12/06/1920140 December 6 1920 Regular meeting of the Board of Trustees of the Villawe'of Deerfield was called •tq order by the .President B. H. Kress at 8 P.M. Roll Call, Present *: Beckley, Haggie Kreh, Segert and Wessling. r Absent * Haunachild. Minutes of the regular meeting og November 1 1920 were read and d G approve. . Loved by Trustee Haggie and Seconed by Trustee in Highland State, Kreh that funds now ,park Bank be transferred to the Deerfield State Bank on January first, all deposits, from now on to be denotited in Deerfi,eld State Bank. Upon roll call the follo��ing vote was taken, Yeas; Beckley, Haggie, Kreh, Segert and Wessling. Naes: None Treasurers repott was read. The Following bills were read. Legal.-Advisor Publ . Co. 1'.10 Deerfield Lumber Co. 11.37' Producers Material Co. 56.04 W. A. Haggie 25.00 John Selig 6.00 George Pettis 32.10 City of Highland Park 628.92 Frost GaraSe 49.10 Public Service Co. 77.50 J. Johnson 3.20 F. H. Meyer 10.00. Chas. G ehrke 16.75 Moved by Trustee .Segert and aeconed by Trustee Kreh That bills be paid and charged to their - respective funds. Upon roll call the following .vote was taken; Yeas, Beckley, Haggie, Kreh, Segert and Wessling. Naesnone Moved by Trustee Kreh and aeconed by Trustee Wessling that the bill of John Stryker for ;,10.50 be paid. Upon roll call the following vote• was taken: Yeaa Berkley, Kreh, Segert and Nessling. Naes; Haggie. Moved by Trustee Haggie and Seconed byLTruatee Segert that the clerk be instructed to write the Public Ser *Pce Co. and get price on burning of Electric Street Li;hts until 6'A.M. durinv the winter montha. Carried. A petition for sevrers li ned by 33 signers was read. Moved by Trustee Beckley and seconed by Trustee Wesslin7 that the petition be referred to the Board- of Local I,aprove�aents. Carried. Mover by' Trustee Kreh and Seconed by Trustee Segert that we advertise for sealed bids for grading of Park Ave. fro:a Hazel Ave south. Carried, Moved by Trustee Hag:�ie an se --cned by Trustee Kreh to Adjo'urn'. Oa'rrie'd. VILLArE CI, ^RT{. L