05/03/1926A CRVR The commi tt se aforesaid declared George- E, Engstrom, Fred J. Labahn and Wm. W. Geary elected. . Moved by Trustee Geary and seconded by ;Trust^,- Labahn .to ad- journ as a Board of Trustees: and convene as a Board of Local Imp - rovementa. Carried. After reconvening as a Board of Trustees. it was moved by Trustee G eary and aeconded by Trustee, Labahn that an order be placed with the American Gas Accumulator Co. of . Elizabeth, New, Jersey, for Gne Traffic Beacon, Ten .crystal Stop Signs -, and three--Traffic Marker Buttons., to be installed on thirty days- trial. If accepted, total coat to be $570.00. Upon roll call the following vote was taken : - Yeas -- Fngs.trorn, Geary, Knaak, Labahn, Segert, Selig-. Naea- None. Carried. Moved by Trustee G eary and seconded by Trustee- Labahn to ad- journ. Carried. /' /i 261 r i ag .1 Ln 1 �_4 erk . u. May 37, I92-6. A Regular meeting of the President and Board of Trustees of the Village of T)ee rf i eld .vas . called to order by the President, James J. Hood at 8:00 P. M. Roll Call: -' Present -- Fng Strom, r, eary, Knaak, Labahn, Segert, Selig. A.ba.ent- None. The minutes of the Regular meeting held April 5, I926, and the Special Meeting held April 23, I926 were dispensed with and defered until the next regular meeting. AUDMT REPORT AS AT APR?L 24th I926. An au ic�i t repor - �y- '�Pi�I�atu Fi —`iii r o7__�he books, and accounts: of the Village of Deerfield for the period beginning April I4th, I925 and Rnding on April 24th, I926, . was read. Moved by Trustee Geary and aeconaed by Trustee, Selig , that the, audit be accepted as read. Upon roll call the following vote- was. taken, ::- Yeas.- .Fngs_trom, G ear ., Knaak, Labahn•, Segert, Selig. Naes- None: Carried. BUILDI!,r, LITrES' ON WAUKFCrAN ROAD & T)FERFIELD AVE. tie or inance da inirgand fixing i lding lines and restrict ing the issuance of building permits. on portions of Waukegan Road and Deerfield avenue in the Village of Deerfield, Lake County, Ill. lvas read. LRovsd by Trustee Engstrom and seconded by Trustee Selig that all. contrary rules be suspended and the ordinance placed on it's. passage. Upon roll call the following vote was taken:- Yeas- Fngatrorr� Geary, Knaak, Labahn, Segert, Selig. Na °e;a- None. Carried. moved byT Trustee, Fngstrom and seconded by Trustee So-lig that the, ordinance be passed as, read. , Upon roll call the following vote was. taken:- Eeaar Engstrom, Geary) Knaak, Labahn, Segert, Selig. Naes- None. Carried. toiolr °d by Trustee- G eary and seconded by Trustee Frti atrorm to ad- journ as a Board of Trustees and convene as a.Poard cf Local Imp - rovementa. Carried. RFaOLUTION R7 U78TIT`, SF'rVFR PFRIMIT IN DFFRFIFLD AVE. Re A. solution c1 hereby e i e of eer if eld 1- e es. a from the Department of Public Works and Buildings;, State of Illinois,, a permit authorizing the Village to construct s -torm and sanitary sewers, in De °rfi el d, Avg. , was read. Moved by Trustee Knaak and seconded by True teeLabahn that the, resolution. be adopted as read. Upon roll call the following vote was taken : - Yeaa- Engstrom, c: eary. Knaak, Labahn, S ert, Selig. Na ^,;z None. Carried. tgINIMUM SI77 WATFR TAP' TO BF 3`/4 INCH. Moved. by Trustee- eg ^,rt and seconded by Trustee Labahzr.' that hereafter the' minimum size of crater taps aim to be made in, Village ciatermaina_ shall be three -- quarter inch, cost of psrriit to be- twenty dollars.. Upon roll call the following vote was taken :, - Yeas- Fngstrom, Geary, Knaak, Labahn, Se ^,rt, Selig. Naes -, Nona. Carried. The, .following bills T1e ^,rfield LuiribAr Co. 5.04 Road &Bridge Fund Clirattr A. Wolf I92.00r Lake County Lbr., Coal & M Co. C. M. & St. P. Ry, I37.00 Illinois Rell Tel. Co. 4.45.. .80- General Fund O � Legal Adviser Pub. •,. , John A. Strykir 35.00