05/13/19093 f 216 • A . /3 -iyoy ice• / / � i / ljolt� IL -.;7 a. f ' Mt =(;]J'rG AIM PRIVIL-Pc,.on TO j TI AN W I 1,ToiiT11 CONSOLIDAT-10 GAS COW"M-ly- C) L1180. ITT JUM TRUSTEMS OF TIM VITMAGn BE IT. UDA111 By T11-,.Pjj �SIT = 'T: OF DZE'RFIB M That per. authority be and the stme SECTION I. --linsion and are hereby Granted t 0 the NORTH 00',S-M LIDATIM G S C 01-T, A'y a coporation oreanized and existing under and by virtue Of the laws of the State of Illinois, its sucesnorn-and asnigns hereinafter the, grantee) the right to construct 9 rjajnt ;An and oparate culled a-pl-:,nt for the m,=u,&acturd of etis or the right to sulTIY GRO from one of its Plants; also to construct, maintain, r.nd'operate a sysLr,,m of mu . ins, piper, and apparatus for the distribution, of gas for he.atingj lighting, and otijer,purposen, within the Vi7Ir =ge of Illinois, nd for the County. of Lake. and Stat,e of I u ,erfieldt transmission of gas -boyond - Uha li=its or said Villaras if. the grantee so 'u e I cirea; a' zoo giving to the,-said graptee the usp,and right -of-ways along, upon an under the foiloviing strp,,tnl avenues and alleys in saie, Vjllr»f',"ns to-viit: TAncoln Avenue from the Villa(:r- 1 j__j i t n t I o the north, southerly to L the Village 1,imits'on the south; r serf h' limitn on. the :eants' westerly to ield 41i'venut, from t c :Vill�160 � the VillaGe limits on the west;, GrRnd A4e nue troy the Village liMitS the north, South,_,rly to the'sduthern terminus of said avenue, on for the purpose of placing maintainingg opexatinr And repairing line or lin4,s of gas mains and branchns thern-1 or and all connect a ional service and return pipes and app aratus-neceasary or desirable thn-rev.i th 'for the.i,,racticable-conmercial.said eff k c t ive in connection manufactures 0toj_j ;Q distribution and utilization of gas for the purposen stated. N 2. That uaid u a.rntee shall do no permanent'injury SECTIO - sidnalk, shadetreas lublic groun d or to any street, avenues alleys- 'W disturb or interfere public } )I-jcc 9 or in any manner unnecessarily before the opening of said ground by raid grantee. That whenever a system ,of ::titer., works shall, have be nn established" bLr tho Village' �" rater shall be furnished by said Villnee under supervision of its proper official, to settle the earth returned ,to trenches; and th_:t if the grantee fail or refuse to , I:rope >rly fill all trenches opon by it, the same stall be filled by said Villagn and nald grantee shall be liable for and shall pay the reasonable expense thereof. SECTION 3. That said Crantea shall not open or encumber more of'any otrebt, uvenu© or a13,ey'at any one-time than nay be necessary to enablo' the* grantee to proceed aith advantage, in the laying of -its mains, pipes, tubing, feeding or service pipes; n--,r permit any street, avenue, or alley to remain open or-encumbered longer than shall be necesnaryy to complate the wor k for W=hich the same was opened, nor without putting; up, barriers or lights sufficiey nt to prevent accident from resulting as con .sequenceof such opening or Encumbering of such street, avenue or alley. SECTIOIS 4. That said grantee shall lay its mains on such port or parts of the aforesaid streets; avenues, or alleys as a I jority ' of thre Board of Trustees of said Village or some reprelnent- ative designated by skid Hoard ai:for that purpose shall designate; and before beginning, the distribution og gang (shall furnish said Board a chart shoring the location of.thn entire system of mainsq z i i (! ! with any, water -pipe, fixture, :serer, 11-rin -pipe, conduit or other. ( viork laid or placed by said Village or b,- any Company, ; corporation or individual; and lien said grantee shall open around in any' � strort, alley, avon-,..e, or other place,, thn grantee shall forthwith restore said street, avenue, alley,* or other place and leave any a gyrator -pipe, se wnr , gas - pipe, conduit or' other work or fixture there i n a gondition equally as good .a.s. the cizie3 ua:i ` =ediate ly before the opening of said ground by raid grantee. That whenever a system ,of ::titer., works shall, have be nn established" bLr tho Village' �" rater shall be furnished by said Villnee under supervision of its proper official, to settle the earth returned ,to trenches; and th_:t if the grantee fail or refuse to , I:rope >rly fill all trenches opon by it, the same stall be filled by said Villagn and nald grantee shall be liable for and shall pay the reasonable expense thereof. SECTION 3. That said Crantea shall not open or encumber more of'any otrebt, uvenu© or a13,ey'at any one-time than nay be necessary to enablo' the* grantee to proceed aith advantage, in the laying of -its mains, pipes, tubing, feeding or service pipes; n--,r permit any street, avenue, or alley to remain open or-encumbered longer than shall be necesnaryy to complate the wor k for W=hich the same was opened, nor without putting; up, barriers or lights sufficiey nt to prevent accident from resulting as con .sequenceof such opening or Encumbering of such street, avenue or alley. SECTIOIS 4. That said grantee shall lay its mains on such port or parts of the aforesaid streets; avenues, or alleys as a I jority ' of thre Board of Trustees of said Village or some reprelnent- ative designated by skid Hoard ai:for that purpose shall designate; and before beginning, the distribution og gang (shall furnish said Board a chart shoring the location of.thn entire system of mainsq w' `. J r. +� � � iS'`+ i• r.