01/05/1920I CR VO 125 January 5, I 92 0•. The rtalil'ar mee-tins of the Board of Trust -es 'of the Village. of a. Deerfi'eld', wara , called to order by the Pres- id-nt, H.. H.. K-rese -, at 8 P'. M.. Roll Call:: Pzes.ent — BerckT:ey, Duffy., Haggi --, Haunschild and S-e;ert.. _ Abaent— Peterson.. Minutes of the, regular Meeting held on Deaewber I, I9I9,weze read and approved:: The Clerk was ins.triated to writ. the Eleatria Company 'and see who gave them authority to set poles -,in the Village without �errnz�Sian. The following bills: were read. F. H.. Meyer (; Rent Fi 'r- Station, Dec. I9.I9. I0.00, Ge'o Pettis ( Snow- plowing)` I0A0: Public. Serviae Co. ( Street. L'ighti.,Dee,,I'9I9 l.esa H.58) 74.92 Highland Park: Press ff.00 Badger Mster Mfg.. Co. 43:.60 Aug Huehl 5..65 Moved by. Truaten Beckley and weconded by Trustee Haggiv; that the Bi.11a be paid. and. charged tohthe-ir respective funds,. Upon roll call the following vote was tak :en: Yaea— Beckley, Duffy, Ha:ggia•, Haunachild, and Segert . Naaa Name. Moved by Trustee Haggie, and seconded by Trustee .$a$errtt to. adjourns. Carried. Village Clerk. ,