08/18/19134*52 a N 7Z iii ro it orcin3mid lty the Prouldert4 tmtct Porrd of Truntety of tale Vi11r roesrtfel.cY- In tite C:,unty of LAV0 ptete of lllinoint , SoCtiOn �.• - 2'tzi:t 7�isrtrtic�rirr, rnd. authorl.ty is beroby gi.vm and rrrrt`cd Lo t.:tt St4nd,. -rc Oil Cor,, ,,vzty, a Corromtion orC�trized rand c?ai.r '.bu:sir.c�rs vrd r rr,'. by vij,tva of tl:v Lnrs of ttha Ctr.to of Indite nn to ecnatr;ict -.n for f If ty c'rtr izt the fol.lc in,- dc_cribed. prorortyi to Fitt V, r.t tite point rEarn the noutharly rile lire of M.ntrri Avenue 3r, Peorf iel.d., 1.t c.:a County, I? ?_3.no:'z 1 r-ccorc=imp to ua rocorclesd pintt } ercof 3.ntera-ct:v,`t310 f ,*s. cctc3rly botmeary Vne.of lrn0,07'n0d 11 the CwsiccToj b�il��rukca f'nct : t Prul i±nilrry �Coir -un; 3 thence run ovti:e-vtcrl n1orir Caid umm'Onry -1r.e. 250 teat to tl c roint of bet-innirr Of tl o tr" br. doccHb =:d; tit )rap run warterly y,K.r I7.el to the nr.3v ts;rt'�w Iy 1'rc of Contr:-1 Avenue JzS fart r..ore or xcrr to m re-Irt 3.0c tct' i ;11 feet E,rczte:rly from no-rured nt r:F,Y.t rrrina i,r, th") 1 center lire of the moat F.`VtOrly dde tr-,cic of V.e a T?nix.t y C,;z eny nc u ^id We track in Vtore .e ; tj c ;:,rntbi; thence: C,vutherly rarrAlel:to vid cor.tor lire i lcC first; tt:0,r.ca ntc-rly prrnllel to eald Cootliorly ol6v ,. 1'r.c, of C ntrnl vc ?ttta 1W fcot rNlre or lea to n -dr.t In the EV.Stcrly ,01-re.rry line, of 1; *1•a F i.l ryy Conprmy; tl.crce . orthvoster•ly r.lcnr, raid ro. r 105 fa *.t mro or laso to the roirt of berdrn3rr; boo r �L r. ,rt of the rl X of Section S10 T• 43 b'ar* iirr .e i> ret, Cos.nty r:nd Itnto nfor -Maid rnd cart *Shirr, rn r.rct of Iji�; ! rqutre feet r~cre or Ions. 1 . Tnrohouccin,, Trr.V.-t end otlirr tttildir. n necenrnry for i tz budnen, rrd to atom tiaerein I 'I, I t i - i r, P, tir.g. o I I coi:..o31ap P r , G;nallrc.. or otl ?or r;r.c l or f1.l3,cavo f1e rroduct of Patrolcm *.,in gtirrmtltlea Ulf ficf'cr,.t a riect { t?_a rrxuircrmn':u rf ite nn5e tct^ir:ona.: . �.a § d All of r.rti.d buiVirro, 'r.ry hewer,# Trrkn, etc* are :bjc >ct %:c t3vor, to rc:.'w rbnor >d t u�.2.r'frr, 1.t!b Arad to, 03. f l.ro ltma c tl, : CStntq I12i:.r ? , rr,t' to r0,). ruwlclir.s~ rontri.ctirro, Piro Ingo i'z?ct orcliz:<rcc o: =es Villt�t cf o Dct,rfic7.tl nt in force or thi #�`zr�,.y be tr.vtz od dt�rir;� A�i�e .terra of ., t Secticr. �• All ordlntrcev rr.0 rrrtc of ormrrrces $r, cor:f: icy, h Ir;!, 'th# x nre hereby red enlc-di Secticn 40 j !Lass ordirrrce rh:all be In force r,rd efloct rn ford [C,r'ter fis prs e vrc?. rccaptnrca in vxritir . by rr0,d Sts-.rdprd ! 1` G; r^ ^f•np:' r Nose Ar BE IT ORDAINED BY THE PRESIDENT AND -BOARD OF TRUSTEES OF THE VILLAGE OF DEERFIELD. r � 1 SECTION I. That a concrete cement sidewalk be and is f.: hereby 'ordered constructed in the Villa a of Deerfield, in upon and along -the J !�(� � a��ive/� Gov►- �L v�-`' �!`"� -•e.� ` � in the Village of Deerfield, Lake County, Illinois.` j I Said sidewalk shall be constructed . and laid of concrete with Icinder or sand foundation, according to the following specificationg, ;directions, and provisions, namely: ' f' A sub or earth foundation shall,be made by grading and fillinj so as to bring the same to the grade hereinafter specified which foundation shall be four feet and six inches wide, the inside line of edge thereof shall be distant nineteen incises from the lot, lots, or parcels of land upon which such sidewalk touches or abuts, and shall be parallel therewith,; the 1 inner and outer deges of said foundation to be parallel. Said foundation � C } shall be graded and filled as aforesaid so that the sane shall have an � uniform depth of ten and one -half inches below the grade of the surface of the finished sidewalk. 