� a ..V �. kr �.�L3� l fi +'�.¢ S -3- pipes and al,purtenances laid by it; and if additions or extensions a are made to said system, the grantee shall furnish said Board with like charts of such additions or extensions as soon as the -same are completed or at such other time as said Board'may` require,' SECTION 5. This ordinance is granted upon the express condition th•it said grantee shall prior to November.lst 1909, have laid in the territory' covered by this grant at least two miles of, gas mains; provided, however,,that said grantee shall have obtained the necessary frontage, petitions,,as provided_by law, and shall furnish ras to the inhabitants of; said Village within.the time 1 aforesaid.. SECTION 6: Said grantee shall hold and keep the said Village of Deerfield harmless from any and all damage which may ? result from the carelessness, neglect or misconduct of any officer,° _. a agent, servant, or employe of said' grantee " "in the 'construction or operation of said work or system or from any lots or damage which said Village may suffer as a result of the- construction or operation of said work or system if caused by such negligence or misconduct, SECTION 7 . Said grantee - ,shall, from time to time' i enlarge and extend uts mains °in said Village'so as to be able to supply all g. }s that may be required by the inhabitants of said Village for.illuminating and heating purpioses wherever there shall 1t be within said proposed extension one consumer for an average of ( each two hundred feet of main provided E ; p ed frantgage consents or petitions are obtained and presented to the Board of Trustees of � said Village and permission granted as provided by law; and shall furnish gas to all consumers at a price not to exceed that herein- after provided, { The gus to be furnished by said grantee under and in pursuance of this ordinance shall be an illuminating gas,of standard ~ |~ ( ^, � ., � ,[ 0 2 IT: f4 purity -and quality which ohall-have an-illuminating power of.not-.Iesz than twent.)i - (411.0) optirm candies -burning one hunared consuming for the purpose of the testifive (5)'cubic feet per hour. Thn gas so to be furnished shall have a-distinctive andx odor, and shall be supplied to'the inhabitants of .. the' Village at a pri'ce not to exceed one dollar and twenty-fivo contn G'1.215) per thodsand (1000) cubic feet; and the price of the San to be charged by.said grantee to consu=ers in-the said Villat-,e of DAorfield at, qziy�, time. during the life of this ordinun--c shall not exc4ied the price charged by said rrantee to the inhabitants of the City of Highland Park, the City of Lako, Forent or the City, of W, aukei-,an all bituated in !the County of Lake and 313tato of, Illinois. SIECTIOIN 80 Within thirty-POYdays after the passage of tI,.ic ordint-mcc, said grantee shall filewith the Clerk of said Village an acceptance in r i t 14( o f "al. I ths, terms and provisions herein, with a, boind'aacept--ible to'.the President and Trustresof said Village in the penal sUM' of Three Thousand Dollars,('y3tOCO.00)'conditioned for the faithful performance of the terms and provisions of this-ordinance;- and-said bond in the penal sum of Three Thousand Dollars (;;39000.00), acceptfible to-and appz�oved by the President and Trustpns of* said grantee of the terms and provisions of. thin ordinance, shall b o, kept on f ile with the Cl(,rk of said Village by'said grantee continuously during the.1ife of this ordinancelprovided ho wever, that, the liability of said granteo-to said Village mm �- 1 .r tl h 11 ,t ... Y w h not be limited to the al e corporation e son shall or r ar tc oth r p �1' � mount of the penalty of, said bond, it being understood that such }� remedy is merely.cumulative and that said Villago or other person or c6rporatoion sh�3Ll1 have the nacre remedies as-they would or might have if no• ouch bond had been given. tee" in SE CiI0,,9. M,Wrever herain. in the tern gran • . used, it whull be held to include and apply to the sucessors and assigns of the North Shore Consolidated Can Cornrany; and when the- term " Village" is employed, reference in nade to the Village � of Deerfield, County, Illinois. .SECTION 10. Thin ordinance nhall take effect and be pi in'force from and.after'its passage and posting ten ,days and the written accept-ince thereof by said grantee' and.. the filing of said � t ' bond; � "a c ­provided in. Section 8 . of thin ordinance. r, The rightn and privileges herein co twined are hereby granted fnr a period of thirty -seven (37) ynars from and after the date of the passage of this ord.inanco; ,g:ravided, howaverl that it i the said bond provided for by said Section 89 and the -written acceptance shall-not be filed by said grantee with naid' C1erh within 4 thirty days after the passage theroof, then this ordinance shall be of no force and effect, and all rights herein granted shall hboolu -. (, # tely cease' and determine. t I iJ` Theo_ T. Knaah CW-RK Pay aed clay 13th 1909 ' r .,. �oh C. "Rnder n . PR..SID..�'T • 3 M a x Approved May l ath 1909 . Posted !!ay 14th 190P. Theo `J. Knank Cr:pa '.- J - t :� �: �, ., i �. 1 ,. �_� �. ,.- '� ', ....: _ �, I _, i r �. / � - � �, � I � 'i i1 ! i / ' � � � /� � Ii � / � � / / I /`` ♦ i �� � ,� ,, 1 _ _ i� �....�. ,. f-- �- �--- -- -_�_ S �, .. i