01/07/1925228 M R x� S y� 4 5 j S f C 3 Upon roll call the follow4ng vote was taken : - •yeas- Ender, Engstrom, Hood, Labahn, Toll. Naes- None. Carried. Moved b- Trustee Hood and seconded b-r Trustee Engstrom to adjourn to Wednesda -* evening, Januar -+ 7th, 1925 at 8 P. I.I.' Carried. PRMT06,2�� MNI T OF THE BOARD. VILLAGE CLEF. Januar-* 7th, 1925. ` The adjourned meeting from the regular meeting of the President and Board of Trustees of the Village of Deerfield held Januar -r 5th,1925, was called to order b-* the President L; ncoln Pettis at 8 P. Iii. Roll call - Present- Fnder, Engstrom, Hood,,Labahn, Toll. Absent - None. jVMITDT11G SM7E1Z ORDTITAI1C :. An ordinance amending an ordinance entitled :i An ordinance for a local--Improvement in the Village of Deerfield, Lake `Count -r, Tlltnoi s, providing for the construction of a s-rstem of sanitar -* and combined sewers, together with manholes, catch - basins, catchbasin connections, house and catchbasin slants and ', branches and a sewage disposal plant and all aux; li ari es and appurtenances thereto, and outlet for the same" passed °b -* the President and Board of Trustees of the Village of Deerfield the 7th da-r of Apr 41, A. D. 1924, and approved b -,- the President of said V ;llage the 7th da•• of April, A. D., 1924 was read. Moved b -TT Trustee Ender and seconded b -* Trustee Hood that all contrar -* rules be suspended and the ordinance placed on its passage. Upon roll call the follota4ng vote was taken : - yeas- Ender, Engstrom, Hood, Labahn, Toll. Naes- None. Carried. Moved b -r Trustee Ender and seconded b-* Trustee Engstrom that the ordinance be nassed as read. Upon roll call the following vote was taken : - °eus- Ender, Engstrom, Hood, Labahn, Toll. Naea- None. Carried. Yoved b -* Trustee . hood and seconded ,b-* Trustee Labahn to adjourn. Carried. PRESTDIENT OF TH'L B0 RD. VILLAGE CLERK. r t � a t . .0