08/02/1926 + 08/09/1926I]CRVD I \ • y1 t. •` August 2, I926. A regular meeting of the President and Roard of Trustees of the Village of Deerfield :iaz called to order by the President, Jaynes J. Hood at 5:00 P. M. Roll call:- Present- ;'ng s trom, G eary, Knaak , Labahn,, S e- ert and Selig . Absent None. i,toved b;r Trustee Geary and seanded by Truatee- Labahn to adjourn as a Roard of Trustees and convene as a Roard of Local Improvements. Carried. ORDINATT. ^,F FOR HOUSE CONNECTION 8777FRB AND WATFR SPRVICM PIPES. An ordinance ent tled1 -An or inance provic ing o- r�fie con - ruction of Tile Pipe House Connection Servera axid .'pater Service Pipes in portions of Waukegan Road, G rand :Avenue, Chestnut Street, Deerfield Avenue, Sung set Court, Osterman Avenue-, and.0entral Avenue, in the.Village of Deer- field, Illinois, i' was read. _. It was moved by Trustee- Knaak and seconded try Trustee- Selig that all contrary rules be suspended and the ordinance placed•upon.its passage-. Upon roll. call the following vote was taken:- Yeas - Engstrom, Geary, Knaak, Labah,. Segert and Selig . Yays -- Tyone. Carried. moved by Truatee- Knaak and seconded by- Trustee- Selig that the ordin - anca be parsed as read. Upon: roll call the- foll,o,:virg vote was taken: -- Yeas Fngstrora, Geary, Knaak, Labahn, .Q(-,Z Art and Selig. iJaya- None. ` Carried. CONTRACT FOR PUMP' HOUSE FITTINGS AWARDFT) TO J. B. CL071. Zt was rr;oved by Trustee l`eary an ;seconded by ruste�_ngdtrom that the contract for fittings for the Pump House- be awarded to J. R. Clow. Contract price- to b.e $874.72. Upon roll.call the followirF vote was taken Yeaa- Engstrom, Geary, Knaak, Labahn, Scg'ert a-nd Selig".- . Nays- TTone-. Carried. The% following bills were read :. Tohn A Stryker �35.00j- General. Fund Conrad�Uchtman 5.O01, " Illinois Rell Tel Co. ..85 r n Public Service Co. 2.50,r- Henry Hofmann .59, Thilo H. Toll 0-8,50- rdw. Bleirnehl F, 00- " B.µag er 14p, er p „Rf Co .. /D,- Il r 77ater Fund G . Wi . aticken ; o rthing ton Purnp idfg . Co . 9.75 ^ Chester A. Wolf 22.00,1- Road & Bridge Fund t It was moved by Truatee Selig and seconded by Trustee• Knaak that. tr.e . bills be_ raid and charged to their re-a_pective funds.- Upon roll call the follarwing vote «ras taken. Yeaa- Fngstrom, G eary, K ask Labahn. Segert and Selig. Nays- None'. Carried. n , . Ptoved 'by Truatee- G eary and "se-conded by. Truatee Labahn to adjourn. Carried. August 9, I926. _ A. special meeting of the President and Board o� Trustees • of the Village of Dee-rfie -ld, was called to order by the- President, James J. Hood at 5:00 P. M. Roll call:- Present - Eng a.trom, Geary, Seg ert and Selig. Absent* Knaak and Labahn. NORTH -WEST PAVING. ORDINANCE PASSED. The S Dee ey Cow ttee o w rn t ordinance submitted to the Board on July` 26, 1926 providing for a local improvement krrowrL as. the- North -Wes.t Paving project, reported that said ordinances had. been duly published in the Highland Park Press-. on` the 29th day of July I926: and- that they report favorably on said ordinance, recommendation and es.timate.. The ordinance, recommendation and eatimate� was then brought up, to a.econd hearing It was moved by Trustees Engatrom and seconded by Trustee Begert that the ordinance be passed. as read. Qiueation was. gtated by the Chair and submitted to roll Call. The vote- stood, "'Ayes:; - Engstrom, Geary, Seg ert and Selig. Naya;, None-. The• President declared the- motion, carried, and the ordinance passed as read. It was moved, by Trust ee, G eary and seconded by Trustee- Selig to ad-