4S4 ,r i� i F 1 This sub or earth foundation wherever necessary must be consolidated by wetting and ramming so that to give proper stability. Soft and spongy places not affording a firm foundation must be dug out and filled with clean boiler cinders, or sand, aid gall compacted so that when said foundation shall be wet and rammed with iron shod rammers, eight inches square and weighing twenty pounds, so that the same shall have the grade aforesaid. Over and upon this entire sub - foundation there shall be spread -and laid-o -bed of clean boiler cinders, or sand,'six inches in depth, which shall constitute the foundation for said walk. Said foundation shall be thoroughly puddled with water and compacted! and leveled by raining with rammers as aforesaid, so that the first layer of concrete work to be laid on the arms as hereinafter provided, shall have a clear thickness of four inches. On the aforesaid foundation there shall be spread a layer of concrete four feet wide, so that the center line thereof shall be the same + tIs the center line of said cinder or sand foundation, and so constructed that he inside line or edge of said concrete when completed shall be at a distance of eighteen inches from the lot, lots, or parcels of land on which such side - walk touches or abuts, and shall be parallel therewith, which layer of concrete shall be four inches thick. Said concrete shall have said thickness being thoroughly rammed over its whole surface with iron -shod rammers of the size and weight aforesaid. Said concrete work shall be made by thoroughly incorporating in a dry state one part cement, equal in quality and efficiency to the best Portland Cement, two parts of clean torpedo sand and five parts of crushed limestone or gravel, which limestone, v or gravel , shall measure not m ore than one inch `in any dimention and not less than one - quarter of an inch in any dimention, which shall be so added that when it is rammed in place in manner as aforesaid a film Of moisture shall appear on the top. Upon and -over said concrete shall be laid a top surface, or finishing layer, four feet wide, which shall when finished be one -half inch in thickness k and shall be composed of two parts of cement equal in quality and efficiency to the best Portland cement and three parts of clean torpedo sand, which shall be mixed -to the proper consistency with water and spread smoothly before daidi first layer has set, and thoroughly trowelled off to a smooth finished surface. Allsand and stone used upon said workzehall be clean, free from dirt, dust, loam ' and any foreign matter whatever, and shall be kept thoroughly dry until used +; Said sidewalk shall be laid in sections or blocks of five feet runway ;length, enclosed in wooden forms. ill wooden forms shall be removed when cement is set. Any part of said sidewalk which shall intersect a driveway or carriage 'entrance to any lot, tract, or parcel of land touching upon the line of said 'waikshall be constructed as above except the thickness of the first layer of concrete for the width of such driveway shall be live inches, and the depth of said cinder or send foundation shall be six inches and the thickness of said finishing; or top layer shall be one inch throughout, which finidhing layer shall be grooved, for the full width of said driveway or enrance with lines four inches ,apart, and one - fourth inch deep, parallel with each.other and with the edges of .said didewalk. And provided further that on each side of said walk at said driveway or entrance a flange or projection of concrete walk shall be constructed, ; extend eighteen inches from said walk and extending the fidll width of said ;driveway or entrance. The thickness of the first or bottom layer of concrete to be four and one -falf inches thick and of the tor' layer of concrete to be one inch thick and to be constructed in such manner that said flange shall slope uniformly from the edgd of said sidewalk nearest to it, down to the surface of ,the driveway. Which concrete shall be laid on a foundation made as aforesaid, and six inches in