07/07/1926266 Moved by Trusters rno strosi and aeconded by Truatee Knaak that all contrary ruljeu b. suupnded and the ordinance placed upon it'u pas3�e. Upon roll call the following vote was taken : - Yea,.3- FT r3trom, r; Bury, Knaak, Labahn, Se✓ ert and Bel. ig . laea- crone. Carried. "coved by Truatec Labahn and ueconded by Trustee C Cary that the ordinance be paeaed- as read. Upon roll call the: followinn vote wau taken : - Yeau.- ^n�i3trOW, Geary, 'Knaak, Labahn, ,,,- nrt and Scli . tlaeu None. Carri,!!d. ORnIt3ANC7 MR PAVIM. OF mAUKTAN MAD. An ordinanc° �rov can, or`"£f'o`�':rauii�;`pavir.S, draining and otherwise improving the road;vay of raul,,�Zan road (Lincoln Avenue)' Fifty -Four (54)• f iet in ,width (Lv!a ;tzr,;d face to fa.cn of curbay from th® 'Torth utrnnt line of Lorgfel.loa venue (cxter.,i^dd frcm the F.nut to the' South utreet line (extended frca, the Faat)• of orchard Plftce, and the - iat?rly half of the roadxay of maukeSan Raod frou, th,Q South otrnnt line to the t'orth atreet line of Orchard Place-, exceptirz that. ' part of the ,road!:vay of r.auk an Road already .()avpd; and incluclir r tha road.,ava of intexaActina utreptu and alleys lyrin cet.venn the atreet l in, ba and curb lines of that hart of at:L n; nr Road to be improved ao, aforesaid except ahAre already paved; and prot*idin� for t,:e making of uaicd improvers -.nt by apAcial asuesovaent and iasuin3 of improvnc ent bonds, wau read. . Moved by Truatee Fn3utrom and seconded by Trustee r,.eary that all contrary rulnu be suupende!d and the ordinance placed upon it'b pauu- aS e. . Uppon roll call' the +ollowin vote ti,av ta'r,en :- Yeau- Fn atrort, canary, Knaak, Labahn, O'e Art and Selig. III-es" ?None. Cirried. trtoved r;' Truutne .Frgutrow and seconded by Tnuitee- :;n-ah that the " ordinance be pauu d au read. Upon roll~ call the follo,.vinZ vote wau tt,kAn:- Yeas- 7n:?jtrow G eary, Knaak, Labahn, Se Qrt• and Seli; , Yaco -- tTone. Carried. S ^tiCnL MA Rr WATFR TA771; At', FFFttrtTT . "tove uuYce L a a in aFT—YcoriTe7 VY Truty tcer 'Fng u trorrr that for the nrivelige of installing A I00,000 gallon elevated .:water tank on the School House ground: the Village Hoard aF;reeu to furnish :aster free to the School 'douue for a period of ten y -ara., providing their water conijumotion doeu not exceed 1200.00 p*_r year at the r�;ular ratea. Any water conuuc:,ed over and above .third amount for the annual term to be, billed to ti►e School Board. It is further aZrned that a fire ,plug,' ba inutalled on' the 81chcol houue groundu_ for fire propection for the School_. LA Upbn roll call the followi T. vote was, taken : -- Yeau_- Fn ;+_trocu, G eary, Knaak, Labahn, 7 -g, art and Selig, . 4tetp - 1Tone. Oarri ea, 'jj.toved by Trustee Knaak and seconded by Truotsh o?lig that the Clerk be authorized to purchaue a Sundutrund Adding 1'achine. Upon roll call the foll.ovir3 vote was taken : - Yehb- Fngutron;, , Geary, Knaak, Labahn, Seg Art and Selig. iTaeu- tone. Carried. ` `sov�d by Txua ten S _, Qrt and u econded bit Trustee Knaak to ad- journ. rried. L i L A,.. ^LF N July 7, I926. A regular meeting of the President and Poard of Trusteea of the Village' of Deerfield wau called to order by the _President, James J. Hood at 8 ::00 P Roll call Fng atrom, Geary, Knaak and Labahrr. Absent :- Scg ert and Sel ig . Moved by Trustee 0, mry and Seconded by Trustee Engstrom to ad- journ as a Board of Truuteea and convene au. a Board of Local Imp- rov emen ta. Carried.: Upon reconvening ao a Board of Trustees, the follo,ving bills, war? read: Johrr A. Stryker ,^35.00• General Fund Deerfield Temple Association 35.00 W Mei erhof f Hardware, Co. I.60- Chicago Uniform & Cap Co. I27.M, Theo. J. Knaak 5.60 � '" n Boehm Inouranc c Agency 174. Ns,,. \-- Highland Park Prcuo I7.25r, Illinois R , Rpn Tel. Co. I.25. ►h " " ". "` 1.90. Public ServiCo. .30•- » "' • 230. I2- " n Deerfield Liver Co. 2.881' G corg e Sticker 45.00•. ►later Fund Badg er, Met erklfanufactur ing Co . 123.00K "' "