07/13/1925242 DIRECTORY OF VILLAGE OFFICIALS. Moved B77rustee and seconde3 -by Trustee Fngstrom that the Directory of the Village Officials be printed and the cost defrayed by advertisement on the back thereof. Stock for this Directory will be furnished gratis by the Village President. Upon roll call-the following vote was taken : - Yeas- Engstrom, Geary, Knaak, Labahn, Selig . Nam- None. Carried. - Moved by Trustee Knaak and seconded by Trustee Labahn to adjourn as a Board of Trustees and convene as a Board of Local Improvements.. Carried. POLICE SALARIES PAID,SFMI *MONTHLY. ,/�, tietm,pcAT,, �, Quoved�firus ee- `Engstrom an seconded-by Trustee G eary that he police be paid the Ist and I6th of every month. Chief Petersen to be paid on July 9th. what may tine due him and again on July Ibth what may be due : him. Upon roll call the following vote was taken : - Yeas- Engstrom, Geary., Knaak, Labahn, Selig. Naes- None. Carried. The-following bills were-read:- Deerfield Temple Association $70.00 General Fund. Illinois. Bell Telephone Co. (credit), IO Meierhoff Hardware Co. I.20 Fire Highland Park Press II.00 General " 5.75 Water " Reliable Garage- I.00 Fire- Highland Park Fuel Co. 2.00 Road & Bridge " { Legal Adviser Bublishing Co. II.4I General " Public-Service Co. .203•.33 Smith & Cawley 6.90 Water Chicago Uniform & Cap Co. I38.00 Road & Bridge " Deerfield Lumber Co. 4.92 D. M. Lidgerwood I8.50 ,^ Chicago Milwaukee & St. Paul Ry. .50 Water .63 Stevens, Maloney & Co. II.4b General rA Henry Hofmann 24.00 Road & Bridge- George Karch ., 30.00 General " G . W. Stick en 32.20 Water " Moved by Trustee Knaak and seconded by Trustee• G eary that the bills be paid as read and charged to their respective funds. as. indicated on the bills, following vote was taken. - Upon roll, call the g Yeas_- Fngstrocu, ' teary, Knaak, Labahn, Selig, Naes- None-. Carried. Moved by Trustee Engstrom and seconded by Trustee Selig to ti• adjour Carried ^ H. OARD . VILLAGE CLERK. July 13, 1925. A special meeting of the President and Board of Trustees. of the Village of Deerfield was called to order by the President, James J. Hood at :8;,00 P. 14. Roll call:.- Present- Engstrom, Knaak, Seg ert, Selig. •Absent- Geary, Labahn. F14PLOYrRS LIABILITY INSURANCE POLICY ACCEPTED. Movedbyy TTrruatee strom an3 eecondeca�y T ruatee Knaak that the Employers Liability Insurance Policy with the Fidelity and Casualty Co. of New York be- accepted and paid out of the Road and Bridge fund. _ Upon roll call the following tote was taken : - Yeas - rngstrom, : Knaak, Seg ert, Selig. Naes- None. Carried. rw VACATING PORTION OF STREET IN McGUIRF AND ORR SURDV. An ordinance to vacs e a port o off` an unname p C.. atreet in Mcluire and Orr's Deerfield Highta, Unit No. I, was read. Moved by Trustee Knaak and seconded by Trustee Segert that • the ordinance be adopted as read. Upon roll call the following vote was taken : - Yeas- Engstrom, Knaak, Segert, Selig. Naes- None. Carried. Moved by Trustee Knaak and seconded by Trustee Engstrom that the Board of Trustees take a recess and . convene- as .a Board of Local Improvements. Carried. 1- G ,-. :. _.. _ - - - - _ 243 0 ORDINANCE CLASSIFYITZ WATER SYSTEMS. ter reconvening ae a hoard of- Teusteeslan ordinance for the Village of Deerfield, classifying water .systetas, was read. Moved by Trustee Knaak and seconded by Trustee , Selig that all contrary rules. be suspended and the-ordinance be placed on its: passage. • Upon roll call the following vote was taken : - Yea's- Engs -t1com, Knaak, Se ert, Selig. Naas- None Carried. ' FINAL INSPECTION BRANIGAR BROS.