05/11/1925ICRvn 235 • PERCY 1.- CL,°.UGHLIN BACK PAY. , roved by `Trustee Labahn �, nd s ec orided 'by Trustee Geary that Percy 1ucLaughlin be paid $70.00 total back Z:ay for the months of April and 11ay 1925. . Upon roll 'call the folloviing vote vi� s taken: - Yeas - Engstrom, Geary, Knaak, labelin, Segert, Selig., ITaes-� None. Carried. ' LIGHTS OIT EUGENE AVE AND D- FLRFIELD ACIMS SUED. 11oved by Trustee Lab din z.nd seconded by Trustee Knaalc . that the Road tend Bridge Committee be authorized to install the necessary lights on Eugene Ave., 'and the neces -ary lights and poles in Deerfield Acres Subdivision. Upon roll Call the follovrinC vote vrf s t,Lken:- Ye�.s- Engstrom, Geaary, KnaR k, Labahn, Segert, -Selig. ITf,.Les- 'I ?one. Carried. `PURC1TASE 0 POLICE AND TRUSTEE STARS. 1.Foved by Trustee Knack and seconded by Trustce Labahn that Trustee Gc cry be authorised to purchase seven Sy eci,'.l Police and four Trustee Stf;.rs. ' Upon ro1..L call the follovrinL,; vote was taken:- Yeas- .ngstrom, •r Geary, Knack, •Labahn, Segert, Selig. i,ae;s= None. Carried. { The President requested that the records show that John Beckley._Sr., Harry 11uhlke and GYen Boorman now poses Police Stars given them b; t1te former Board, n -oved by Trustee Engstrom and 'seconded by Trustee I,%bahn to adjourn. Carried. t c;as 1 BOARD. VILLAGE "CLERK. . i M-ay II, I925. A sI_ecia.l metting' of the President and Board' of Trustees of the Village of Deerfield vias called to order by the President James J. Hood at 8 P. 111. { Roll call : - Present - Engstrom, Knack, Labahn, Segert, Selig. Absent- Geary. The follovring appointments vrere read by the President. PLAITS COIIMISSI01T. t CHAIR17 T ( one vez:�r) - - Is. A. J. Ender. gF, ED APPOIITT1 -MET ( one year) - - A. L. Taylor. �+ (tyro veers) - - T. J. Kna.ak. IrE',J j',rpt)i?T11TET1'i' (three years) - P. L. Hunter. Burr Kress. } t BOARD OF APPEALS. CH��IRi`111.1 ( (tv; o years) ' - Frank Hemps tef d . D A'=i CIITT1_lTT ( three years) - A, C. C. Timm. (four yc ars) - Burr Hindal. ( five yc-,r ) .r - frank Russb. ; -oved by Trustee Knack aru. weconded by Trustee r }n s�:roM • than the appointments be r��til "ieG as rca.d. Carried. A1: OlIDI '!L'vCi< CTirr�'CI "tr lii?I RD 0;' LOCAL I1,, tt�VEI.°��TT1S. An orgy in&nce ' deU ygnc ting six• members of the Bof.rd of Trustees of the Village of Deerfield, Lake County, Illinois, who,shall,• vJith the President of said Village, constitute the Board of Local Improvements oft -said Village was read. ' by Trustee Engstrom and seconded by Trustee Sc;lig labvea that all contrary rules be su I.ended nd the ord.insnce rIaced on its n c 2 PE 8 236 Ur,,n roll c<,11 t7.e foll,)vrinl vote w,--0 t :kcn :- Yu.,lo-- If'ngstrom, I,nauk,+LrLbahn, Segcrt, Sclie. Nacc- Done. Carried. !,'loved by Trustee 1,ngstrom and i(.concte:d by Tru tec L:.:bGhn thrtt the ordinL�.ncc be paccled i-Lc rc,.,d. Ul✓ _.n roll call the follo inL; vote v;._ s tz:E:en. :- Ye ,.^- -Engstrom, Knaak, Labahn, 'Sc1;e rt, Sc;lig. NW.ec- ? ?one. Carried. A ?11TLXATIO;14 0? Th1t tITORY. _ q < Ari ordinance; ftnnefing certain territory to the Village of Deerfield, in the County of L- ke and St,,.te of Illinois, described its that part of Scction :'4, Township 4' North, Range 12 East of the Third Principal 1`eridian now located in the City of Highland Park, lying Viest of the ce,ntc!r line 'of the ditch of the Union Dr, Linage District ITo. I of the Towns of Northfield and Deerfield and 'West of center line of 