04/05/19201-28 T April 53 I920. Regular metrtine of the 'Roard o4 Truetess, was- called to order by the Preaid'ant, B. H.. Krasa, at 8 P. M.' Roll Call; Present— Beckley, Duffy, Haggis-, Haunachild and Segert. Absent—, Pert -rdon. Minuteu of the regular Meeting held on March,#, I920, were- read and approved. Matter of new books for ths- Treasurer and Clerk, was referred. to Trus -t.se- Duffy and Trustee Beckley,.. A letter from August Minter, relative to the drain on Saccnd Street, was, read and referred to the Raad, and Bridge Committee. ?latter of cleaning ditches was referred to Road and Bridge Comittee' ReRort of the Treasurer was read.. Thee following bills: were read. B.. R.. Kress. (. Health dens:)' 3.60` Fred Selig I4.00 H.. Haunechild (Work on road and cult' -rts) I8.00 Geo. Pettis ' 2e-.00.� Chas., Gekxke, 4.85 Public Service Co.(Street Lightiu - -Feb. & March). 155.00 F., H., Meyer( Rent Fire S.ta..tion— March 1922 Ial.00 Uaved by Trustee- Duffy and a.econded by' Trustee Haggis that. the, bills, he paid and chazEed to their reapective funds.. Upon zol.li Call the,. following vote was taken;: Yaea,- Beckley, DlIffy) Haggie,Haunschild and Segert. Naea— Nona.. M©ved by Trustee Houns.ehild and teconded by Trustee Beckley that the Vililagwl donate $5.00 to the Committee, from the M.R,of A. for the purchase of four shades for the town hall. Upon roll call the following rote was taken: Yaes— Beckley. Duffy, Haggis, Haunschild and Ssgert. Naes, Nona. Peter Leiat,; Rose, Sherman and ?Axa.0acar Beecham were appointed as Judges, and Theo. J. Knaak, R..14.: Vant-and Miss.. Jennie Vetter an, Clerks for the Village Flection *to be held on Tuesday, April 20, I92Q. Moved by Trustee Hagg2.e and seconded by Trustee Duffy to adjourn. Carried. Village 017erk. t