04/23/1926Reff Moved 'By Trustee Fn:;a trom and seconded by Trustee Geary that the Resolution be Massed as read. Upon roll call the following vote was taken: - Zeas- Frigstrom, Geary, Knaak, Labahn, St-girt, Selig. Nacs- 14bne. Carried. FIRF?Ar,NS A111;"IT)rt1T & 01),AP711SATION INSURATICT. TrovpcoBy ery an -C aeconclo5y rustee Labahn that an inuurance policy be taken out to cover members of the Volunteer Fire Department with Accident and Compensation Insurance. Same to be placed with Mr. C.' J. Wightman.p0onnecticut G Aneral Life. Ins. Co. Upon roll call the following vote- was taken:- Yeas- Fn7,atrow, Geary, Knaak, Labahn, Segert, Selig . I1aea- None. Carried. SIDPWALK NOTICE TO BRI AG ATE GOLF CLUB. Moved-by Truetse'".Aary and ueo ed oy'irustee Selig that the, Clerk be inutructed to write the Ariergate Golf Cluh. to build a.ide- walkra in front of their property on DeArfibld Ave-. at once- or th- Village gill do so by special asuessment . Upon roll call the following vote rrau taker.:- Yeau- Frgatrom, G eary, Knaak, Labahn, Se ert, Selig. ilacu- None. Carried. Moved by Trustee C eary and seconded by Trustee Labahn to ad- journ as a Board of Truateea. and convene as a Roard of Local Iu►p- rovementa. Carried. After reconvening as a Board of rruateea the following bills, were read. North Shore Material Co. William Bubert Vant & Selig Illinoia Bell Telephone, Co. The Glenview P'reua Public Service Co. I. N. Bubcrt Safford Stamp 'Rorku Me i erhof f Hardware Co . , Deerfield Lumber Co. Deirfield Temple Association Thilo 11. Toll Chester A. Wolf tdational Office Supply Co. Levi A. Hendee N,--7r York Pelting & Packing Co. Georg.. Pettiu, (IT. W. Sticken W. S. Darley & Co. A. G. McPernon & Son William Johnston The Highland Park Press The Highland Park Prpus Rel i abl e G.a rag e, John A. Stryker The Blue Rird John ,"T -b -r Louis L. Frncnerson $197.I9& Road & Bridge Fund C3.00- "* . +r . m 265.86- G eneral Fund 2.05- 14.25A.' I5.00•. "' m 7.6 3•- I.40., m n 1.97- Water " 5 0.00- G eneral " 27.00-1 rr IT 58.00.,. Road & Brid, e Fund 209.I0- G eneral Fund 10. 00 n it 44.5 0, It " 38.00- Road & Brido e Fund 3'. 00- Water Fund 3.9 0.^ "' ++' 9.501. " „' 2.60- General Fund 15.60- " 9.75^. ."1 ++' 6.75., 'later Fund 35.00^ General Fund 3.65► " It 1 3I.50.. :°ater Fund 100.00. General Fund Moved by Trustee Labahn and seconded by Trustee Segert that the bills, be paid and charged to their r- spective funds. Upon roll call the following vote was taken: Yeas- :FrZatrom, Geary, Knaak, Labahn, Se ert, Selig. Naeu- None- Carried. Moved by Trustee r. eary and seconded by Trustee Labahn to ad- journ. Carried. 1s,; e •.I . April 23, 1926. A Special meeting of the Pr- aident and Board of Truatets. of the Vil lag a of Deerfield a7aa called to order by the President, James J. Hood at 8:00 P. M. Roll call:- Present- Fng s.trom, Geary, Knaak, Labahn, S g art, Selig. Absent- None. Report of F. H. H yer, F. H. Selig and Fdw. S ^g ert, the com- mittee appointed as a canvassing board of the election returna -, of the election held April 20, 1926 for the Officea of Trustee, was read: .G eorg e F. Fng strom 78 votes. -Fred J. Labahrr. 78 vo t ea Wm. W. Geary 78 votea }