06/28/1926cRV 4 Fred Selig I. M. Hol e Geo. 14. Pettis Chester A. Wolf Lake County Lumber, Coal & M. Co . Consoer, Older & Quinlan , 50.00. -Road & Bridge Fund , 265 37.0 0.. 61.00- I5I.50- 37.58- I8.754 'Moved by Trustee Engstrom and seconded by Trustee Selig that the bills be� paid and charged to their res_pe-c tive funds. Upon roll call the following vote was taken : - Yeas- Engstrom, ,Geary. Knaak, Labahn, ST ert, Selig. Naes -- None. Carried. Moved by Trustee Geary and seconded by Trustee Seg ert to ad- journ... Carried. Pres' ant of the oard Village le -V. t: June 28, I926. A_ special meeting of the President and Board of Trustees of the :Village of De s was: called to order by the President, James. J. Hood at 9::30 P'. M. Roll call Present- Fng s.trom, Geary, Knaak, Labahn, Seg ert and Selig. Absent- None. Plat of H 0. Stone & Cots. Add. to Deerfield approved. . Moved by firun�ee a .a , and second nc�e"d -b:y Trust na i"that tFi- plat of H. 0'. Stone- & Co Vs. Addition to Deerfield be, approved. Upon roll call the following vote, was, taken:- Yeas.= Engstrom, Geary; Knaak, Labahn, ST ert, and Selig. Naes -- None,. Carried. PLAT OF BRIARCTATF VILLAS SUBDIVISION _APPROVED. Move T,7y -firua. ee Knaak and .second .y Trustee, Labahn that the plat of Briergate- Villas. subdivision be accepted as presented:. , Upon roll call the- following vote, was taken : - Yeas- Engstrom, G eary, Knaak, 'Seg art, Labahn and Sel ig . Naes. None. Carried. JIo ved by Trua t ee Knaak and ueeonded 4 TM + ;p �a'bahn that the, U've installation of hater and Sawerr improvementsZ riva e, contract be, referred to the Village, Engineer. Upon roll call the folio; ^ring vote• wau taken : -.- Yeas_- Frg,f utrorfr; C, eary, Knaak, Labahn, Segg ert and Selig. Faea: None. Carried. Eb PLAT OF RFSURDIVISION OF LOTS II TO 2.0 in RLOCK I4: of DFFRFIFLD T� f Fv N,, tea. O our)IJIV101;J14i PP r, . f�ovQd z�Truatee angstrom an seconded by TTrustee LaTa eat the plat of re.3uddivision of Lots. I and A, and vacated North and South I6 ft. Alley, Block 14 in Deerfield Park Land and Improvement Association- Subdivision, 17aing a replat of lots II- I3-- I3 -I4 -I5 I6 I7; 18_Ig. and 20, of Block' I4 in Deerf ield Park Land and Improvement A:3sociati.on Subdivision, b:e approved as. presented. Upon roll call the following vote was taken:.- Yeao -- FnY Strom, G eary, Knaak, Labahn, Seg art and Selig. Naes- None.Carried. � Ordinance Vacating AllA A in Block I4 ryR iL' d &'Imp-.;A ='. Sub :,_,0 11 _An ordinance - providing for the vacation of a pu is alley in Block 14 of Deerfield Park, Land & Improvement Association Suvdivis.ion in the' Villager of Deerfield, Lake County, Illinois., lvas read. Moved- by Trustee` Geary and seconded by Trustee Fngstrot. that all contrary rules he suspended and the ordinance be placed upon itl'a passage. Upon roil call -the following vote was taken : - Yeao Fngs-trorn, Geary, Knaak, Labahn, Seg ert and Selig. Naes.- None. Carried. iToved by Trustee Geary and seconded by Trustee Engatrom that the ordinance be passed as. read'. Upon roll call the, following vote was taken: - Yeas.- Fng s;trom, Geary Knaak, Labahn, Se prt and Selig . Naes_ -- None. carried. ETRDINANCF FOR PAVING OST7RMAN A.Vrt,,TUE? CENTRAL AVF.; GRAND AVE. F:t.c 7n ordinance providing or the grading, paving, curbir.,�;, ,drain- and otherwise improving -the roadway of Osterman Ave. from V'auk -- ' an Road to a line parallel with and 667 feat We-st of the wee-t Street tin° of Second Street;; of Ch3atnut Street from Osterman. Ave. to Deem wield Ave;: of Central Av. from the Waukegan Road to Fast Railciay Ave; antral Ave. to OsAve.;, terman Ave. of Grand Ave. of Fast Railway Ave. from roiri Central Ave. to Chestnut 3t; and of Sunset Court from the Idabt Str33t line of ghestnut St, to a line parallel to and 362 feet '"last of the 'Nest street line of Chas. St ;- and including roadwayaof inter betting streets- and alleys lying, betaean the street lines, and curb lima of that part of th'. jL)ortions of said streata to be improved as. s id in the ViIIlage of -Deerfield) Lake County, Illinois;; and aforeua , ?roviding for the making of said i�uprovet.isnt Ijy special assesament and issuing of imo rovement bonds was read. �M