01/24/1927 + 02/07/1927282 Upon roll call the following vote was taken:- Yeau- »reutrom, Knaak, Seg ert and Selig. Nayu- gone.. Carried. It wail ir,oved by Truetie Frzgutrom and Seconded by Trustee Knaak to adjourn. Carried. tuts�dA i- iq Board Village (',!irk Jan. 24, 1927. A 02ecial meeting of the President and Board of Truuteea of the Village of Dserfield,-rsaa called to order by the President, James J. Hood at 8 ::00 P'. M. Roll call:.-- Present- Fng u trom, ^ ?ary, Knaak, Seg ert and Selig. A'a:ren t- Laba n . STR7FT LIGHTS ON 01UNTY LI117 ROAD. It ;vas moved by lruutes "eary an secco�in ed by TruateA Segert that the Public Service Co. be instructed to install atreet lighta on the County Line Road from 17auks an Road "aut to the 7as.t limito of the Village, also one lamp on Deerfield Ave. juk3t "fiat of the Deerfield r; raramar School . Upon roll call the followire vote was taken : - Yeas- nFotrom, r, Nary, Knaak, SAS ert and Selig. Naya- None. Carried. A plat of the re- subdivision of Lots 8 to 14 inclusive, in Block I7 in Deerfield Park Land & Improvement Auon. Subdivision -:raa pre sent ed for approval. It was ,foved by Truutes Geary and seconded by Trustee Knaak that the plat be approved as presented. Upon roll call the following vote was taken :- Yeaa- Tyr Strom, C. eary, Knaak, S -,g ert and 3 e1 ig . Nays- None. Carri ed. A petition for the extension of the buainQs district on 77auke;an Road from its present North limits to Hazel Ave. on the 7i --a..t and to 'Aary' a, ^.ount on the Fast, was presented and read. It ;vas ,coved by.Truatse Selig and seconded by Trustee- Chary that the petition be referred to the Board of Appeals for hearin *'. Upon roll call the following vote 'ryas- tak m:- Yeau- Fn s.trois, C eary, Knaak, Seg er t and Selig. Naya- None. Carried. It was ,aovAd by Trustee Selig and seconded by Treat ^e Knaak to Adjourn. Carried. / P � # _oar 1 lag e ^, „rk Feb. 7, I X07. A. regular meeting of the President and Board of Trustees of the Village of Deerfield :vas called to order by the President, Jarnea J. Hood at 8:.00 P'. Pd . Roll call:.- Present- Fng utroia, R nary, Knaak, Labahrr, Ste, ert and Selig . Absent None. It was moved by Trustee Knaak and seconded by Trustee Labahn- that Officer Petersen be inatructnd to act as Truant Officer for the Board of Hducation. Upon roll call the following vote was taken : - Yeaa- ";'ngatroms Geary, Knaak, Labahn, Segert, and Selig. traya- None. Carried. It was moved by Trustee- Reary and seconded by Trustee Selig to adjourn as a Board of Trustiea and convene as a Board of Local Icap- roveYaanta. Carried. Aft ^r reconvening as a Board of Trustees the follo;vina bills -sere read :. The Blue Bird 626.40- r mineral Fund John A. Stryker 35.00- +r n Rand 1AcWa11y &. ^.o " 60.00- n " The rl,!n View Press 16.30 Public Service Co. 456.40- IT ' If " 2.50- "' "' it .10— tr it R Al iabl e r ara=g a 2.00• tr tr Illinois Pell Tel. Co. 1.70- m "' " 3.95- Glin Vi-l-,,7 Press 71.85- it Thilo H. Toll 54:00- 1deiirhoff Hardware Co. 1.25- Road & Bridge Fund Koutial Gara,7 e 10.60- " G eo. 14, Pettia 35.00- m "I D- ----field Luaber Co. 6.35- Kapachull Davis ^,o. 159.25- h, k It r� f i i{ F