07/31/1922• CRVD July 31 1922 Special meeting of the Board of Trustees Village ofmDeerfield called by the President B.H.Kress for the purpose of receiving bids for cement pavement on Deerfield ave,was: called to order by the President at 8 P.M. Roll call, Present: O'Connor, Segert,'Selig, Stanger, Warner Pettis. Absent,`None. Bid of Kapschull Davis Co. for $17567.00 for paving of Deerfield Ave. with certified check for$2368.00 was read. • Moved by Trustee O'Connor and seconed by Trustee Segert J�hat 4 bid of Kapschtal and Davis be accepted. Upon roll call the following vote was taken, Yeas O'Connor, Segert, Selig, Warner, Stanger, Pettis. Naes, None. Dr. Davis and Trustee Stanger then presented the proposition of having the Village buy the Presbyterian Church Building fora Village Hall L:.nd Fire Station. The President appointed the finan ce Committee to meet the '. township officials and see what can be done towards getting.a new town hall and to report at the next regular meeting. Moved by Trustee Pettis and.secor�ed by Trustee Segert to adjourn. Carried. VILLAGE ` R _ s 9 Y a