depth, and so constructed as to permit the concrete to be depressed down to said driveway as above provided. Said flange or projection shalt also be grooved with lines aforesaid, six inches apart. For said flange or ;projection and its cinder or sand foundation there shall be an earth or sub- 1 foundation in manner as aforesaid, the size of said foundation to correspond with the dimensions of said flange or projection., Said sub or earth foundation shall have a sufficient depth to accomr.odate the cinder or sand foundation six inches in depth, and the concrete to be laid thereon as afore said for such �. f lange or pro f ection,y so that the same can be depressed , as_ aforesaid. ;_ _ -- f 45c Said sidewalk shall be so _ . constructed that the grade of the top of said finished walk next to the lot line, shall, when comp leted,'be substantially the same grade as the grade of the center line of the graded roadway opposite; 1 and frdm said inner line or edge of said Valk the surface of said finished walk shall slope uniformly towards the street with a fall of ore -third of i' an inch for each foot in width of said walk. The materials and construction of said sidewalk shall be under the supervision and subject to the approval of the Chairman .of the Street and Alley Committee of the Village of Deerfield. a, SECTION 2.F That the owner of any lots, or parcels j of land, touching upon the line of said proposed sidewalk, are.,.y: hereby required to construct said sidewalk in front.of. their } ,respective lots or parcels of land, and thereby relieve the same 1 from the special tax herein provided to be levied thereon for the construction of said sidewalk;.within "'thirty days after the mailing of'notiae by the Village Clerk of the passage of this ordinance, addressed.to the party or parties who paid the last general taxes on . said lots, or parcels of land, which notice shall be in the name of i tne.Village of Deerfield, by said Clerk and under the corporate seal of the Village I SECTION 3. That so much of said improvement as shall not i be made by the owners within the time aforesaid, shall be made by said ' Village, by entering into a contract for the furnishings of said mat- erials and the construction of said`,sidewalk and the whole cost thereof be paid for by special taxation of the lot, or lots, or parcels of land contiguous to and touching upon the "line cmf so much of the proposed c" sidewalk as shall be built by said Village by levying the whole cost thereof i. upon such lot, lots, or parcels of land, in proportion to their respective frontages upon said proposed sidewalk. Sh.-C7IUr 4. A bill of- the cost of so much of said side- walk as stzall be built by said Village, showing the cost of the con- '+ sttruetion and supervision thereof, shall be made by the Chairman of the Street and Alley Committee, of the Village of Deerfield, together with a list of the lots or parcels of ;and touching upon the line of kthe sidewalk, the respective frontage tnereot, and the names of the parties who paid the last general taxes on the respective lots or parcels of land and thereupon if the owner of any lot, block, tract, or parcel of land, has failed, neglected, or refused to construct said sidewalk in in accordance with the provisions of this ordinance said Chairman of the it Street and Alley Committee, shall proceed to prepare ,a special tax list against said lots, blocks, tracts, or parcels of land in front of or ?, touching upon which said sidewalk has not been constructed by said owners, f -ascertaining by computation the amount -of the special taxes to be charged against each of said lots, blocks, tracts, or parcels of land, on account of the construction of said sidewalk, according to the rule fixed for the levy of said special tax by this ordinance, which special tax list shal .1 be filed in the office of the Village Clerk, of the Village of Deerfield, and said