, Pursuant to the provisions of sottioe 11- i.5.1•l, et seq., of they Illinois mu© aipal Code (Chapter $4, Illinois 04 tba to a dad 00041tioAS Of this a re omai t, to annex the Subjeet property to the Village. The Corporaate Aurthorit ices, .immediately upon the execution of this Agreeement and upon the filing of a proper pati.tiao by tie Owner as burn oabove provided, .viii enact an ordieanese annexing the r estate .boreetuabove described to the Village* 4., Zwoodiately after the passage of the ordinance aatnnoximg the areeal. * *tat* ber*iaabova described, the Corporate Authorities aball . causNe to be ad*pt:ed an amendment to the Zoning Ordinance of they Village Zonin and classifying the Subject property beereia'abovee, deeseribed in the 'M' Manufacturing District. All ordinances' of . tbo VII.Isso rolating to subdivision control, Zoning, official plan, -and building, housing end related rostrittiona, preestatly n effect and as modified by the terms bereat, -eboll, insofar as they apply to the laud wbieb is tbo subject of this Agreement, contiduo is affect during the 4ffe0tiv0 period of this Agreement, except with tb& arutual consent of tine#. Parties.' s. 6. This. Agreement ,shall be binding upon the parties hereto, their respective, tucts�esors nd assigns for a term of five (5) year# from the dau— hereof as prrovided by" staruto. ATTACI�MDTyOAND iceQ ? PAXT�p01 A '.CZ T,�yIXyAAWMA- T�Qi1 J!1/i{ii�� �ii4� . ifRk ��+�J4Y •Li� ��+IT.ti��A�A+� AND CU L, t1 1 WMML COMPANY/ That part of the north W"t (4usrter, of they Horde West (oartsr. of S*ation Vaor (4), Tco mship Port' -" (42) Noarth$ Reap Twelvo (1U)'' •west: of the Third .Primeipal. Moridi ss, described to follows: BEGIMMING at the paint of intersection of ,the West line of the N rth West quarter of soi.d Seetien 4 and the Nortb.liuo of the Illinois .Toll Roads. said Vseyrtb line being 250.20. feet North-of the South 4ine of the North West quarter of tb*• Vortb West quarter of said Section 4; thence 1"t oa said .lines a distaaoe of 3117.31 foot 101 A POINT OF D INXIM s tbeac o NORTR am a line dam to s point 371.22 facet, Rash of tbw Hortbw4stt corner of said' �eotioa 4 (as measured **.the North` lime of said Deaetieen 4) 0 distance of 373.45 faot; theme* EAST jparallel• with the Morth lime of said .Illin6is Toll Road, a astance of 476.7$. meet, to th* center 'line oil Union Drainage District D teh; , tbemee $0U1HDADTVT1LY slong said center line, a 'distance of 437..67 foot to the North Lies of on *"Ow et for Illinois Toll-Roads-being a curved •Lima* having :.a� radius of * 2999.79 .fees; thence WX$T alon,%..esid eavved._ Worth line of send .eerier t, ae. distance of -19.3 foot to able ,worth West corner of sdd 0"emsnt; thence SOUTS a ong the West line of said easement, a distance of 80.4 foot to o Southwest *corner of soid eatseeaeent steed the North line of Illinois toll Aoad thence S STR T along said Barth lib* :of said Il ftaaois , Ta ll. Road, beias a curved line leaving ' a 'rad u'sa of 2999.19 fo*t, s distance of 177.41 1st to. & point o . tangent; theme* e0st.inu3aD Westerly aloe said gort:b lint of Illinois Toll Road, .a distance of 625.72 feet to the' point of beginning, in Cook County, Illinois. 0 RESOLUTION NO. g-66-2 WHEREAS, a petition of Kauke and Baxter Laboratories has been filed with the Zoning Board of Appeals of Lake County to rezone property in Section 31, West Deerfield Township (bounded on the East by the Toll Highway, on the south by County Line Road, on the west by Saunders Road, on the north by undeveloped) from the R -2 to the 1 -1 classification; and WHEREAS, the above described property lies within one and one - half miles of the corporate limits of the Village of Deerfield: NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the President and Board of Trustees of the Village of Deerfield; Lake and Cook Counties, Illinois, that: The Village of Deerfield objects to and protests against the rezoning of the subject property to the 1 -1 District as being incompatible with the planned development of the area. It is not the intent of the Village to object to the use of the subject.property under the OR classification as defined in the new Comprehensive Amendment to the Lake County Zoning Ordinance. PASSED: This 17th day of January, 1966. Village President ATTEST: Village Clerk STATE OF ILLINOIS ) COUNTIES OF LAKE AND COOK ) SS VILLAGE OF DEERFIELD ) The undersigned hereby certifies that she is the duly elected and acting Village Clerk of the Village of Deerfield, Lake and Cook Counties, Illinois, and that the foregoing is a true and correct copy of a Resolution passed by the President and Board of Trustees of the said Village at a regular meeting thereof on the 17th day of January, 1966. SEAL Dated this 18th day of January, 1966. Village Clerk \ ,