06/14/19211 f.1 ?V 135 June 14 1921 Minutes of Meeting of the Board of Trustees of the Village of Deerfield. Lake County, Illinois, held on the 14th day of June, A.D. 1921, pursuart to adjournment from the 6th day of. June, 1921, said last date being the regular meeting of said Board of Trustees of the Village of Deerfield. Meeting called to order by President B.H. Kress. Trustees present William K reh, James O'Connor, Edward Seg ert, George Stanger and Roscoe Wessling. A letter from Mr. J.T. Gillick, General Manager of the C. ,14. & St. Paul Railway reading as follows: GM 142 11606 Mr. C.S. Jefferson, Chicago, June 1,1921. Assistant General Solicitor. Replying to your letter of May 11th and - returning one written you by Attorney MacGuffin, regarding principally the judgment that the Railway. Company has against the Village of Deer - $eld in the' amount of $1833.30, plus 05.10 costs and .interest at 5% per. annum, account of payment we made in a suit for abutting damages account construction of a subway in,Deerfield Avenue, Village of Deer- field. Am also, returning Mr. MacGuffin's letter to you May 24th, covering the conference with the President of the Village Board, one of their trustees, our Division Superintendent and Attorney MacGuffin. I understand the tentative proposal to be as follows: 1. To pay $1,000 in settlement of the judgment. 2. To vacate the portion of Central Avenue across our right of way and the portions of Deerfield Avenue covered by abutments of the subway passing ordinance. The Railway Company will aeceptothe above on the basis that the Village carries out their part of'the,` roposition, arranging in particular, for .the collection •of" the1,.���R without delay. . • J.T: Gilliok, e c WJ T NPT OPB General Manager waBF read , Pt `Ordinance for the change of grade of Deerfield Ave. and vacating portions of Deer.field Ave. and Central Ave. in the Village of Deer - field was read., Moved by Trustee Segert, seconded by Trustee O'Connor that the ordi nance be amended by adding, thereto the following paragraph: " This ordinance shall be in full. force and effect from and after the satisfaction of the .judgment of Aug. 8,1916, against the Village of Deerfield and in favor of . the C.M.& St. P.. Railway • Co. for $1833.30 and $5.10 costs and interest at 5`f17;' and that the ordin- ante be passed as amended and that warrant be drawn for $1,000 on Village Treasurer in favor of the C.M. & St. P.. Railway Co. in full settlement of da judgment of Aug. 8,1916, the ordinance to take effect ,.upon the satisfaction of the judgment by the Railway Co. Carried, all voting aye on roll call. On motion of Kreh, seconded by Wessling, meeting adjourned sine die. v