03/07/1927a OVID i y� roo x Lak e County Lbr. .Coal & M. ^,o . nleierhoff Hardware Co. Standard Oil Co. W. 3. Barley & Co,. W. P. Cawley John Weber . W. S t i ck e n A. 71. Knaak ?gym. Bubert Alvin '7. Knaak rr m 40.08- Water Fund 1.90 - w m 9.90- ,r m 90..00. ,r ,r 7.92 � n' 111 2.00- ,r It 3.00- rr n• I.69111 "` it 1257 81- ,r 11 -. C A ?JOIf IT I`. 40�, r, en oral Fund 9.,44- Road & Rridge Fund 283 It was moved by Trustee Geary and seconded by Trustee Labahn that the bills be paid - and charged to their respective funds. Upon roll call the f olio erring vote was taken:.- Yews -' Fmg s trom, r, eary, Knaak, Labahn, Seggert,and Selig. Nays - None. ^arri ed. It was moved by Truatea Labahn and seconded by Trustee- Ieary to adjourn. Carried. r a �rd i age ?`l Berk March 7, I92 7. A regular meeting of the President and Board of Trus_teec. of the Village of Deerfield 'vas. called to order by the Preaident, James- J. Hood at at 8::00 P. M.: Roll ^all::- Prea -ent- > ng atrom, Geary, Knaak, Labahn, 0"eg ert and Abaent- None-. FIRS' TRUCK I11SURAN"17 SILL APPROVTC.. A bill frorri pant tae gr Autorno il¢ Insurance Policir cover - ing liability Property damage and fire insurance-on th-, fire truck, arroun t irk; to 3235 ..95. ,vas pr ea ent ed. It ryas. moved, by Trustee, " eary and ae-conded by Trustee-, Labahn that the bill be paid. Upon roll call th:3 following vote was talon Yeas Fngatrom, rT ea•ry, Knaak, Labahn•, Seq. ert and Selig. Naya- None. Carried. It was moved by Trustee rT eary and seconded by Trustee Labahn to adjourn as a Board of Trustees and convene as a Board of Local Improve -.. rn�nts . Carri ed. R.. A. NFLSON• A?POINTF U AS 11ATU113 R. OF ROARD OF APPEALS. meter reconvening a8. ado ra d- o- T- firuateea. it vas- moved by Trustee. Knaak-and seconded by Trua.tee-C,eary that Mr. R. A. Nelson be appointed to aupera -3da Mr. Burr Hindahl as a member of the Board of Appeala of the Village of Deerfield. Upon roll call the following vote ;vas takr!n :- Yeas- 7ngstrom, r,eary, Knaak, Labahn, SsZirt and 3 -lig. Nays -- None. "arried. PNTITION` FOR '(1UTJI^.IPAL RAND PRF0'37TTFD.. A. pet T io 1t ronosing to submit to t e voters, at the next Village Hiection' to be .held April 19, 1927, a proposition to levy a tax not to' exceed tyro rriills. for the purpoas of maintaining a Plunicippal Rana,, *ram read.. Havii' found same to be in r�ular form and signed by at 7esat 5/� of the voters.; It TMa. w1ed by Truatn Cea.ry and seconded bs„y Trustee Lalxihn. that the- Clerk take' stepa':to�y submit . such `qu°stibn-_ to',vot'pra .,.at next: -g epWral elect- ion. Upon roll call the following vote teas; taken:- Y-aa- vz�g s.trom, reery, Knaak, Labahn, Seg ert and Selig. . Nave tone Carried. , The following bills. irrere read:: Illinois Bell Telephone Co. 4'.IO- general Fund ,r n 1.45- n' m Public Service Co.. 534.58- �► r'' 2 .5 0 Deerf i el d C crag e• 194.20 T C.1 envi e'w Pre6s 243.30 ile n m Legal Adviser Publishing Co. 22.25•. ,r ,r t,lei`erhoff Hardware Co. I.M, r'' IV A.. '7. Knaak 1.44- „ it J A Stryker 35'.00' III IT Laura R. Dietz 169.20 „ ,r " Deerfield Filling Station• 2.55- Water Fund Henry Hofmann 5.00 IT ,r G .T. Stick en 6.00 " rr Meie rho ff Hd�ir. Co. 1.25:• n` " A.. W. Knaak .22- rr ,r C. A. Wolf 6.00 n' C A ?JOIf 24.00- Road R Rridg e . Fund . . reerfield Filling 2tation