07/26/192626S i . r. July 26, 1926. A. Special meeting of the Hoard of Trusteno of the Villaa,?•of neer- field ;7aa called to order by the Clerk at 8 :.00 P. 14. 1 , Presaident.-Jamea J. Hood bein; absent it ,,iau moved by Trustee' G eary and aeconded by Truutce Labahn that Trustee- Knaak act au Chairman, Upon roll call the foll.owin vote was taken:- Yeau- Fnpotrorn, Geary Labahn, Se✓ art and Selig . Naas- gone. Carri?d. Itoll call : - Present- 7i7, crtrom, Geary, Labahrr, J'g art and . Selig . Absent- Ilona.—r.r.,,_•, Moved by Tru8tner Selig and seconded ,icy Truutne Labahn that the Board take a ra.-cau for twenty minutes for the purpoue of inupecting propoued aites for the pumpin; Station,. Carried. Ar R77_*A7'1T OF PURr,HAS7 OF P't'- tPljr, STATIOTT SITS'. Upon elng, again ca 1�'3U to or ecerr it ;vas wove by Trustee, Labahn and seconded by, Truutie, (1, cary that the- Frg inoer be, instructed to rnaka ;purvey and that the Attorneyybcr in:tructed to draw-the deed for the purchase of the following described property:: Cor::r:i'3neir;; at a point on north 1 inA of n orf i eld Avenue, fifty feet (Measured along said North line of Deerfield Avenue) taut of eonter, line of Meat Skokie Drainage `?itch, thence North alonZ line paralell with and fifty feet Fast of center line; of said ditch a distance of one hundred fifty feet thence Fast fifty feet alonf line parallel to n ^erfi eld Avenue, thence South one hundred fifty feet aloe; line parallel to and one hundred feet Fast of conter line of said ditch, thence ,loot along Korth line of nAerfield Avenue to point of be innirg . Purchaue price to be �'ISCD; 00 net. Upon roll call the followirg vo ta• was taken:- Yeas- M n4 u troirr, Cleary, Labahn, Seg ert and SDl ig . . Ilaos- ",Ton c. Carried. Moved by Trustee r eary and Seconded by Truot•ie Labahn to ,-d-. journ au a Board of Truut<;aa and convenry au a Board of Local. Improve - m3nts. Carried. nRD1'3AIl ^7 FOR „•'1nRTH *%7F'ST PAViIr "' PAS SET) TO 2nd RFAnItr.. Am ordinance providing for •,ra in , curbing, draining, and other -raise improving the roadmtay of a portion of Fair Oaka Avenue, Hazel Avenue, Journal Place, Springfield Avenue, Park Avenue, "econd Stxaet, Woodward Avenue*, .rlheridan Avenue, r rand Avenue, Prairie, Avenue, and Clay Avenue, and including; roadways of interuectinZ Streeta and alleyu lying between the Street Linea and curb lines of thoui portions of said Streets and Avenues tobe improved as afore Said, all in the. Village of Deerfield, Lake County, Illinois;; and - providing for the rnakina of said improvement 'ay special Asuuesuraent and the iasuing _ of improvement bonda, was. read. ,It ,7ao moved by Trua t ee Fng a tror:. and r3 econded by True tee• Selig that the ordinance- presented and read be passed to second reading m . and referred to the Street and Alley Committee, of the Hoard and the Village Clerk instructed to have the same published in the• Highland Park Presu and the ordinance larot�oht up for paaaag a at an adi ourned mieting of the Board, to be held on Monday August 9, A. 'D. _1926' at 8 ::00 P. 'd. at the Masonic Hall in Deerfield, Ill.'. queation stated by the President and submitted to roll call. The vote o tood :- Ayas -- Fng et 'rorn, Geary, Labahn, Se art, c n i Selig .. t7aee- Ilona-. ^ Notion declared carried and so ordered. \ 1J —'I/ 4.(.1..f • i ♦l•J• L11/ I • • /t\ Vim.: .. - . .� .. .sv.. . . n or nanoe prov irZ f r.a �ori an ce :lien concr, ;te� aide-ir five t in width; on the Easterly aide of Wauk. egan Road fro ^ x feet Gou of the '+orth ling of Lont fellow Avenue to the St curd Line of Oro d Place; on the �;paterly uidn of Wauke gan ad from Zee North curb, lin , f Osterman Avenue to the Ilorth atreP line extended of .Orchard Place;, the ,orthe uide ^Dr! -n Faat curb l.,-i-ru-1 �' �' . +,. Ave o tc:l eet Mast �Eeat iin,. of Roae,.►axy- Terrace;, on th, "outh aide of 'Deer ice Av -inua from Faa t Rigj�of Way line of Chi car Vilwaukoel t. Paul Railroad to Fast Btreot line extended Sou of R dry T race (all except* across ,)F;ved roadvays (af err P u e , sure �ts.)', in the Villag of 'Deerfield, Lake County-,--'Ill n i, vidin fo he ma ire of said irnnrov erilnt by Special aament d the .,auir T of improve- mint bonds, girds read. ?".oved by TrustaA P. Strom and ueconded True ice Ge that all contrary rul.eu be .,nded and the ordinances p upon it's- p3:69- ag a • Upon r the o C' I ` , vo e waa tak eru r- Y° - . • ror C ?aryl Lab , Sez ?rt and Selig . 'Tana- None.Carrieci Mo by Trustee Fngatrom and u.,=conded b.1* Truotee- Ge ?r, +hat the ordi, ee b,e pasaid ao read. Upon roll call the following vote t,au taken :- Yeau- Fngetrowl, Moved by Truatec- many and ueconded by Trustee Selig to ad- journ. Carried. e pr dr: t- of he Beard �V1 J. s' i r, r.A s