Village Clerk shall thereupon issue warrants directed to.the Village Collector, of said Village of Deerfield, for the Collection of the amount of the special tax so ascertained and.appertrix appearint from said special tax list, to be due from the respective lots, blocks, tracts, gr parcels of land touching upon the land of said sidewalk, and said collector shall proceed to collect said warrant by giving notice in Whiting by ti mailing the same to the address of the party who paid the last general taxes on the respective lots, blocks, tracts, or parcels of lead in said list, that said tax list is in the hands of said officer, for collection, acid all moneys so collected by the said ofx -icer, shall, by him, be immediate ly paid over to the Treadurer of the Village of Deerfield. SECTION 5. In case of the failure to collect said special tax in the manner aforesaid, said Village Collector of said Village of Deerfield shall „on or. before the first day of April .next, ensuing after' the completion of said sidewalk as herein provided, make report of said special E tax „ in writing, to such general officer, of the County of Lake, as may be 1 authorised by law to apply for Is judgement against., and sell lands for taxes due, County or State, of all the lots or parcels of land upon which said special tax shall be so unpaid with the names of the respective owners thereof., so far as the s arse are known to said officer and the amount dpe and unpaid upon etch tract, together with a copy of the ordinance ordering { the constructionof said sidewalk, which report shall be accompanied by the oath'. of ' said of fie or on which the special tax levyed , by the aut4ority of the ' Village of Deerfield for the cost of the said sidewalk in said ordinance specified, remains due and unpaid, have not been colected, nor any,part thereof . SECTIOn 6. All of the proceedings hereinder, for the cone structionof said sidewalk and the collection cf said special.tax shall be in conformity with-and in the mezrer prescribed:by the provisions of an act of the General seembly of the State of.Illinois, entitled, "An act to provide add tional means for the construction of sidewalks in cities, towns, and Villeges," approved April .15th 1811 in force July 1st 1875, as the same is now amedded and supplimented and as now is force. { SECTION 7. All ordinances and parts of ordinances conflicting with this ordinanee are nereoy repeaied. SEnium 81 paseage and approval. This 7din/nce s)2vLll be' in f a from and. after its' zr� President of Board of True ees. \ { Passed......... ..1.4✓...4 A. D. 191 Approved. ...... .... ... �.. . D. l 4 i Attest. ` Village Clerk. �, OF ii�E �1I LLl�C�E a 13E IT CRDAIi ;ED .ICY 'AME FRESIDINT AND MAIRD OF TT —STEM 1 OF DianrIELD. i . 1 1 47.1"TIOIT 1. Vint a`ccncrcte cement sidewalk bo rnd is ; t'cr'oly ordered con tr%lctod in the Villrgo of Doorfimld., in,, upon . and along in the' Villrgo of Beerfield., L"le County, 1111noi.o.: t ; R ici cidcr+al} ' r :n12 be conntr ictetl ad 1 r+.1.0 of corcrote ritli 4 ! cIrdoar or orind foundation recrHirr to the follovinr zreeific• tior.� # � k directirrs, nrd rro0nioins, nrr;olyt i } } A at�b or er�rtrs to :incintinn rstknll be mr•,do by gr -dir. . nc� fi3lSn JJ : }, o,1zndntion i so no to brim; the nr�r�ri to t.,�,e �-r. do hcrrminr.ftQr nrecifiec�� �h9c f , bo four~, feat `nnd MY- ftcl�efs v�leop t},o inrled line of cepo thorcof 3 'h bo .er!!? +.rrjt ninet Ana {ricl eo:_fr�:r -,th . to , lot fl, Ar' rrrc lc of lz�r.r' :-.11:, �cn rare:: :i shr.11 c� nstitvita tl:o foundation for t m.o Ynnik. 