08/03/1925TOM r• �i 13 245 VACATING PORTION OF STREET IN McGUIRF AND ORR' S SUBDV. An ordinance Io vacs e a portion o an unnamed public s ree n Mdfuires and Orris Deerfield Heights, Unit No. I, was read. Moved by Trustee Geary and seconded by Trustee Knaak that all cohtraty rules be suspended and the ordinance placed on it's passage. Upon roll call the following vote-was taken: Yeas -- Engatrom, Geary, Knaak, Labahn, Segert, Selig. Naes - None-. Carried. Moved by Trustee Engstrom and seconded by Trustee- Labahn that the ordinance be paSeed as read. Upon roll call the following vote was, taken. : - Yeas -Fng atrom, Geary, Knaak, Labahn, Segert, Selig, Naes- None, Carried. Moved by Trustee-Geary and seconded by Trustee Selig to adjourn as a Board of Trustees. and convene, as a Board of Local Improvements ;. Carried. .After reconvening as a Board of Trustees an ordinance appropiat ing such sum or sums; of money - as may he necessary to defray the-- necessary and current expenses, of the Village of Deerfield, Lake- County, Illinois;, for the fiscal year beginning the First day of Mxy A.-D. 1925 and ending on the Thirtieth day of April A. D'. 1926 was Tread by the Clerk. It was moved by Trustee Engstrom and Seconded by Trustee Knaak that all contrary rules: be, suspended and the ordinance be° placed on it's., paseage. i Quesition stated by the- President and submitted to roll call. The vote stood:- Ayes:, - Engstrom, Geary, Knaak, Labahn, S.eg ert and Selig. Naya- None. Motion declared carried. It was, moved by Trustee Engstrom and seconded by Trustee Knaak that the ordinance he passed as read.. Question stated by the President and submitted to roll call. The vote stood, Ayes- Fngs.trom, Geaxy, Knaak, Labahn, Segert and Selig. Naya -None. Motion declared carried and ordinance passed as read. Moved by Trusth-e Enga,trom and seconded by•Truatee Knaak to adjourn Carried. , VILLAGE CLERK. August as 192 5. The regular meeting of the President and Board of Trus.teea of the Village of Deerfield was, called to order by the grersident, James J. Hood at 8:.00 P'. M. Roll call**- Pres.ent- Eng atrom, Geary, Knaak, Labahn, Segert, Selig . Absent- Nona. The readings: of the regular meeting of July, 6, 1925 and- special meetings of July I3, `1925 and July 2S, I925 were dispensed with and defexed uhtil the next r-egular meeting. Moved by Trustee Geary and seconded b:y Trustee Labahn that the application of Mr. Juhrend for permission to place a sign in front of his place of business; be, ref ered. to the License Committe,. Carried. NOTICES TO - PROPERTY OWNERS TO BUILD' SIDEVALKS'.- Moved-by Trus .ee Labahn and seconcLed by Trustee -eg ert that property owners be notified to build. sidewalks in front of their property within fourty days, or..the Village will take, steps. to do so by„ Special assessment. • Walk s to be _built in accordance with s ide- walk ordinance-.- Sidewalk levels, to _.be obtained from Village Fng ineer. Upon roll call the; following vote was taken : - Yeas- Engstrom, Geary,: Knaak, Labahr:, Segert, Selig. Naea -None. Carried, SIDEWALK ORDINANCE. An or finance providing or a uniform construction for all cement Sidewalks constructed in any of the public atreeta, in the Village of Deerfield, Lake County, .Illinois, was. read. _ Moved by Trustee Engstrom _and aeconded •b;y Trustee Segert that all contrary rules, be Suspended and.the- ordinance bz placed, on it's passage. Upon roll call the' following vote- was taken: Yeas- Engstrom, Geary, Knaak, Labahn, Segert, Selig. Naes -None. Carried. Moved by Trustee Engstrom and seconded by Trustee Labahn that the ordinance he passed as read. Upon roll call '-the following vote was taken Yeas_�­ Engstrom, Geary, Knaak', Labahn, Segert, Selig. Naes- Nome.. Carried. ORDINANCE FOR FAST SIDE STORM SEWER.. An or nance prove ng or a oc mproMene-nt in the Village of Deerfield County of Ila fp, and