09/22/19262'74 . ' -" ORDINANCE FOR ORNAUFNTAL STREETS ON WAUKE*AN ROAD PASSED n or nance 'pr-o-v7ding for Instill l ng a system o ornamental street lights, on Waukegan Road from Longfellow: Avenue, to Orchard Place'# and on Deerfield Avenue from Park Avenue to Rosemary Terrace, in the Village of Deerfield, Lake County, Illinois, and providing for paying the cost of said improvement by special assessment and the issuing of improvement bonds, was read. Moved by Trustee Kna4 and seconded by Trustee Geary that all ' contrary rulea beauspended and the ordinanee� placed upon its passage -. Upon roll call the- following vote was taken : - Yeas- Engstrom, (.eary, Knaak, Labahn, Segert and Selig. Nays.- None. Carried. Moved by Trustee, Knaak and seconded by Trustee G eary that the- ordinance ba paaa.gd as ' re.ad. Upon roll call . th4 following vote, was taken :: -- Yeas- Engstrom, Geary, Knaak, Labahn, Segert and Selig . Naya -" None. Carried. ORDINANCE FOR HOUSE CONNECTION SFP!RS: & WATFR SERVICE PIPES IN' An or Dance providing for the construction of tile pipe house, connection sewers and water service, pipes. in portions of Wilmot F ad) Oakwood Place -,- Crab Tree- Lane, Hawthorne, Place, Woodbine Court, Berkley Court, Linden Avenue, Elmwood Avenue, Meadow Lane, Greenwood Avenue, Stratford Road and Woodland Drive, in the Village of Deer- field, Lake County, Illinoia, and providing for paying the cost of said improvement by special assessment and the issuing of improvement bonds, was, rea(t. Moved by Trustee, Labahn and seconded by Trustee Selig that all contrary rules be- suspended and the ordinance placed upon. its, passage^. Upon roll call the following vote was taken:- Yeaa- Fngatrom, Geary, Knaak, Labahng Segert and Selig. Nays- Hone. Carried. Moved by Trustee- Labahn and seconded by Trustee Selig that the ordinance be- paas.ed as= read. Upon roll call the following, vote was taken :: - Yeas - Engstrom, Geary, Knaak, Labahn, Sep ert and Selig. Nays- None. Carried. TAX LEVY ORDINANCE PASSED. A Tax ,evy rr3 nanee for th a year..I926' was, read: by the - Clerk: ^Moved, bk..T'usee rngstrom and seconded by Trustee- Labahn that all contrary rules be suspended and the ordinance placed upon its passage. Upon roll call the following vote was taken:-- Yeas- Engstrom, G eary, Knaak, Labahn, Segert and Selig. Nays- None. Carried. Moved by Trustee- Engstrom and seconded by Trustee Geary that tha� ordinance be passed as read Upon roll call the following vote waa taken : - Yeas- Engstrom, G eary, Knaak, Labahn, Segert and Selig. Nays- None. Carried. Moved by Trustee• Geary and seconded by Trustee- Labahn to adjourrr.. Carried. - /I rea en - a " e- oaard- - V111 g e Clerk. ^ 4. Sept. 22, I926. A. special meeting of. the President and Board of Trustees of the . Village of Deerfield was called to order by the President, Jamee J. Hood at 9:.3Ja P- M. Roll Present- Fngatrom, Geary, Knaak, Labahn and Segert. Absent- Selig . ORDINANCA FOR CLAY ANY) PRAIRIE AVFS.. STORM SEWER PASSED An ordinance providing for the construction of a conned. ayatem (f storm sewers -, together with all neceasary auxiliaries, and appurten- ancea, along centerline of first alley south of Hazel Avenue from. con- nection with sewer in Woodward Avenue to centerline of Clay Avenue', along centerline of first alley south of Hazel Avenue from centerline of Clay Avenue to centerline of Prairie- Avenue, thence South along . centerline of Prairie Avenue one hunderd twenty five. feet, and along, centerline of May Avenue from connection with sewer in alley above,, described to a point one hundred twenty -five feat south, in the Villa.,,,e of Deerfield, Lake County, Illinoia, and providing for the- pay - ing the cost of said proposed improvement by special assessment and ,. the issuing of improvement bonds_, was. read. } It was moved by Trustee- Labahn and seconded by Trustee Geary that all contrary rules: he auapended and the ordinance placed upon its passage. Upon .roll call .the following. vote was taken: - Yews- Engstrom, Geary, Knaak, Labahn and Segert. Nays- None. Carried. It was moved by Trustea Geary and seconded by Trustee Labahn that the ordinance be paused as read. Upon -roll call the following. vote was taken::- Yeas -- Engstrom, C eary, Knaak, Labahn and Segert. Hays- None. Carried. • Moved by Trustee Geary and a8conded by Trustee Segert to azi journ. arried. r biapn � ' oard - 01a ge �,e k '"' I