- WATER SYSTEM. Moved-By—Truatr ee -eg ert ana secon3e -d-Ey Trustee Knaak that Branigar Bros. be written* to the eff act that they make* a request to the Village Clerk to have the final inspection made-of their water installation, including fire hydrants -, before any further taps can be made on this system. Upon roll call the following vote was_ taken : - Yeas Engstrom, Knaak, Seg art, Selig. Naas,- None-. Carried. ' Moved by Trustee Knaak and seconded by Trustee, Selig that the ordinance be, passed as read. Upon roll call the following vote was taken : - Yeaa -. Engstrom, Knaak, Se ert, Selig . Naas- None. Carried. .NLAW INC, MATER WORKS. SYSTEM AND CONSTRUCTING RESERVOIR. An or finance providing for tHe issuance oT water certi ica, es to defray the coat of enlarging and extending the exis.ting water works system in the Village of Deerfield, Lake County, Illinois, by the construction of a water reservoir and booster pump station for the said'Village of Deerfield, was read. jloved by Trustee Fngstrom and seconded by Trustee- Selig that all contrary rules. be suspended and the ordinance be placed upon its: paksag e. Upon roll call the following vote was taken : - Yens -. Engstrom, { Knaak, Segert, Selig. Naas- None. Carried. . Moved by Trustee Engstrom and seconded by .Trustee Selig that t the ordinance be passed. as read. Upon roll call the following vote was taken:- Yeas- ..Fngatrom, Knaak, Segert, Selig. Naes- None. Carried. SUNSET TERRACE COMBINED STORM AND-SANITARY SEWER. An o nancaproviding for the construction of a combined, storm water and sanitary sewer in a portion of Sunset Terrace in the village-of Deerfield, Lake County, Illinoia, and providing for- the making of said improvement by special assessment and the issuing of improvement bonds, was read. Moved by Trustee Engstrom and seconded by-Trustee-Knaak that all contrary rules be suspended and the ordinance .be placed on its passage`. Upon roll call the following. vote was taken: Yeas Engatrom,. Knaak, Segert, Selig. Naas- None. Carried. Moved by Trustee Engatrom and seconded by Truatee Knaak' that the ordinance be passed as read: Upon roll call the following vote was, tak en:t • Yeas- Engstrom, Knaak, Segert, Selig,. 'Naas- None. Carried. • WATFR MAINS ON GREENWOOD MIRIE MEADOW' SOMERSET HAZFL.AVE. An or nancer providing off` r Fier construction o cast iron supply pipss., together with fire hydrants, gate t valves:, benda, connections to existing mlins and special castinga complete, to :tie- constructed and laid along and under portions of greenwood Avenue,, prairie Street, Meadow Street, Somerset Avenue, and Hazel Avenue, in the Village. of Deerfield, Lake- County, Illinois, and providing for the- making of said improvement by special asse•asment and issuing of im- provement bonds, was read. Moved- by Trustee Engstrom and seconded by Trustee Knaak that : be suspended and the ordinance placed on its all contrary rules passage. Upon roll call• the following vote was taken: Yeas- Engstrom, Knaak, Segert, Selig. Naes- •None; Carried. Moved by Trustee Engstrom and seconded by Trustee Knaak that the ordinance be passed as read. Upon roll call the following vote was taken : - Yeas- Engstrom, • Knaak,, Segert, Selig. Naas None. Carried. MISS KARCH EMPLOYED TO MAKE COPIES OF ALL. ORDINANCES. Moved rusteee .ngs rom an secon a ruatee Knaak that the pre-si'dent be authorized to employ Miss Karch to make- copie-a of