state of Illinois consis-ti of the construction of a ayatem of storm sew.era incluhng manho a, catch basina, and all other necessary appurtenances and aux- iliaries: thereto, along the banks of the West Skokie Drainage Ditch and along and under certain streeta in that locality and across, cartiis private property and known in the records, of said Village as. the "Fast Side Storm Sewer" and establishing a drainage district and providing for the acquiring of all necessary right of ways and easement& and for the making of said improvement by ape-cial aasessm- ment and the isauing`of improvement bonds, was read. Moved by Truate Knaak and seconded by Trustee Geary that all • . contrary rules.. be suspended and the ordinance be placed on it's, passage-. Upon roll call the following vote was taken - Yeas- Engstrom Geary, Knaak, Labahn* Segert, Selig. Naes - None. Carried. Moved by Trustee Knaak, and seconded by Trustee Geary that the ordinance be passed as read. Upon roll call the following Vote was taken : - Yeas- Engstrom, Geary, Knaak, Labahn, Segert, Selig. Naes -None; Carried. ORDINANCE FOR "FAST SIDE SANITARY SEWER "' PASSED TO 2nd RFADIW . An ordinance providing for a lo ca mprovemen n the, Village of Deerfield, County of Lake and State of Illinois, consisting of .the, construction of a system of sanitary sewers together with man holes-, sewerage disposal plant and all auxiliariea. and. appurtenances thereto, known as the "Fast Bide Sanitary Sewer System "` in said Village :; es.tabliahing a sewer district :: providing for acquiring necessary right of way and easements and providing for the making of said improvement by special'aaaessment and the isouing of improvement bonds., was read. It was moved by True'.tee Geary and seconded by*Trustee Knaak that the ordinance presented and read be passed to second reading and referred to the Road and Public Improvement Committee of the Board and the Village Clerk instructed to have the same Rublia.hed in the Highland Park Press and the ordinance brought up for. passage at an adjourned meeting of th Board to be held on Monday August I7, A. D. I925 at 8. P. M. at the Masonic Hall in Deerfield, Illinois.. Qusut16n a..tated by the President and submitted'to roll call. The vote stood :. - Ayes.- Fngmtrom, Geary, Labahn, Knaak, Segert and Selig. Naya - .None. Motion declared carried and so ordered. AN ORDINANCE LFVYINC TAXES, FOR THE FISCAL YEAR. An ordinance levying the •s • axe or a corpora e• purposes for the Village of Deerfield, County of Lake and State of Illinois, for the fiscal year beginning the first day of May, A. D. I925 and ending ont. the 30th day of April, A. D. I9267, was. read. 'I Moved by Trustee Engstrom and seconded by Trustee .Knaak that all contrary rules be suspended and the ordinance be placed on it's. passage. �l Upon roll call the following vote was taken : - Yeas - Engstrom, Geary, Knaak, Labahn, Segert, Selig. Naea. -None. Carried. Moved by Trustee Engstrom and seconded by Trustee Knaak that the ordinance be passed as read. Upon. roll call the following vote was taken:; Yeas,- F:ngatrom, Geary, Knaak,,Labahn, Segert, Selig. Naes- None. Carried. The following bills were read:: - Boehm & Gotti $I32.I4 Road & Bridge Fund Deerfield Garage - - I3'.75 Fire " Theo R. Knaak - - 5.50 Dr. C. Johnston Davis. - 75.00 G enetal " A. W. Knaak 2. ?2 A. W. Knaak 2.73" Raad &' Bridge " W. P. Cawley _ - - 29.19 Water Public Service Co. _ '� 203.33 General " 4 George Karch - - I5.00 George Pettis - '- 3.76 Road & Bridg ej G. W. Sticken - - II.00 water " Federal Electric Co. -(hola ti1T Aug.. 25th.) 197.90 . Road & Bride a 197.90 General "' { Moved by Trustee. Geary and seconded by Trustee Knaak that the bills be paid and charged to their respective` funds. ' . Upon roll call .the following vote was taken:- Yeas- Engstrom, Geary, Knaak, Labahn,, Segert, Selig . Naes- None Carried.