03/08/1926258 ,�. • . FIRE APPARATUS (: ()V ^RFD RY ITISURANCF. Moved by Truute Labs. lm anc� sAconc. ed by Truct -s- Knaak that the Fire Apparatus- be inuiirid against Fire-, Property nariage and Liability, premium. to be' x'268.50. Upon roll call the follo•.ving vote waz. taken : - Yeau- F gStrom, Knaak, Labahn, Segert, Selig. Naes- None. Carried. Moved by Truutep Knaak and seconded by TruutAe Labahn to adjourn as a Roard of Trustees and convene as a Roard of Lo ml Improviments.. Carried. OBDITTANCF ^,ALLIix. FOR ANT) FI,FCTION APRIL 301 I9267. After reconvene —_— eo ng au a oarcTo ruu -., u an ordinance oall irgg- for a General Flection to be held April 20, I926, for the e1Action of° three TruuteAa and the designating of two Balling places, on- on tile' Fau t and one on the West aide, to be open from 6; 00' n 1 Clock A. 14. to • 5 -.00 P'. M. was read. Moved by Trustee- Fngstrom and seconded by Trustee Solig that the. ordinance bo pasued as read. Upon roll call the following vot ,, ;vas taken:.- Yeas- Fng u trom, Knaak, Labahn; Seu ert, Selig. Naeu- Clone. Carried. AUDIT AS OF MAY Ist, I926, AUTHORIZED. Moved Fy Truu`tnA °`ng strora and aecond a frj ruutpe Labahn that an audit of the Village aocountu be made: as of May Iu t, I926. Upon roll call the following, vote` was taken :. - Yeas- Fngutrora, , Knaak, Labahn, Scgart, Selig'. Naas- None. Carried. The following bills. Sucre° re=;�d :: Jamea. B. Clow & Sons I.46 Water Fund I2.95 n It John Neber 9.00 General Fund John A. Stryker 35.00 Deerfield Cara; a 3'.00 Badger Meter Mfg . Co. 30.47 Water Fund Lak ? County Lbr. . Coal & IA. Co. 5.85 Road & Bridge Fund W. J.' Desmond 53.55 General Fund N. 11. Parrett 29.30 Wator Fund.- Cheater A. Wolf. 54.00 Road & Bridge Fund Public S ervide- Co. 2.50 C. en rral Fund (leo. Pettis II.00 Road & Bridge Fund Moved by Trustee Fngutrom and seconded o..y Trustee Selig that the bills be paid and chazg ed to their respective funds.. Upon roll call the following vote was taken : - Yea3- Fngstrom, Knaak., Labahn, Segert, S, ?lip;,. Naea- None. Carried. Moved by Trustee Selig and seconded by Trustee Fngatrom to adjourn to March 8, 1926 to meet as a Board of Truu tees, and as a Board of Local Improvejaentu, Carried. PR F `I DFTIT OF TfIF RO RD VILLA('= F CLERK . Y March 8, I926. A special meeting of the Pr6sident and Board of Trustees. of the- Village of Deerfield was called to order by the President, Jamea. J. Hood at 8:00 7. M. Roll call:- Present t Fng a.trom, Knaak,Seg e'rt, Selig. Absent *-Geary, Labahn. ORDINANCE ON FAST SIDE SANITARY SEWER SYSTEM. An ors nance or t e i3 via�on - o inata rnenia o special assessment to be levied to defray the eos.t of a local improvement consisting of the construction of a system of sanitary sewers to- gether with manholes:, sewage disposal plant and all auxiliaries and appurtenances. thereto, known as the "FAST SIDF SANITARY SF7,'FR SYSTEM "' in Baid Villager establishing a sewer dis.trict;; providing for acquiring necessary right of way and easementa: and providing for the making of said improvement by special assessment and the - issuing of improvement bonds, inthe Village of Deerfield, Lake County, Illinois., spas read. Moved by Truu tee- Knaak and seconded by Trustee- S.eg art that all - contrary rules be suspended and the ordinance placed on it's passag e. Upon roll call the following vote was taken:- Yeasr Fngs.trom, Knaak, Segert, Selig . Naes- None. carried. Moved by Trustee- Knaak and seconded by Trustee Segert that the- ordinance, be passed as read. Upon roll call the following vote wau taken:- Yeas- Engstrom, Knaak, Segert, Selig Naea- None. Carried. 21 ft OEM