01/04/1926Lumber Co. whereby the Deerfield Lumber Co . ao reel to accept 60.00 in full payment of a Warrant inthe amount of �I00.00, againat Dear- field Special Ai3aeGument, No. I2, held by them. Same to be paid out of the General Fund. Upon roll call the following vote was taken:- Yeaa- Fnnitrom- G eary, Labahn_,Selig . Naeo- None. Absent- Knaak, Sep, ert. Carried. Moved by Trustee Geary and seconded by Trustee Labahn to ad- journ as a Board of Truateea and convene, as, a Board of Local Improve - mentu., Carried. After reconvening. ae a Roard of 7lruuteea it was moved by Trust,--- Fng u_trotn and aecomded by Trustca Labahn that the Clerk be- in- s.tructed to thank the- Briergate Golf Club for their donation to t e•. Fire Department. Upon roll call the following vote waa taken:.- Yeau- Fnsutrom, I Geary, Knaak, Labahn, Segert, Selig. Nae8— 1Jone-. Carried. 1 TRANSFFRS'TO RFAATF FUND. 1 ?loved 'by TidoteF` eary anU s.ecoaded by Trustee Knaak that trans- , fer be made from the following special asaesamenta1 the the rebate fund and that rebates. be, authorized as follows :: vlarrant No. 5 98 Upon roll call. the following vote wau. taken,:= Yeaa_�- Fngs,trom., Geary, Knaak, Labahn, Seg ert, Selig. Naea.- None. Carried. Moved by Trustee- Geary and seconded by Truatea Labahn to ad- journ. Carried. P IDF11T OF Hr A >S. VILLAGF CLERK. r The mined of Dec. 2I, I925 are ammended to read'au. followu: The report of the comwittee, coneiating of W. F. Plagge,'F.'Stryker and A. Frost, appointed to investigate the matter of making a 60ft. 4 Street on Central Ave.; from. Grand Ave. West, showed that the property owners intareated were unwilling to contribute anything towarda: the coat of opening maid Avenue. 'The matter is therefore clo. °d. Jan. 4', I926. '- A. Regular meeting; of the Preuident and Board of Truatces of the Village of Deerfield was called to order by the Presid'Int., Jamea J. Hood at 8 :00 P. M. Roll Call:.- Preuent- Fng s -trom- Knaakr Labahn, Seg ert, Selig . 1 Abu en t- G eary. c The riinutea of the regular meeting held Dec. 7th 1925 wire read and approved. i The minutes of the special meeting held Dec. 2I, 1925 wer-1 read and approved as corrected. R'PLOLUTION OF THANKS TO FIRE DEPARTM711TS. Tha followi T resoIu on waaread:., RFSOLVFD:: The Board of Trustees of the Village of Deerfield, r in their regular monthly session extend to the Fire Department of th- City of Highland Park and the Fire Department of the Villaf;e ' of Deerfield their bincere thanks for the wonderful work done in a � extinguishing the fire in the Grammar School Building in the Village ; of Deerfield on the morning, of Chrismas Day. The quick service-and the heroic work of all of the men, not - withatandin� the frigid weather which obtained on that day, could not have been excelled by any raid and trained fire department in our State-or Country. We. therefore, resolve to have net on the minutea of the r Village, this. resolution and a copy of the sauce is to be sent to the Mayor of Highland: Park to be handed over to the Highland Park 4 Fire Department. - . "_ Moved by Trustee Fngstrom and seconded by Trustee Labahn that the resolution be adopted au presented. Upon roll call the following vote wau taken:'-- Yeau- Fngs.trom, Knaak, Labahn, Seg art, Selig. Naeu- 1q one: ^arried. Moved by Trustee Knaak and seconded by Truutpe• Labahn that lettera of credit be adresse-d to Jamea Andiroon, Jr., Arthur R. Wolf and the Highland Park State Bank. Upon roll call the following vote wau taken : -- Yeaa -- Fngutrofn, Knaak, Labahn, Seg, ert, Selig. Naes- None. Carried. II AWIF 1DIV11T TO SIGN ORT)INA?? ^.F. -ba-nn f Moved -n1 ruatee La and aecconaed by Trustee Selig that Section. V. of the ordinance appertaining to Advertising Siang and HEREIN Siam. Boards. be changed to read THE FFI, FOR THE PERMIT RF,AUIRFD SHALL BE FIFTY (714TS POR EACH SQUARE FOOT IN AREA, OF S1 UCti SIGtr OR SIGNBOARD, in place of one Dollar for each square foot. CI ND 255 Upon roll call the foll'owirg vote, !eras tak en:- Yeas: Fngo,trom, Knaak, Labahn, Segert, Selig. Naes None. Carried. FOAMITF FIRE EXTINGUISHERS FOR FIRE TRUCK. Moved .ya Trustee LLa akin and seconded b:y. Trustee• ae� ert that tyro Foamite Fire extinguishers- and a dozen extra charges. be purchaaed for the- Fire Department. Upon, roll call the- following vote was taken :s - Ye­aa-- .Fngstrom, Knaak, Labahn, Beg ert, Selig . Naes -- None. Carried. SOLOMON SUFDV. COMMUNICATION RPFERFD TO BOARD OF APPEALS:. Moved firus e .ngatrom ana ae con de _ Trua.teFLa7Fn_ that the communication regarding the uae' of.- the Solomon Subdivision as- a site for a Sanitarium be refered to the Board of Appeals. Upon roll call the following vote was taken :_ Yeas Engstrom, rq Knaak, Labahn, Beg ert, Selig. Naes. -- None. Carried. k ZONITZ ORDINANCE AMF RDN(7NT RFFFRED TO BOARD OF APPEALS. An or i ante propooa g to acnena tT]iatl part of the zoning ordin- anc.e of the- Village of Deerfield, Lake Co. Ill., having reference to the number of families. to the- acre, was read. Moved by Trustee Fng atrom and aeeonded b.y Trustee Labahn: that the ordinance be refered to the- Board of Appeals. Upon roll call the following vote was taken : - Yeas -- .Engs.trom., Knaak, Labahn, S.eg ert, Selig. Naes- None. Carried. Z011ING ORDINANCE AMFNDM7NT RTFERFD TO BOARD OF APPEALS. Moved uy Trustee`Knaa and seconded by Trustee SelUZ__�hat the` application from Wm. F. Plagge, for the rezoning of a portion of his property lying Fast of Grand Ave. be refered to the Board of Appeals. Upon roll call the following vote was taken:- Yeas- Engstrom., Knaak, Labahn, Seg ert, Selig . Naes- None. Carried. INTEREST PAID TO PETER FIRSCH & SONS CO. Moved by Trustee Engstroiri and aecon eday Trustee S,eli' that w, cheek be- drawn for, $60.00 in favor of Peter Pirach & S.one. Co. for interest on two motes- of $I600.00 each, f*or the-. period. July I, I925 to De•I uUp onrollcall the- following -vote was taken :: - Yeas- Engstrom, Knaak, Labahn, Segert, Selig . Naea- None. Carried. The following bills. were read :: r C. M. & St. P. Ry. .50 Road & Bridge, Fund. V.35 'l 34.65* IT 31.80 "' '" "' Illinois. Bell Telephane Co . I145 G eneral tt. "• rr I.35 n m A. Willman 57.50 "' m Theo.' J. Knaak 7.25. Deerfield Temple Association 35.00 " 'r Thilo H. Toll 75.00 "` » Levr. A. Hendee 20.00 National Office Supply Co. 90.65 ++ " " 87.95 Water 'r 19' 05 Stampograph Co. Of America 2.80 General Public Service Co. 209.42 tt "' 2,.50 m ++ 2.6 4 t} n 20 John A. Stryker, 3:5.00 "' it Edwin raston I2.00 Road & Bridge n C,eoige Pettis 46.00 C. H. Hanson Company 69.65 ;. Fred Selig Badger Meter Mfg Co . 1.10 Water a. 16' Moved by Trustee Fngatroui and seconded by Trua tee Knaak. that the bills be paid and charged•to their respective accounts. .4F U,�on roll call the following vote was taken: - Yeas- F'ngserorr,, Knaak Labahn, Seg ert, Selig . Naes -. None. carried. Moved by Trustee Labahn and aeconded by Trustee Selig to ad- journ. Carried. pRF^ DENT OF THE BOAR) VILLAC P CLERK .