01/29/1923x.82 January 29 1923 Special zie-�tin of the Board of Truateea Villa�;c of Deerfield waa call-ed to ord -3r by the PrA:aident B.H.Kreaa at 7 P.rd. Roll Call, preasnt O'Connor, Pettia, Se�;ert, Selig, Warner. Absent, S tangy; it The Pre ident priaented a letter from ;dr. °�tcguir: Sr. of Ue,uire and Orr. After extended diacuaaion of the cont-!nta of �thia letter the following r- volution yJaa unaminoualy adapted. RFSOLV ^n: that the Truateea of the village of Deerfield do hereby crpr?,aa to ;fir. dcCx"uir- their high appreciation for hie int^�reat in the ,- mlfar^ of the village and for the extended thou -lit and study given by him to ita problemii; of futute develo ) %,ent:.and be it further A7SOLVFD; that the gienb:era of this Board unite in thin ex preut3ion of their approval of the i'en°xal and coiaprehm6ive pro6ra21 for the izprovcmint and the d- veloptaent of thi viliag� propoe.:d and outlined by Mr. t- 4cCuir-: and further u.ore declare it to be their intention to work fog the accompliahm-nt of each and all the improvem,!nta mentioned as the accomplishment of each and all shall becosoP f- arable. Mov -d by Trustee tarn -r and s-contd by Truat..e Pettis to adjourn. carried. • VILJ AIT CL 7AK.