05/02/1921146 May 2 1921 Regular meeting of the Boatd of Trustees of the Village of Deerfield was called to order by the President A.• H. Kress at 8 P.M. ' Roll call , , Present: Beckley, Haggie, Kreh, Segert and Wessling Absent: Haunschild. Minutes of the regular meeting held April 4 1921 were read and approved. The following bills were read. Edward Landau 78.40 City of Highland Park 423.45 George Pettis 9.00 Judges & Clerks of election 10.00 Legal, Advisory, Publ Co. 1.15 C. M. & St Paul R.R. 11.99 E. H. Willman 50.00 F. Kottrar54 3.50, Raymond Lead Co. 68.35 Badger Meter Mfg Co. 3.02 Highland Park Press 12.00 Theo, J. Knaak 125.00 W.A. Haggie 4..75 Kirchner ldeck el Co. 11.25 Theo. J. Knaak 17.46 Augur McCallum 150.00 Public Service Co. 95.34 Gehrke & Dietz .10 . 00 F. ii. Meyer 10.00 A. R. Vfol f 75.00 Louis Nagel 22.40 Aug. Huehl 2.60 In Moved by Trustee Beckley and seconed by Trustee Kreh that the bills be paid and charged to. their respective funds Upon roll call the Sollowing Grote was taken, Yeas: Beckley,, Haggie, Kreh, Segert and Wessling., Naes, None. Report of the canvass of the Village Election held on April 18 1921 and including a resolution declaring the follo,?ving .to be elected was read, B. H. Kress, President, Theo. J. Knaak, Clerk, Edward Segert, James O'Connor and r.eo Stanger as Trustees. , Moved by Trustee Haggie and seconed by Trustee Beckley, that the resolution be adopted as read.. Carried unanimously. . 0 Moved by Trustee Segert and seconed bynTrustee Beckleytto., adjourn. sine die Carried. , The Newly elected Board of Trustees.was called to order by th President B. H. Kress at 9.P.M. Roll Call, Present, Haggie, Kreh, 0' Connor Segert Starignr and Wessling . Absent, None. The follmving committees were appointed, FINANCF - - - -- Haggie, Kreh and Stanger HEALTH AND ^.OUNTY RELATIONS---- Westiling, Segert and O'Connor. JUDICIARY - - -- -Kreh, Haggie, and Wes—,;ling. LICETIST - - - - - -- Stanger Kr -ih and O'Connor. PRINTING AND AUDITINr - - - - -- Segert, Haggie and Stanger ROAD ANTn Pt1RLIC IMPROVEMENTS - - - -- .',O'Connor, Segert and ''.Tessling . MATER COWAI'TTEF ----- Segert., Ot Oonnor and Stanger. Moved by Trustee Haggie and seconed by Trustee Segert that the Appoint - ment of the,;_,committees be Eratified. Carried. (continued on page 147) �- Jim- I` I' ICRIT • FiA 114F 1 147 May 2 1921 (continued)' The President appointed the - following ;' TREASURER -- - - - -E. H. Willman. VILLAGE ATTORJFY ------ Arthur R; 'rYolfe. - FIRE *MARSHALL - - -- --Alex Willman , ASST. FIRE MARSHALL - - - - -- Alvin Meyer. PATER TAPER AND 1AFTER READER - - --- -Geo. Herman. . .THISTLE COMMISSIONER -- - - - -P. Liest . Moved by Trustee Haggie and seconed by Trustee Segert that the appoiit- ments as read be ratified. Carried. Bond of Prbsident for $2000.00 signed by B. H. Kress as principal and Albert C Antes and Jacob C. Antes as suritiea, was read. Bond of Treasurer for x,,2000.00 signed by F. H. �Pillnan as principal and J. C. Willman and F.P. Osterman as surities was read. Moved by Trustee Haggie and seconed by Trustee O'Connor that the bonds be "approved as read. Carried. , An ordinance creating a Board of Local Improtements and designating B. H. Kress, N.J..Kreh Roscoe L. 'Mewling, Wm.A. Haggie, Edw. Segert Jas. O'Connor and Geo. Stanger as members was read 1b,ved by Trustee Haggie and seconed by Trustee O'Connor that; they be adopted-a6 -read. . Upon roll calf. the following, vote was taken, Yeas, Haggie, Kreh, O'Connor Segert, Stanger and Wessling. Naes, None. Movedv.by Trustee Segert and seconed by Trustee O'Connor that a permit be _granted to the C. M.& ZT.Eaul R.R. to make a 4 inch tap; with a 4 inch meter with a provision that the Village can shut aff or reduce this whenever pressure is to low. Carried. The matter of the pool of water intthe Holes property was. referred; to the Health Committee: Moved by Trustee Kreh and seconed by Trustee Haggis that the appointment of Dr. Becker as Health Officer be ratified. Carried. Moved by Trustee.Segert and seconed by Trustee O'Connor that Atty. Rolfe look into the Second Ave street ratter and make recommendations at next meeting. Carried. i Moved by Trustee Haggie and seconed by rTruetee Segert that a voucher be ,drawn on Special assessment # 3 for $6.53 in _favor of Special ass.., "smen t # 4 to make up a shortage in , that assessment. Upon roll call the following vote, was taken, Yeae. Haggie, Kreh, O'Connor Segert, Stanger and Wessling. Naev, None, Moved by Trustee Haggie and seconed by Trustee O'Connor that an electric street light be placed at Sherdian Ave and Somerset St. Upon roll call th, following vote was taken, Yeas, Haggie, Kreh, O'Connor, Segert. 6tanger and Wessling., Naes, None, Letter from the State Board of Health on matter of sewerage. was read. Moved. by T- rustee Segert and seconed. by Trustee Haggie that the clerk write DR. Rawlins of the State Board of Health as to what the cost would be to have one of their men come to Deerfield and inspect the ground and plan6, for sewerage. Carried. Motion made to adjourn . Carri ed. VILLAG CLERK.