06/04/1923I.CRVD • e _ . June 4th t 1923..- Regular meeting of the Board of Trustees of the Village of Deerfield was called to order-by the President,'Lincoln Pettis, at 8 P.M. Roll- call;Present- Ender, Selig, Toll ,and'Osterman.Abeent- V'iarner. ' Minutes of the regular meeting on May 7th,1923,were read and approved. A communication from certain citizens on Springfield Avenue were read-Moved by Trustee Ender and seconded by Trustee Osterman, that the same be referred to the Road and Bridge Committee.for immediate action. Upon roll -call the following vote was taken;Yeas- Ender,Selig, Tolland Osterman.Naes- None. Moved by Trustee Ender and seconded by Trustee Toll, that the Road and Bridge Committee be authorized-to get oil for Deerfield Avenue west of Waukegan Road, rand Avenue, and Osterman Avenue east of.the C.M.&St.P.Ry. Upon roll - call -the following vote was taken;Yeae- Eader,Selig, Tollg-nnd Op.tertan.Naes -None. 14oved br Trustee.; "Ender and seconded by Trustee Osterman that the Road and Bridge Cbmmittee "be authorized to grade Osterman Avengte from Albert"""Hagie wrest to- the ' village limits. Upon roll =call thd" °following vote was taken -Yeas-Ender,, Selig, Tbll,and Osterman.Naes -None. . Anordinance amending Sec.3 of an.Ordinance entitled !An. Ord - in nce providing for the Licensing of'Vehicles,and providing a penalty for. -the violation thereof" was read. Moved by TrusteeA'Ender and seconded by- Trustee Toll,that "all contrary rules be suspended and placed on it's passage.- Upow roll -call the following vote was taken;Yeas- Ender;Selig, Toll,and Osterman.Naes- None. Moved.by'Trastee -Ender and seconded "by Trustee Toll,that the ordinance be passed as read. -Upon roll -call the following vote 'was taken;Yeas- Ender,Selig, Toll,and Osterman.Naes- None.' An Ordinance providing for the Annual Appropriation for the Village of Deerfield for theCurrent year 1923 and 1924 was read. Moved by.Trustee Ender and seconded by Trustee Osterman,that all contrary rules be suspended and the ordinance be placed on its passage. Upon roll -call the following vote was taken;Yeas- Eader,Selig, Tolland Osterman -Naes -None. Moved bp'Truatee Ender and seconded by Trustee Osterman,that the ordinance 'be, passed* a's read. _T Upon roll- call '-the following vote was taken; Yeas- Ender_,Selig,: �`111 anc,'Osterman.Naes =None: U A3i Ordinance creating - the beerfield Planning and Zoning Com- Sion was -read. Moved by Trustee .Ender and - seconded br Trustee Selig,thatall -contrary rules be suspended,and the ordinance be placed on its pawae the following vote-was taken;Yeas- Ender,Selig, Toll,and'- Osterr4an.Naes -None. Moved by-Trustee Ender and seconded by Trustee Osterman,that the Ordinance be.passed<as read. Upon . soll -call the following vote was taken;Yeas- Ender,3elig, Toll,and-.Osterman.Naes -None. 31oved by- Trustee Ended and seconded by Trustee Toll,that the resolution adoptea'by the previous Board on Jan.29th,1923 relative. to the interest talgoarde n by McGuire & Orr for the welfare of Deerfield be adopted by this Unanimously carried. Moved by Trustee -Toll and seconded by Trustee Ender" that the auditing report be read at an adjourned meeting of the fioard. Upon roll- eall�the following.vote was taken;Yeas- Ender,Selig, Toll,and Osterman. Naes -None. The Poll wing bille,were read: C.M.9 St.P.Ry.-- - ----------------- 3.83. F¢ater Fund. Herman Frost ----- --- - - - - -- 10.00. General " Peter G.Leist---- ---------------- 18.00: Road & Bridge Fund. H.Mueller Mfg. Co.= = -------------- 9.540 Water Fund. VIM. Bubert ----------------------- 56.00. Viater.- Fund. QED* Stryker------------------------ 4.50. r- " Jas. O'Connor------------ -------- 10.00. Road & Bridge Fund. • John A. ' Stryker------------ - - - - -- 38.00. hater Fund.,. Weil McLain and- Co. - - -- - - - - -- 21.00. n s� Public Service Co'.--- '----------- 11b.43. General Fund. City of Highland Park ---------- 1720.53. Water Deerfield Lumber Co -------------- 11.20. Road & Bridge .Fand.