06/12/1925 + 06/23/1925Villaage of Leerfield against any damages that might be incurred. 1'r. Seiler also must assume all indebtedness with the public utilities coganies. Upon roll call the following vote was taken:- Yeas- Engstrom, Knaak; Lrabahn, Segc:rt; Selig., Nuts- None. Carried. ;coved by Trustee Engstrom z. %nd seconded by Trustee Segert th,�t the General Fund be reimbursed from the 'dater Fund for w,,.tcr service to the extent of �I8.60. Carried. The following bills were read:- The Leg Ll Adviser Publishing Co. r IZ7 Read c; Bridge Fund. Illinois Bell Telephone Co. .30 General " C. H. Henson Co. 7.50 Road e; BridJ-e " tit. �7. Geciry I6.50 " it It Fred Selig •104.50 It to It Peter Leist 25.00 " It 4 " Deerfield Lumber Co. 6.30 " it » Geo. Pettis 96.25 n n n Public Service Co. 203;'.",'L3-General Ig t,. 'R. Barngrover _ 3.00 a �, Ha skins & Sells 58.04 " • " Deerfield 'Turneries 25000 Neptune 11eter Co. I;,9.00 "later ► G. <<. Stickcn, 9.00 "'Iatc;r service 'r Ludlow Vc.lve ITC. Co. 8.10 ',later " Harry ;aah.lke ? '',0 Fire it • 1!'eierhoff H�.rdti :.re Co. 16.80 " " G. E. Engstrom 2.95 Gener��l to Highland Park Press 23.25 1.'L.tc.r " • 9.50 Roz,6 2v Bridge " • 11 u n 10.50 tTEilt;i•L-.J. c n Jude:; I'.na Vlerlcs oZ r,lectic,T1 ;a by Trustee Yx'aak }nd seconded by Trustee Selig trot the bills be paid cgs rend and chcrGcd to thier res- yective funds as indicE:tc:d on the bills. Upon roll c�..11 the following vote vrr s token : - Ycz.s -r Ergctrom, Knan k, LabLhn, Sc�crt, Selig. Ila.es- Pone. Carried. 11oved bf 'Trustce Labahn u.nd seconded by Trustee SL. -crt to .0 j ourn. Carried. L r G r. u4.rd. Vi llwge Tllerk. June I21 I925. special meeting. of the President and Board, of Trustees of the Village of Teerfield viu3 called to order by the:- President, James J. Hood, at 8:00 P. III. Roll Call : - Present- Engstrom, Geary, Knawk, Selig. Absent- Labahn, Begert. 11oved by Trustee Knuak and. seconded.by Trustee 9=*�;4 , tjaat the President and the Clerk be instructed to execute tY.e agreement with Z. F. 1.1eyers Co. land to deliver tvio copies thereof to said - L. R. Yeyers Co. upon receipt of X250.00 as I rovided in agreement. Upon roll call the following vote tiIL:s taken : - Yeas- Engstrom, f Ge�:-,;ry, Kna.«k, Selig. 1kies- Ilene. Carried. 1:'oved by Trustee. Engwtrom �.nc,, seconded by Trustee Selig to adjourn «s a Board of Trustees o.nd convene as o. Board of Local Improve :nts. Carried. I'ti� :11;- June 23, 1925. t A special meeting of the President and Board of ,Trustees of the Village of Deerfield was called to order by the .President, James_ J. Hood, at 8 ::00 P. M. Roll Call:- Present - Engstrom, Geary, Knaak, Labahn, $egert, Selig. Absent- None. • _ , Moved by Trustee Engstrom and seconded by Trustee Geary that the Engineer be instructed to prepare specifications and plans in connection with the- proposed Water Improvement Installation. Upon roll call the following vote was taken:.- Yeas - Fngstrom, Geary, Knaak, Labahn, Segert, Selig, Naes —None. Carried.. r 1 i #Y •E. 4