0-1d focrndnticn chill )e *1t,.,elet! wlt� vtnt,esr. rnOl ecr°r. ctod rend lovaled by. rm -nlrt, mitt: rrrr -orn no ,aforonnido cn.thnt t +se firnt lrycr of concrete ,Yogic to to laid on tar nirnc nn berei.nafter rrovided,` shall t rve r. t f four inr•I3esss. clo••r .hickr.aass o Cn tt,,e nforearid fovndr:tion t1ore n.aril be nprer.d r layer of concrete four fort wictcs, no tl;a+, the ce qtr line t<<flreof Ft,r ll be the c= r3 e3 as the center. line of said cinder or. send foundation, and no constructed that fl.o inside .line or edge of said concrete when completed shall be at a distance of .eiphtoon incites from the lot,,, lots, "or paircein of land on which such side- walk ,touches or abuts,, and shall be parallel theraarith, which layer of concrete shall be four Inches thick, Said concrote, e4all have acid thicknean being thoroughly ranned over its wholo surfrco with iron -shod rr'Mrzern of the size end reight aforooaid. Said concrete vrork 'shall be modes by thoroughly incorporating in a dry. Estate one part eersont, equal in quality and efficiency to the beat Portland Cement, two parts of cier•n torpodrt send and five partr of eritchod 11nrctone or gravol, rhi.ch lime atone, v or gravel ,' nhnll measure not n ore thrm one inch in any dimention rand not leas �thnn ono- rr(snrtor of an inch in any eirention, vrhiih shall be so added that when, It is nx.ned in; place in manner an raforess ^id h film of moisture shall arrenr on the top. Uron and over said concreto• shall be lr.id a top surf rice, or f 3niohir5 lsaycr, fottr feet wide, Which 6oall when finished be one -half inch in thickness and shall ba comrosta of two party of cement etaunl in quality rand efficiency to the best PortlFnd ear.ent and three parts of closn torpedo �rnd, vrhich shall be nixed to the proper consistency rith.,rater and sprard troothiy before dnid first layer has vat, ar,d thoroilf -hly travelled off to a emcoth_ f inichcd surf ra.co. Alleand and stone used aeon arid rdrkechall be clean, free from dirt, dlist, ,lom . . and any foreign matter v:hrtever, and shall bQ •kort thoroughly dry until usod� Said- side,,i lk shall be laid in sections or, blocko of five feat run:,:ay, longtl-., enclosed in Brooder.. formr. 411 wooden formes ehr:ll to reroved rhon cement is not. - i Any part of said sidewalk vrhich shall intersect ea drive-ory or c,rtrringo entrance to any lot, tract, or" pereel of Itrd. touchIr : upon the line ofi said Re�lks'r:all be eoinstrstcted rn atove exeent tt a tYrickneco of t >e first lay %er of concrete 'for the width of ouch drivnr•Fy s.n all be five mollies, -,,,rd the depth of n:rid` cinder or s-nd foi(rdntion aball be 037 inches and the thi.ckreso of said" ' tiniat;ir_g or top layer s"�aall be one ircb thross- t-,out, �?hich finidhinr; layer shall be Srooved, for the full -ridth of' spAd drivcr.•ry or enrnrce with lines four males � arart, and cne- fourth inch dF.rsp, prrrsl?el v4itIs each ottior, and :pith_ the cerea of said = didowrlk. And rrovi.ded further that on- er.017 aside, of said talk- nt na.id � driv(rrvy or antrxtnae ,ai., f 14anga or projection of concrete :calk." chill be constructed+ extend eif;i;toen iral es from said ar, 2k and extending the frill width of s:ald driveway o,r entrance. The thickness of t.io first or botton lryor of ccncrote to be four end one -Mralf inches thick a, >d of the to- lr,yor of corcrato to be one inch thick and to be conotritcte;d in eaxch m nnear Chet said flrrre chill oicre unif orr^ly f roes the r.;�..d, of said nide�rralk nen rest to it, dawn to the Surf ace of ti r, drivewry._ M-4ch' concrete shall bo lrid on R fniindaticn redo an a.foreorid, end six ircl es in de al►, and eo conctructed as to permit the corcrote to b(s j d erree - ed do rn to enid .driver r;c atbove provided. Said f la rage or pro j ec or al-al{ aloo to Srvoti ed with linen nforeoHd, si.z jncbeG arart. i rcr ra ld f 3,ont e or � - ,hic1, rt(cf 04 Ma totic ?.en or abut;a, -ind sl,, ll be parn.11<,l tr.ore'4itta, 4f e inner t.tt(E outer t?e15ors of raid focm(1n *. #rn tot ba rrnlaol. Saki foundation rhe-11 be Frr:derl r►nd filled in.rforenviO. so thest tai© or-me nlr -l3 have en unifcrn depth of ten rand ones -hrlf ircl�en bolor the rrndo of tI-�e ct,.rfr'cn of � tlfe� finir.I,(jd nit�ltlnt�:'h• Thin rub or eerU. foundation vhe:wevcr n(,c ersyary rntast b cenr:oliriaatcd ly wetting end rcm..rlrr, to that to give rrorer rat ^.i)ili.ty. Sof t € nd Crony I,lrtceD not affcrdirf; rtl furs fostHnticn rur•t i�o �?ir out vrAd f112ad wi0., ckecn t,oller eirdern, or onnrt, r1zz'irll corlrr,ctod no that whcn'cnfd,foicndt.tion n }(7111 Lo vat �­re rv'rzatl yriis Iron char' r mare, eiflit inchesn squ *.re vnd vreiChisaf„ twenty rovndft, no that the asrr..o crrall I save �,... _ ..' .