O-072*130_rqmr1.1IO1T • ORD T IR�.ICE.FQR TIDE. VIL7AW•OF DEL9FI.ELD FOR. THE FINICAL MIR 1951 -1952 R2 IT 07RDA11M, by the President and. Board of 'Trustees of the Village of Deerfield, Lake County, Illipois that: Section 1. That the following numb of money, or as much thereof as my be authorized by lave, as be needei. or deemed necessary to defray al'. expenses and liabilities -of the Village be and the same are hereby appropriated for.the corporate purposes and objects of said Village hereinafter specified for the fiscal year comencing on the first day of JJay, 1951, Qnd . ending on the 30th day of April, 1952• GENERAL, COI ?OR� TI OP? FUND Amount of A. ADI.iIT'IST?ATIOPZ Appropriation 1. ?Tillage Clerk $ 1,200.00 2. Village Treasurer 2,000.00 3. Village.0ollect6r 760.00 b_. Elealth Officer 600.00 5.. Corporate Council Fees 19200.00 6. 'Extra legal Fees 1;000.00 7. Auditing 300.00 8. Stationary.& Sun-plies 100.00 9. Office Equipment 300.00 10. ??rinting & Publication . 300.00 - 11. - Insurance, 200.00 12. Telephone & Telegraph 250.00 13. Election 710ense 500-00 14, Fees on .Bonded Indebtedness 30.00 1$. Security .3ond Prcmium3 140.00 16. 3uildirm Commissioners Fees 4,000.00 17. Repairs of Sewers and Septic Tanks 2,800.00 18. Vent of Village Hall 750.00 19. Sup f t of Public 1orke 1,600.00 20: Reserve for Retirement Account 225.00 21. Retirenen +.Fund Tax Deficit 1,27,x.00 . 22. Continqent 750000 23. Special Salaries - Special "IseessmAts 1,500.00 2?.020.00 13. POLICE TPROMCTION 24. Village Mrshall ' 4.200.06 . 25. 'light 41arshall 11., 00.0, 00 26. ??olice Offider 3;600.00 27.: Extra Police 2,500.00= 28. Insurence 2011.00 29. Telephone �c Tele ,-raph 295.00 30. Gasoline eye Oil 1,700.00 .31. Police ?radio , 210.00 32. -Repairs for Police Equipment. t�50.0e- 33. Reserve for new 'Police, Car X00400 34- Contingent 1050.00 1.4,035-00 C. STR'I'CT LIGHWIT-IG 35. Current Ornamental Lights 39060.00 36. Installation £: I.Wntenance of; (a ) Street & alley' lic hts 200000 (b) Ornamental Lights (c) Installation of TSew ' Lights 25, 000. 00 30,700.00 -2- A. PLt1? 3- toTOR .FUEL .TXC FMII) 1. Labor 6,000.o0 2. T.$terials 8,000.00 149000-00 8ONDI I'MEBTED?=3 FUM 1. ,jayment of T maturing 3oiids 3, OOO.00 2. Interest on Bonds 1,466.25 4,166.25 GE MIAL CORPORATE, MMS 1. Administration Expenses 22,020.00 2. Police Protection 19,035.00 3. Street Lighting 30r7OO,OO Li. Playgrounds & Recreation 400.00 5. 3eweraEc Disposal Fund and /or ,Gov't ' -fork 1A5,000.00 6, 7etirerr_ent Fund 3,200.00 7• Cent:iiCent Xzpenaes 1,500,00 8. Construction of Village Mall 65,000.00 9• Construction. of Village Garage and. La?l 309000.00 10. Village Plan 7;000.00 TOTAL APPROPRUTIOM 1-OTt. GIMMERU COMOrATP, 7I TTI) 2 ,85 -5.00- General Corporate Fund 923,855.00 Road and Bridge Fund 14,880-00 ``later Department Fund 41,665.00 I,.otor Fuel Tax Fund 14,000000 Bonded Indebtedness Fund 4946!,.25 TOTAL APPROPRIATION 998,866.25 Section 2. That the ordinance shall be effective upon its passage, approval and publication required by lacy. tl Passed h's day of Alyt 1951 eyes .Tay8 v Approved this--2_0 day of July, 1951 tho V� ao ,J(� field Attested and filed thin, 30 day. of July, 1951- V 21 ge Clerk.