12/01/1919124 December I, I9I9. Regtilar Meeting of the Board of Trustees df the- Villag -'of Deerfield was. called to order by the President, B.. H.. Kress, at 8 P. M. Roll Call :: Present= Backley, Duffy, Haggie-, Haunschil.d & Segert. Abaent— Peterson. Minutes. of the Meetings held on Nov:emb.er 3, November I4, and November. I71 I9I9, werer read' and approved. Ther following bills were read.. Public Service, Co, ( Stseet: Lights.)' 77.5.0: City o f Highland'. Park 285.6B Legal A.dvosor Ptib�, Co . 2.66 M.. k-? Frantz 1.25 Frost Garage- 2.50 F. H.. Meyer (Rent, Fire Station, Nov-.I9I9... 10.00 Zeerfi eld Lumber Go. II.4I 'W. A Haggie ( Reading 11--t era, Aug .& Nov.) 25) 00 H/ Haunsahild 33.62 ' Village Shard on lges:t Bridge- 58.93 Pettis. and Selig, (Bal.on Totz Bill)' 25.00 Moved by Trustee Duffy and aeconde-d by Trustee Haggie that the- bills. be paid.,*. Upon roll call the following vote was taken:: Yaea— Beckley, Duffy, `Reggie, i Hauns_child; .gaud "Sagert.:':Naeg — None. An ordinance amending- aeationa '7, ` W & 23 of. the Village Tapping - �.Ordinancc was read. Moved by Trustee Hageie- and aeconded by Trustee Duffy that all contrary rules be auap•.nded and the Ordinance- be placed on its paesa;'e.. Upon roll. call. tile, following vote was.. taken. )faes :: Beckley, Duffy, Harfeie, Haunc_child and Segert. Naes— Nona. Moved by Truat ee Duffy and seconded by Trua.tee- Haunschild that the Ordinance- b.e passe -d as read. Upon roll call the following vote was takerr.. Yaen— Beckley, Duffy, Haggie, Haunachild and Sege-rt. Naeu. None-. The Clerk was ina_trueted to wzity Heydeckex and Heyd -cker regarding their bill in the Wirth Matter, and asking them as.. the Hoard is. composed of all new members and there being- no record of the matter on the Villag e- Minutes,, that they inform us , as' to who authori:zmd this. work tonne donee. ' Moved by Trustee Hageie and second -d by Trua.tee Beckley to adjousrr.. Carried. Village- clerk.