---- Vies f.*,r rte r.roresr,V. Over nncl uren th r c ,entl ro cub -f ovrdrtior. there oa ir.11 t o rrrcMd F rrd 1Mid a bcd of clean boiler cinder€, or n^rd nix Iret:ca in 0epth,` -rh1ch shr.11 c� nstitvita tl:o foundation for t m.o Ynnik. 0-1d focrndnticn chill )e *1t,.,elet! wlt� vtnt,esr. rnOl ecr°r. ctod rend lovaled by. rm -nlrt, mitt: rrrr -orn no ,aforonnido cn.thnt t +se firnt lrycr of concrete ,Yogic to to laid on tar nirnc nn berei.nafter rrovided,` shall t rve r. t f four inr•I3esss. clo••r .hickr.aass o Cn tt,,e nforearid fovndr:tion t1ore n.aril be nprer.d r layer of concrete four fort wictcs, no tl;a+, the ce qtr line t<<flreof Ft,r ll be the c= r3 e3 as the center. line of said cinder or. send foundation, and no constructed that fl.o inside .line or edge of said concrete when completed shall be at a distance of .eiphtoon incites from the lot,,, lots, "or paircein of land on which such side- walk ,touches or abuts,, and shall be parallel theraarith, which layer of concrete shall be four Inches thick, Said concrote, e4all have acid thicknean being thoroughly ranned over its wholo surfrco with iron -shod rr'Mrzern of the size end reight aforooaid. Said concrete vrork 'shall be modes by thoroughly incorporating in a dry. Estate one part eersont, equal in quality and efficiency to the beat Portland Cement, two parts of cier•n torpodrt send and five partr of eritchod 11nrctone or gravol, rhi.ch lime atone, v or gravel ,' nhnll measure not n ore thrm one inch in any dimention rand not leas �thnn ono- rr(snrtor of an inch in any eirention, vrhiih shall be so added that when, It is nx.ned in; place in manner an raforess ^id h film of moisture shall arrenr on the top. Uron and over said concreto• shall be lr.id a top surf rice, or f 3niohir5 lsaycr, fottr feet wide, Which 6oall when finished be one -half inch in thickness and shall ba comrosta of two party of cement etaunl in quality rand efficiency to the best PortlFnd ear.ent and three parts of closn torpedo �rnd, vrhich shall be nixed to the proper consistency rith.,rater and sprard troothiy before dnid first layer has vat, ar,d thoroilf -hly travelled off to a emcoth_ f inichcd surf ra.co. Alleand and stone used aeon arid rdrkechall be clean, free from dirt, dlist, ,lom . . and any foreign matter v:hrtever, and shall bQ •kort thoroughly dry until usod� Said- side,,i lk shall be laid in sections or, blocko of five feat run:,:ay, longtl-., enclosed in Brooder.. formr. 411 wooden formes ehr:ll to reroved rhon cement is not. - i Any part of said sidewalk vrhich shall intersect ea drive-ory or c,rtrringo entrance to any lot, tract, or" pereel of Itrd. touchIr : upon the line ofi said Re�lks'r:all be eoinstrstcted rn atove exeent tt a tYrickneco of t >e first lay %er of concrete 'for the width of ouch drivnr•Fy s.n all be five mollies, -,,,rd the depth of n:rid` cinder or s-nd foi(rdntion aball be 037 inches and the thi.ckreso of said" ' tiniat;ir_g or top layer s"�aall be one ircb thross- t-,out, �?hich finidhinr; layer shall be Srooved, for the full -ridth of' spAd drivcr.