03/02/1925230 0 ISarch 2nd, 19w5. The regular meeting; of the Board of Trustees of the Village of Deerfield was called to order by the Clerk at 7:30 P.M. The President being absent, a motion was made by Trustee Hood and seconded by Trustee Labahn that Trustee Ender act as chairman.Carried. Roll call -: Present- •tinder, Engstrom, Hood, Labahn, Toll. Absent - ?lone. Moved by Trustee hood and Seconded by Trustee Engstrom that the Printing and _auditing Committee be authorized to have the Village Clerk's and the treasurer's books audited to the close of the•oresent administration. Upon roll, call the following vote aaa 'taken-.- Yeas - Eng- Strom, Hood, Labahn, Toll. ITaes- "lone. Carried. E PET??R PITISCH 7TOT7S. Loved by 'Trustee Labahn and seconded by Trustee hood that the President and Clerk be authorized to issue new notes to T The Peter Pirsch and Sons Co. on surrender of the two notes which they now hold. Upon roll call the following vote was taken: - Yeas- Fng- Strom, Hood, Labahn, Toll. Naes- None. Carried. - PFRMIT TO FRl.*TK 1. RUSSO FOR 6" TAP IN I7,172FIELD RO.LD. Moved by Trustee hood and seconded by Trustee Labahn that ' the President be authorized to sign an agreement with Frank W. Russo for a 6" tap on 8" watermain in Deerfield Load outside of the Village of Deerfield. Upon roll call the following vote was- taken:- Yeas- En,- Strom,' Hood, Labahn. Toll. "Taos- hone. Carried. BWTIr:1Tt RRO TIi 3 PE jIS ' IO "_T T O IN3T IL tl , T ?R2�1I!TS IN THr IR 1100DL,117 D Pi'.t UTIDIV IS IO'T. Moved by Trustee Hood and Seconded by Trustee Engstrom j to grant Branigar Brothers of Joodland Park. permission and authority to install their own.1-raternains by private control and at their. o,rn e.:pense . Upon roll call the following vote waa• taken:- Yeaa Eng- Strom, Hood, Labahn, Toll. Naes- ?lone. Carried. Moved by Trustee Toll and seconded by'Trustee Labahn that John Frye of Lake Forest be refunded 1'.:25.00 out of the X50.00 . detiosit which he made at the time of installing watermain to } Reed Landis Subdivision. Upon roll call the following vote was taken:- Yeas- Engstrom, Hood, Labahn, Toll. TTaes- None. Carried. Moved by Trustee Toll and Seconded by Trustee hood to issue a Village I'larrant on the Treasurer for x'12.25 to be credited to 71. W. Geary's 'slater a /c. Upon roll call the following vote was taken:- Yeas- Engstrm, Hood, Labahn, Toll. Naes- ?lone. Carried. Moved by Trustee Labahn and seconded by Trustee flood that the clerk be authorized to draw a Treasurer's 'Tillage '- Tarrant in the amount of ,'':35.00 to Percy Iaclaurhlin and charge' the same to the Road and Bridge Fund. Upon roll call the following vote was taken:- Ye_S- Eng- Strom, Hood, Labahn, Toll. ?Taes- 'Tone. Carried. ' The following bills :7e're read: 0. R. Barn rover - - -- ' "5.00 General = Nand,, Theo. J. Knack-------------- - - - - -- 29.20 It F Peter G. Leist-------------- - - - - -- 25.00 dud w Bridge " Herman Knigre ------------------- -- 6.00 " if " George Pettis------ - - - - -- - - - - -- 13.00 Reliable raraie------------ - - - - -- 9.75 General I:.eierhoff Hdwe. Co. - - - - -- 1.05 Cameron, Amberg & Co.------- - - - - -- 4.90 George Karch---------------- - - - - -- 15.00 Badger I..eter Lift;. Co.------- - - - - -- 75.00 later Service " Mueller Co.----------------- - - - - -- 46.04 if t n G. 3. Sticken--------------------- 3.00 2 '► Lioved by Trustee hood and Seconded by Trustee Labahn that the bills be paid and charged to their respective fands as indicated on the bills. Upon roll call the follo%,iine vote .-jas taken:- Yeas - Zn - Strom, Hood, Labahn, Toll. 'laes- 'Tone. Carried. 'R ",3I T'.i.,T IOTT nF J 51. ,3 J. II0 11D. James J. hood tendered his resignation as Trustee of the Village Board o p Deerfield. ' F. e A F .