05/24/1926 + 06/07/1926I CT V6 It was moved by Trustee Geary, and seconded by Trustee Frgotrom t2r_t-,-. all contrary rules. he suspended and the ordinance just read'be'placed upon Its passage. The question ,eras. stated by the @hair and submitted to roll call . The, vote stood, "Ayes_"' G eary, Labahn, Fng Strom, Selig , Seg eri and Knaak; 'Stays "' None; President Hood declared the motion carried and all ©n- trary rules suspended, and the ordinance placed upon its passage. It vas, moved by Trustee G eary and seconded by Trustee- Eng atrom that the ordinance b:- passed as read. The question was stated by the Chair and submitted to roll call. The vote stood "Ayes:", G eary, Labahn, Fng Strom, Selig, S.etart and Kn. , "Nays" none. President Hood declared the motion carried and t1e ordi artr�c passed as read. 60 ORDINATTOr PROVIDIM FOR - ISSUITV, CIO 000 Fundi . Bonds.. " rdinance entitled. ".n ordinance, providing , or the borrowing of money and issuing $I0,000 Fundin g Ronda of the Village of Deerfield, Lake County, Illinois, and providino, for the collection of a direct annual tax for the payment of principal of and interest on said bonds ", waa 'presentd and read: It was moved by Trustee Geary and seconded by Trustee• Labahn that all contrary rules be suspended and the ordinance just read 'be• placed upon its. passage,. The queation-was. stated by the Chair and submitted tc roll call . ThA vo to stood,. "Ayes. "' G eary, Labahn, Fng strom, Selig , Sag art and Knaak, "Naysl" nont. President Hood declared the motion carried and all contrary rules suspended, and the ordinance placed upon its. passag e>. I't was moved by Trustee (,eary and Seconded by. Triistee Labahn that the- ordi- nance be passed as, read. The question was sts ted 'by the Ghair and sub - mitted to roll ball . The vote stood, "Ayes"• G eary, Labahn, Engstrom, Selig Sag art and Knaak, "T1ays:"' none. President Hood 'declared the motion carried and the ordinance passed as read,. SPFnIAL FLEOTIOTI FOR ISSUANCE OF WATT RW)RKS & FUTIDYTIC'= BONDS: "An or inance entitled, "An ordnance proved no for the su iss.ion to the voters of the Village of Deerfield, Lake County, Illinois., of ordin- ances- ,Drovidino 'for the issuance of eIO,000 Waterworks Ronda and QI0,000 Funding Bonds., at a Special Election to be held in said Village on June 5th, I926"',, was presented and read. It was moved by Trustee =eary and seconded by Trustee Fngs_trom that "all contrary rules be 'suspended and the ordinance- just read be placed upon. its passag e..- Thee question was atated by the Chair and submitted to roll call. The vote, stood, "Aysa"' Geary, Labahn, Fng atrom, Selig, Seg ert and Knaak, "flays "' none. President Hood. declared the motion carried and all contrary rules_ suspended, and the ordinance- placed upon ita passage. 'It , -ras moved by Trus.tea Geary and seconded by Trustee Labahn that the ordinance be passed as read. The, question waa stated by the Chair and submitte -d to roll call. The vote stood, "Ayes-"' Geary, Labahri, Engstrom, Selig, Seg ert and Knaak, "Nays,'" none. President Siood declared the motion carried and the ordinance pada- ed as read. yoved by Tru ;tee Geary and seconded by Trustee Fngatrom to adjourn. Carrie and 41e , erk May 24, I926. ' A-.special meeting of the President and Board of Trustees. of 'the Village of Deerfield ;vas- called to order b`y the President, James J. Hood at 8:89 P. 't. Roll Call : - Present- Fng-strom, Geary, Knaak, Segert, Selig-. Abaent- Labahn. BIDS FOR C71TRIFUGAL 'PUMPS WITH !,tOTORS- & FLnVATFD 7ATFR TANK. Bids for the delivery of taro centrifugal pumps with motors and for 100,000 gallon capacity elevated steel tank were opened and read.- It was. moved by Trustee Geary' and seconded by Trustee Selig that the bide be taken, under,advis.ement and' the letting with -held until. June 7, I926, p,end- ing the outcome of the dater Bond Issue Flect'ion.' The Clerk be instruct - .d to return, checks; accompanying bids at this time. Upon roll call the fo lloviing vote was. taken:-' Yeas_- Eng s trom; Geary, Knaak, Sag art, Selig-. = 17ays- None. Carried.. FAST SIDE STORM WATER S771PR CONTRACT vGITH PASTORET CONST. CO. It c�as rnoveca�'a tee' Fng s rom and aacon e b -. rustee °eary that the contract h_lvir.� been awarded to the Pastoret Construction `Co.