05/10/1926May I03 1926. A. Spacial meetin3~ of the President and Board of Truuteea of the Village of Deerfield -vas called to order by the President, James J. Hood at 8:.00 P -. Tit. Roll call :: Present- FnZ8trom, Geary, Knaak, Labahn, Se,ert, Selig. Abuent- None. The rainuteu of the rTular ra ^etirg held April 52 I926 mer? read and approved. The Minuteu of the special meeting held April. 233 I926 mare read and approved. Moved by Trus tea r- eary and jeconded by Trus tee Labahn to adjourn Cads a Board of TruatAea and convene aL a Board of Local Irrl;�rove.:ienta.. .o �� nRnI,'AM1',7 R^LATI71 T^ TIRT7 OF CO'1T1r'^TIOT1 OF : r7T Ra1 After raconven n a oa -- of Truateaa an orcTinance re sting the time of connection of uewera with the Villag e uev*►er ayatem, in the Villa,-t-. of Deerfield, Lake County, Illinois, «vau read. Moved by Truatee• Labahn and ueconded by Trustee, Knaak that all contrary rules be ouapendhd and the ordinance placed on it's paaaage. Upon roll call th! following vote nau. taken : - Yeau- Frg Strom, G eary, Knaak, Labahn, S- art, Selig. Haeu- Hone. Carried. Moved by Truatee Geary and seconded by Truutee Labahn that the' ordinance be• paaaed au. read. Upon roll call the following vote ;tad taken:.- Yeau F.rZ Strom, Creary, Knaak, Labahn, S °rt, Selig. t,Taes -. None. Carried. �j ORt}ITJAT? ^t' PR ,)VIrl "r. FoR ISSUI;v'C 6I6 000 ""ATFS "vnRKS ROT1DS. �a D The oll�o�vin o z inar:ce; en i tT ;� �'�n nruinanco provlc ng or borrowing of money and isuui*a 10,000 Water -worku Ronda of the Village of Dcerfinld, Laka County, Illinois, and providing for the collection of a dirndt annual tax for the payment of principal of.and- intereut on uaid bonds "', was prevented and read by the Clerk_. 262 William Ti. Witt -r I24��.I2. r =- r.pral Fund J. A. Reichelt, Jr. 6.00.. " n "'m. F. Plagg e 6.00•. Laura ni -tz 6.00- n n r= ertrude Wolf 660001. "• " Mamie Karch 6.00„ " ►* Helen Patterson 6$00^1 ++ " Alvin F. Mey -r 6.00- "' " 7dwin P. 7auton 6.00^ Loretta Willman G.-Go. t+• n 71da K1 -np 6.00- Hattie Weuuling 6.00.• Julia P- t,!ruon G.00" Wm. F. PlaZg e 91.67. �'. Ti. "illman, Futate 8.33- n. " Frank Jacobs, Sr. 53.00- Laura P. Dietz 70.25 Thilo H. Toll 98'.00,- n n f r- d,!!rick Ti. tit -yir, Poutrnaattr 21.98.-, n• n ,t• 5.00,. S tarnpog raph Co. of America 1.55- '" n n m "• 3;05^ Public Service Co. 237.9?- " 2.50- n n n .I6^ It n C. M. & St. P. Ry. I0.74� dater It C. M. & St. P. Ry 9. Sticken 49.40 m ++ Mueller Co. 6.35A n n !Teotune "deter Co. 4.10, Rakz er Meter ("09 I28:I8- Ludlow Valve Mfg. ^.o . 6 .47•. "' " Barrett 7.50- "' It A. W. Knaak 48.33 " A. W. Knaak 131.18. r en e ral A. 17. Knaak 9.28N Road & Rridg e Fund Tdoved by Truxtee�•Labahn and aeconded by Truut -e S -lis* J that the, bills be paid and charged to their r- spective funds.. Upon roll call the following, vote wau taken : - Yeas- r'ngatrorrl, Nary, Knaak, Labahn, Se -rt, S -fig . Raes- done. Carri .:d. "loved by Truutee (l eary and ueconded by Truetea rngatroia to ad- j ourn. Carried. .. P o ident of t• -1 Ro• rd Vi11as ..1 -rk ... May I03 1926. A. Spacial meetin3~ of the President and Board of Truuteea of the Village of Deerfield -vas called to order by the President, James J. Hood at 8:.00 P -. Tit. Roll call :: Present- FnZ8trom, Geary, Knaak, Labahn, Se,ert, Selig. Abuent- None. The rainuteu of the rTular ra ^etirg held April 52 I926 mer? read and approved. The Minuteu of the special meeting held April. 233 I926 mare read and approved. Moved by Trus tea r- eary and jeconded by Trus tee Labahn to adjourn Cads a Board of TruatAea and convene aL a Board of Local Irrl;�rove.:ienta.. .o �� nRnI,'AM1',7 R^LATI71 T^ TIRT7 OF CO'1T1r'^TIOT1 OF : r7T Ra1 After raconven n a oa -- of Truateaa an orcTinance re sting the time of connection of uewera with the Villag e uev*►er ayatem, in the Villa,-t-. of Deerfield, Lake County, Illinois, «vau read. Moved by Truatee• Labahn and ueconded by Trustee, Knaak that all contrary rules be ouapendhd and the ordinance placed on it's paaaage. Upon roll call th! following vote nau. taken : - Yeau- Frg Strom, G eary, Knaak, Labahn, S- art, Selig. Haeu- Hone. Carried. Moved by Truatee Geary and seconded by Truutee Labahn that the' ordinance be• paaaed au. read. Upon roll call the following vote ;tad taken:.- Yeau F.rZ Strom, Creary, Knaak, Labahn, S °rt, Selig. t,Taes -. None. Carried. �j ORt}ITJAT? ^t' PR ,)VIrl "r. FoR ISSUI;v'C 6I6 000 ""ATFS "vnRKS ROT1DS. �a D The oll�o�vin o z inar:ce; en i tT ;� �'�n nruinanco provlc ng or borrowing of money and isuui*a 10,000 Water -worku Ronda of the Village of Dcerfinld, Laka County, Illinois, and providing for the collection of a dirndt annual tax for the payment of principal of.and- intereut on uaid bonds "', was prevented and read by the Clerk_.