•ry or enrnrce with lines four males � arart, and cne- fourth inch dF.rsp, prrrsl?el v4itIs each ottior, and :pith_ the cerea of said = didowrlk. And rrovi.ded further that on- er.017 aside, of said talk- nt na.id � driv(rrvy or antrxtnae ,ai., f 14anga or projection of concrete :calk." chill be constructed+ extend eif;i;toen iral es from said ar, 2k and extending the frill width of s:ald driveway o,r entrance. The thickness of t.io first or botton lryor of ccncrote to be four end one -Mralf inches thick a, >d of the to- lr,yor of corcrato to be one inch thick and to be conotritcte;d in eaxch m nnear Chet said flrrre chill oicre unif orr^ly f roes the r.;�..d, of said nide�rralk nen rest to it, dawn to the Surf ace of ti r, drivewry._ M-4ch' concrete shall bo lrid on R fniindaticn redo an a.foreorid, end six ircl es in de al►, and eo conctructed as to permit the corcrote to b(s j d erree - ed do rn to enid .driver r;c atbove provided. Said f la rage or pro j ec or al-al{ aloo to Srvoti ed with linen nforeoHd, si.z jncbeG arart. i rcr ra ld f 3,ont e or � �l pro, action rrd to csrcar or c nc' foimdr tior .,ipere mr r.Il to rr ehrth cr ccab- foundation 'in manner re r:foresale the cizA of said Mmeation to, ccrrer.pcne with the dimenciorc`of rrld fl ^Pr-a or:rrojecti�n. Sr Ad cub or eartl: fetrdr+.ti.on �. ! arall have n ctrfficiont_tfe +th to rccormwodFte the cinder or orrd founc ?r.tier s.i.: j irc }•ac ir, dEntiR,, and tre crncrnt© to be ln1d t}-oreon r.r, r.fore a.ie for ai ?c`. f lenCe or pro! ec.tior, se that the sr:ma err be depresfed ns t•foreca' e, E Z 1d'aidmnllc ohall. -be -00 aorratructed that the Sr ^.re of U!c :top of "c id fixt�101w. rtrlk :nort to the lot ohall, Then cotnplatodo be cutrt�.ntially tk,ts c�; lc� f;r�•`r rt�tttse frnclo of, the ctmter,,lina of. t1�a Smiled ror4rvy cproaitej,! F rr:d #rot~ aa,1.6 Imer 141no or• odga of onld vr:,'I� ,tha'rtirf eons of o,-.id 'f iniched °;Wril1r.i ui tll tflape` uniforr►,ly. townrda ttre atrcot,eii.th a tali of ore- ts!1m1 of to irc , for ennh' fry,t in ­14th of onirtwn1k.. Tbb rm teriala and conotmiction of aa4.d ridmalk .1, 12 be urdetr the rupervisf on trid cutj ect to t1;o arrrova.l of the M-tnirmrn 'of thci ..Str� at 'rnd Alley Crr~ "ittee; of t1ter Villr a of Decrf {o3c'. T1;n.t then owmor of rn lota or- rarce?r � � , 'of ,totrc III rf, trrcn the line of ani.cl proroaed aic?�arr�lk, rrcr 1rereby rec;irlr to` constmet rain sldwmlh i.n front of their - 'recr ctiv6 l.ata •or roxcels of lad end thereby roliovo th Orr M. lfrcxn the 6r cir.l trr herein rrov1de0 to xbo lovin' tberoar for ti:o ccratructicrs of said trici all vi thin thirty dry n after ti-,,e rnilirA p1* notice by tLe Villrrro Clerk of ue raflrsrco of, thxa WIrrrce, `rcPrcrrcd to the rrrty or. pnrtios r�l,a pr,id V,01' rt rmorel tnxnr or:' sric3. lotto, or rrtrcelc 'of •lrr}d, Vnich nonce u }:rll be in the rr +w e' of l :trio Vilirgo of Dorrfie)ld., by said Clerk and tinder the oorr.ornte ce, of .he Villmo rECTICIT S. t so mich of nrid 4r,provement an r1,nll not i ibex mrcler•- !iy'Vic orrnern ri.tliln, 4,l-,e-tir -c Aforec;;ic?, ri l? be r.^.reo by nnid j Vi.11r.r;c�, 'by, entering into a. crntr• ct for*tl:rr furr,#c-lilrra of c'ir; r^r_t- arinIs :rrd the crr.ctrt etion` of ors.' c? aide -r*12� .rr�cl ,t1 c % ,ol.o coot t,.ercof be rairt for ty upccial ts- ration of tho lot, or lotto or rnrccln of Ir.r:cl ccr.t1blorrr, to <. ^ti ta��cl:3n uxor, t1 a lino ref s a rtro }t of the pros -oned E cic'eu, ~:1k, n shall be built ty r?id Vil:m,o ty lav in- they c;}:ole coat thereof 'r„ron ouch lot, lour, or r»rcolrs of IC.rtic�.�, in rrorortion to t}.oir ronpuctivo frrnt ^Sea u}±c+n crld rrcrosed .>i.c3Fvark- - j CWTICN 46 A bill e6 the coot of so mach of raja rleo- 1 r•r,lk rs chnll be i:riilt by saki Villr+ge, r1;6virr, the 'cost of the Cor- i t}a C rirr:t traction fros mirempir ol t::reof, n r±ll bo n.