` on the =24th day of may I926 for tha Nast Side Storrn ''dater Sewer, the President 'and Cl erk of` the Board be and are hereby authorized to. execute- contract with paid Pastoret Conat. •CO. Upon roll call the follov4ing vote :eras; taken:- Yeas- Fngs.trom, Geary, Knaak, Sm ert, Selig Naya -None. Carried It :vas moved by Tru6thc Geary and seconded by Trustee, Knaak to adjourn as a Board of. Trustees and convene as a Board of Local Improve.nvents.. Carried. as.l i7 ag e Clerk June 7, I926. A. r ;ular meeting of the President and Board of Trustee of t� a Village of Deerfidld was callod to order by the President, �amee tioai b at 8:00 P. "T. Roll call:- Present- 711n7 a troin, C eary, Y.naak, Labahn, $ °g ert and { Selig , Absent- None. RFSOLIITIOtI 'CAclVitaBl":►'R"BULT OF 717s1,TI017 H7LD June 5 I9 6. he Predident and Board of ivateey t! iFen proceeded to canvass the i result of the upecial election held in the Village of Deerfield, Lake County, Illinois, on the nth day of June, I926, on the question of the is;;uance- of bonds in accordance xith ordinances passed on t.,tay I0, 1926. The Clerk eubmitted to the Hoard his affidavit shouting that duLs and le,al notice, of said election had been given according to lakr and as provided C for in ordinance calling ozaid rlcction. After the tally liata and Poll hooka had been examin ^d and checked by the Poard the folloving resolution raa presented and read: "Resolution Canvasu ing the rijult of °1 ^ction held in the Villa✓ e of Deerfield, Lake County, Illinois, on the 5th day r of June, I9261". It was coved by Trustee 7ngatrom and oeconded by Trust- I that all contrary rules, be suspended and the resolution placed up-on.ita pas:3ag e. 'The question wau stated by the Chair and uub, pit t ^d to 'roll call The vat^ a tood, "Ayes "' Fnfla trom, Geary, Y.naak, Laloahn, 5q;.ert and Selig. i "t ;aya+' none. President Hood declared the motion carried and all con- trary rules susj3Qnded and the resolutior, placed upon its, paac�a, e, It v as' rcoved bar Trustee 7n?atrom and seconded by Trusteml -Knaak that the re- a solution b.e paused as read. The qu?ation ,;aa a tat°d by the Chair and submitted to roll call. The vote atood, "Ayes "' 'Tn; atrom, (lelary, Ynaak, Labahn, Sev ert and S ^i ig . "Nays"' none. Th^ President de- Clar.cd the resolution paooed as read. MUTRACT Ay "ART)rn FOR 7IAT ^R TA "?K . It was moved b,, Trustee , car-Tand seconded by Trustee, Labahn that the contract for the purchase of a iUU,uQ0 gallon capacity elevated steel water tank by the Village of Deerfield be awarded to the Chicago Bridge & Iron 77orko at 37 W. Van Rurm St., Chica ^o, Ill., aame to be cor�,pleted within oixty days from date of award, for the price of 7980.00. Upon roll call the follo:v ir,: vo 4 A ;iao t::1- cn :- x Afis -- ^n� s tram, Geary, Knaak', Labaahn, Sin ert and rasa- ',Tons. Carri Ad. ('!11�TRA ^.T ILMi:RnF'17 F ^)R C:r1'TRTTIr•,:L 7ThTrpi FU ?.rF'6 & IrfiTt�fia. it u►au Tao v ^u c: y irubteer Fng u 4rcui unu seconded by , raa ,re- that the contract for the purchaue of two centrifugal water pu :rpa with motoru, br the Vil'1p,?m of nAerfield, be awarded to the na.yton -Dowd Co. of a0 N. ?dichipan Ave., Chicago, I11. Price to be vI675.00 F. 0. R. J QAerfield, Ill. Upon roll call the follo•,uira vote :-racy taken:- Ymau- ^nrutrorr.,- Geary, Knaak, Labahn and Sel i; . t;aeu- Sep; ert . Carried. ! ti It zrau novid by Trustee Geary and uecondAd by Trutitne Labahn to adjourn as a Poard of Trustees+ and convene . au a Poard of Local Improve- m-nta. Cam -d. After reconveninzas a Hoard of Trustees the follovinr bills tint ^re read. Legal Advic,er Pub,. Co. 5.36 G ^;nQrel Fund Public Snrvi c A Co. 230. 12,, John A. Stryker 35.00- " %A . (1. McPh4rson Son`. 3.50- " 'Thilo Ii. Toll 6.00^ f11 2^Utex Weuulirg 6.00•. r ert-rudm rolf 6.00 Julia 'Peterson 6.00^ n Loretta Willifan • 6.00- Laura niAtz 6.00N " C H. Hannon Co. Albm-rt La -.Lcn C.00- n Stevens, "?aloney R: C . 14.76- Illinois Re11 Tat . Co. CIS- Oational Office Co. 21.25• Thilo H. Toll 123. neerfiAld Filling Station 2.76 m The TT ig nand Park.. Press 16.75- A. J. Ender, Agent 67.50- " ± D ^erfield ".araci 6.80- " " " 4.50 rater Fund G . W. S.ticken 27.00 " Pittuburgh ',Meter Co. 45.25 " HorvaTd Stryker 5. 00p, " Reliable Ga rap, n 2.25 • ;•teicrhoff Hardware- Co. I.35• Brand Aroth•rs_ IG.75- ► Chicago, Milviaukee & St. P. Ry. . 8.64• n' =t n, .79 t, Poad Gr: Rridg e Fund tr n n, 6.05+- " 9.' x