'tic.st Skokie DrZ:in,,ge Ditch, was read. Loved by Trustee Engstrom "nd seconded by Trustee Selig that .,.11 contr.4ry rules be susi.c;ndr d anti the ordinance be pl «ced on its jassage Upon roll cell the folloving vote v;"s taken : - Ye�ls- Engstrom, Knaa c, Labahn, 'Segert, Selig. ITaes- None. C�a.rried. ;;soled by Trustee: Engstrom «nd seconded Eby Trustee Labahn thztt the ordinz,nce be; as re,•.d. Upon roll call the follrn;irig vote VZ.s taken:- Yeas- Engstrom, Knaaak, D b�'hn, Sege,rt, Selig. Naes- ]!one Carried. Moved by Trustee Engstrom an(, nc conue:d by Trustee S(-lig that tree Board of Tru:;tc;es te..ke a rc,ccsc for tt.e'r.urpose of convening as the Board of L=: l Improvements. Upon roll call the folloving vote vi,.s taken:- Yeas- Engstrom, Knaak, Labalin, Segcrt, Selig. Yac.s- None. Carried. D11- .RFIELL HLIMITS U1TIT 110: "; PLAT. After reconvening a:; the Board of Trustees a plat of the subdivision knovin us- Deerfield heights, Unit 11o. 2 was presented. Moved by Trustee Engstrom and .;c ;coridcd by Trustee Knaak that the Flat be a.cceptc (t s ;.er copy of map on file with the Clerk. Upon roll call the folloviin ; ote vr�,s taken:- Y( as- Engstrom, Knaak, Labahn, Segert, Selig. ITaes- ITone. Carried. WATER BILL AT BLRT EASTON RLSIDI,TTCh. Moved by Trustee E:nGstrom �.nd seconded by Trustee Knaak that the resolution rassed by the Boara of Trustees on'I!4,+.y 4, I925'authori:3in; the Water Committee to shut off the vlr ter Lt L:r..Bert Easton's property be recinded. Upnn roll call the follov�,inL vote was tivken:- Yet_ts- Engstrom, Knaak, Iib<,hn, Segert, Selig. Nr:cs- None. Carried. Moved by Trustee SeCc;rt and seconded by Trustee Labahn that the water bill of Taylor and Easton be settled on a basis of 100.06 net. Upon roll call the fo lovjing vote vjc�N taken : - Yeas- Engstrom, Knaak, Labahn, Sel;ert, Selig. Naes - None. Carried. TE11,11101TE 111 CLi,.IZKS OI +" VICE. Moved by'Trustee Engstrom and seconded by Tructce Labahn that the Clerk be instructed to have a telephone installed.in the Village Clerkrs office and listed in the Telephone Directory as VILLAGE CLERK, LLER IELD, ILL. Upon -roll cell the folloving vote v,as teLke:n :- Ycas- Engstrom, Knaak, Labahn, Se Bert, Se fig. ITaes- ITone. Carried. AT-P oINTIM" 14 011 FE`IER DEIST AS CitOSSI 4 , POLICE:. Loved by Trustee; Labahn ana seconac;d by Trustee Knaak that _ Peter Leist be alpointed 4.; crossing policemen from Decoration Day to Labor Day. IT.r. Leist to be on duty Saturday afternoons - and all day Sundays. Salary to be w200.00 for the entire period plus thb co;;t` of his uniform. Upon roll cell the following vote v - ,-.:.s taken:- Yeas - I ngstrom, Knaak., Labahn, Segert, Selig. i,aes- Bone. Carried. IITCH ASE ITT SALARY OF CHIEF OF FOLICF,.. I-loved by Trustee Labahn pond secondce -. by Trustee: Knaak that the salary of the Chief of Police be increased DIO.00 her month and to have him buy a uniform, same to be subject to inspection. Upon roll call the following vote v,as t,eken:- Yeas- Engstrom, Knaak,, Labahn, Segert, Selig. Nacs- ITone. Carried. INCREASE: III SALARY- OF POLICE Or YICER YCLIX- GHLIN, Moved by Trustee Labahn and seconded by Trustee Engstrom that corwmeneing on June 1, 1925, and until further nt)tice, ` the salary of Police Officer Percy I`cla.ughlin shall be $175.00 per nonth, he to purchase his uniform. Upon roll call the following vote wz.s taken : - Yeas- Engstrom, KnwLk, I.abahn, Segert, Selig. Naes- None. Carried. I ILI M E. i. �I