09/08/1921.152 i Septeaib -ir 8 1921. Regular ineetincr of the Board of Trustees Village of Deerfield was called to order by the President A.H. Kress at 8 P.A. Roll call, Present- O'Connor, oegert, Stanger and Weauling Abeent- Haggie and Kreh. Minutea of theregular meeting held on August 1 1921 were read and approved. A resolution requestin.; the County Board of auperviaora, to extend the 18 foot concrete road from Lincoln Ave 'hest was read. Moved by Truatee Segert and seconed by Truatee Stanger that the resolution be paased as read. Carried.. The-following bills were readi i George 3ticken ....... . .............w177.51 -Badger Meter Ufg Co.. ...............106.80 j! A.H. Anderson.. ... ..� ... 13.50 . G .N. Lamb Diat, Fng.�QLI ..14.95 H. Kieag en. ........ ................. 8.00 Universal Stamp and Stencil Co.. ......2.50 H. Rue1W er "Qfg Co. ..................124.50 G-0. H errivan ....... ................48.50 Legal Advi aor Publ Co ................ .90 P. Borchardt ........................ 2.80 B.H. Kr -ass ........................... 6975 H. Knigg,e ................. .... .... ..59.80 F.H. Willman (Freight) .............. 32.72 R. Sherman . ..........................15.50 0 Wolf ............................... 53.10 P.G . Liesf . ..........................15.00 Gehrke and Dietz ..................... .70 H.F. Schneider. ... ..............14.50 Geo. Pettis .................... ....115.00 F. Selig. • ......:.... ........ •....... 97.00 Raymond Lead Co ..................... 66.00 City of Highland Park. . so o o o o 9 o @ o669,,#87 Highland Pa !:k Fuel Co. . 15.50 , Public Service Co .................. 96.89 Neil Mclain Co ......... 15155 .12 F.H. Heyer .......................... 10.00 moved by Trustee Seg er t and seconed by Trustee O'Connor that the bills be paid and charged to their respective funds. Upon roll call the following vote waa taken,, Yeas - -0' Connor, Segert, Stanger and Wcualina . Naes- -None. Moved by Trustee Stanger ,and seconed by Truatee Segert to adjourn. Carried.. ILLAGF CLERK