-Co l,y rf t the treot end Alley Co:I—r-itt ^as of tho Vi11rCa of boerflcict, to other :sit}, a - List of the loto or vxeola of ; ^r.A touchirr, urcr, t1lo lino of �t1,c uldw;rlk,, tbe.r,nr,.eotiva trcrtage thereof, P_nil tho nrmov. of t },o �pwrtiao hrlso r, lt'! the % t neraml tMxos on tYsm ran ctivi.loti, cr -arcel -a j of Innd �nd ther ou"on if the mmor of my, lot, block, tr. ct, or. 7- excol. Ica, lrir.c#i tats fci .rest, neglected# .or refudod to emotruet se.id cidivi m1k in lie occor'cinCco wit} "i the prot�ioicnc of this orct3nt�nco sr-14 Cheir':lrn of the i ( Street rnd Alley Comittou p r,1;n 11 proceed: to k rcfirr u a u -0c 3 a1 trr. ll rt nIPr;t rmid Iota, block n� trroto, or ro.rcrin r.f Xrx�r' in fmmt of or r totiebing uron t'h ch mid t Frig* ^1k hrr~ rpt lean crrotrttctc:ct k.y cmict cv11norc, 4rvcr,rtE: ;nin5 by oarptrtr►tion t1.o mount of t1m rr.ceinl t:�xcs:s to to c1.rr{;oc': E �r n.i,rot er"c }z of t 8'ici. ao ;:t, bloc!-'D, tr'noto or prrcelo of IR, e, an mccatrnt Iof the crr.�trtoction of arxfd ci0evs1k., occord'Mr, to the rr,le. fixcct for the I&Y rf by th'n ort nr•c -, ;'csfC17 nrerirl trx list 61"n"•1 fbo filed ir.Lti;o offieo,of ti-,,, Vi13r.Ce Clorko of the Villr.,ge of Deafisle, I rrid a -id Villrf;a Clerk oha11 thoreuron iuszue rnrmts directed to t' a ::IV311c1�0 Collector, of raid Villne'. of Derorfield, for the Collection of t1.ty rtrount of t1 .,e srecir�l tax oo aacertml d -rj rrrenrin e:rr err ir:� firesr rsrAd nrccirl,twc lint, to be duo frrt~ tl-a respective It ?tc, blocVt;, tr €ct:r, or +rcrcoln of lend te'rtcl:lrr uron the lhrct .trf €r:3.lc? 81downik, and esr.id collector 1 tsl.nll proco{s-d to collect cttictWwnrrant by gi.virg notice in writirr, by nnilinr• tiro untie to tlin nddresu- of the : isrrty= rilw pni.c, t1,a lr.r.t Cenorsl tc (,,a c =n ►,ties re€spcct,.va lots:„ blot kn# trvots, or rrrrcols of. : ;,. in said j` Vot* ttl,t nod trr:.3.icst In it. the Lor.dn of nss.1d officer, for collection, I ,lid all r�orGy s co oolle:ctet by they cca; d of f laor, cl1 tl1y by Yin., .be imcdinto• r, jly raid over to ' of rorrrf ° cic'. F i l 459 t - O MMIT ". In rax{a, of V -10 fnixuro to rolleot yr -eeln2 t in in tro r.. nnor aforecRel } s rrld Vi.11sm— 'Collect or of € vIe" Vial.r& of T)r•erfleld r : :,1�,nzt or beforo';th'e .fi.rtit ew7. of ATr11 nert,, sx cidri-, niter V:o orr+wlotl,on of r le, r•Am -11R rn }�arain rrc,vlde' nrlce rercrt of ill' r,10 rr =i.nl' ! �-, :ri.tinw,. €ouci+ c;rtcirtt? offlGer* of t1m Cot±nty of Lrler r. r1,r be ,in to, entl�or, "of,,1 try R ^w to €rply for acs It�c?�e *Rent s,�a +3x!s >t, r..nc! zxt�lZ lrrdr, for tr�r�a @tea, Covnty�or St4 to, of n11 thn.lots or rerce'An of )..-,re Airan - r,,toY t;r,.'tl yreclrl thw ? r11 b; oo t :npt lel vi.th the rr^:ee of t',,-.e rots pectivo crt:crn t }-.crenf , vo f nr ra t}►t3 f�rfiEl ore 1 nr.r'z tra, r 1r.: oft {ram tl' u ,::rc?t!z:t diio i rr_d t.tnr- .(i itrCn welt tr .Ctt t:[+ Gf, }.f r 7,14.h r• co;^s of tPfo on 'T" orr.orlr }: ccnotr•�3cti me i o�,f c'• ;:3t a 11r, l c }i: rats rt z�:rhlr to € +ocr;'r >rii.ec? by V oral, of s,rRc? 'offi.eer, rn r14—elt tl o A- ed -s:l Vx lemyed by r itZZ ortty +cf the Villrrc rf I)eerfi.ole for t }ac c.ort of ti ,o st:lc? .. 1n .r;r14 o re, 1 n:,rcc, r. -cci f i.e , rt r €:irttt Atte+ r�nrl t�rcpttl,s�, ),tme trot be; n . col eCW j. zin- ciry r:art ticrec�f, - sECilou G. All of t }io mace- einf, *v 'Ihero",Wer� f or -tY.0 .cr7p4o ctrtictiorof orild olderxalk r-rd V -1a coj!oetton f onid rice rt! try rr'. n11 bo i in conformity w•tth rc! -1,n tree r±;,n, or proacri.bee 17 tbo r rovioicro of en :pct of t },Q C.enarrt w,omb'l7 Of flee. Strto of . jllinoin, cr Ul -led, . }t!xr rct to prov ;tre eAct tionlil r,ocr. fcr. t ?:a cz�r.etr<<c ±l.c�r of: oicre:r.xkr in aStiea, tcry•rc, rrc} Villrgonp" rtprrovoe trril 15tf, 17375, to forcc.,TV lz�t 117',", rc the cs -ro 3.0 nor McMed, <ne anppl rented cndl vm nm , In force. i ► . ; SECTr ON 7. All orairtinebs ^,nc? prrt, of orclfr.rrcca c6nf lictirw -rlth tbic- crO1r:r•ntse rra'hvreby rerenl :ct• Cx7Ci101 $� �iit+ ordlnrnce r}r€e11 a in fcr e. rr.'trcl of +nor its rtv-: rSr met €+prrovtl. prezjdont of Poard of Trtrc;tGr D 'x i�u6et�• ••...• •• •� • •.• • • 9- 4 Attest: r V114 a ClorL. 1 l i ZA e.y.a INRIMIMI 1, 460 P.M mill f � I� Ili , � � . .