06/12/1922]CRVD .June 12 1922 Adyourned,meeting from ,regular meeting of June 5 1922 was called to order by the Bresident.B.H.Kr4ess at 8 P.M. Roll call, Present :O'Connor, Segert, Stanger, Pettis Absent: Selig, darner. Moved by Trustee O'Connor and seconed by Trustee Segert that drain the and sidewalks in Rosemary Terrace be accepted. Carried. Moved by Trustee O'Connor and seconed by Trustee Stanger that certificate of contractor 19.C.Blum for completion of.85 of the sidewalks in Rosemary Terrace be approved. Carried. Moved by Trustee Segert and seconed by Trustee O'Connor that the 'resident and -Clerk be authorized to enter into a contract, with the Gould Mfg. Co for a Gould threQ hundrea (300) gal per a minute Centrifugal Pump Pig.3030 Size 4S. with a 20 horse power -motor with cutler Hammer control apparatus at approximately $616.00 F.O.B. Deeifield. Upon roll call the following vote was.taken. Yeas, O'Connor, Segert, Stanger. Naes, None.-Not voting Pettis. A petition for sidewalks on Hazel AR . was read. The annual appropriation ordinance fob 19:2 and 1§23-was read. Moved by Trustee Stanger and seconed by Trustee 08connor that the ordinance bg approved as read. Upon roll call the following vote was read. Yeas: O'Connor`, Segert, Stanger, Pettis. Naes: None. Moved by Trustee O'Connor and seconed by Trustee Segert that the Village take out liability insura.nae on the employees and,that voucher be drawn for $51.91 in payment of Jame. Upon roll call the following vote was taken, Yeas: O'Connor`, Segert, Stanger, Yettis. , Naes, None. Moved by Trustee Stanger and seconed by Trustee O'Connor thm the Building ordinance,as corrected be passed. Upon roll call the following; vote was taken: . Yeas O'Connor, Segert, Stanger. Naes, None. Not voting Pettis. , Moved by Trustee O'Connor and, seconed by Trustee Stanger to adjourn. Carried. Village Jek i 1 167