10/11/1919__ I CIND 121 October II, I9I9. Special meeting of the Board of Truatees a-f the- Village of_'Dee-rfi.erA was called to order by the Prfaident, B.. H. Kress;, at 8' P. U., gers-uent: to, the following call and notice,. Mr. Theal J.`Knaak, October..IO I9Ia. .Village, Clerk, Deerfield, Ill. You are hereby ina.trec.ted to: n©tify Mr P'.J. Duffy, Mr. Wm.Haggie, John. Beckley, Edw. S.e$ert, Herman Haunechild and Frank Peteraon, Trua.teera, of the Village of Deerfield, of a SpeciU fleeting to be held at the Town Hall. in't4e -- Village of Deerfield , on Saturday evening, October II'�I9IH, at 8' P'. M. for the purpose of. passing a resolution, -tcr, instruct. the Village Attorney, to draw up: the, necessaty resolution, calling for a- special election for rai.s.ing the- taxation of the Village, from I.20. to. y$2.00pp.er 0I00', OO valuation. B. H. Kress', President. Roll Ca11:: Present- Haggie, Haunachild, Beckley, Segert and Duffy. Absent -- Peteraon. In the, absence, of the. Clerk, Theo. J. Knaak, , it was moved by Trustee Hauns_child and seconded by Trustee Haggie that Trustee- Duffy act as. Clerk protem. Carried. Moved by Trustee-Beckley and seconded by Trustee Segert that a rea -olu- t1on hey sent to the Village-Attorney, Mr. 8'.R.. Wolfe, to take the prop 'er course in calling; a Special Election for the purpoae a;f ass.esaing a�tUxlbf S.0 cents, a:ddi.tional on each CI00.00' woath of valuation in the Village of :Deerfield. Upon roll call the following- vote was taken;. Yaesr- Haggie, Beckley, Hauna.child and Segert. Nate- None•. . The'Preai'dent appointed the following- for Judges. and- Clerks, for tke Special Election. J d -Th J G u ges- eo. . Knaak, P. . Leis.t,and Gec, Rockenhaeh. Clerks- Fred Selig -,and Leo: Duffy. Moved by Trustee Haggie-and seconded by Trustee Segert that. we a;dj,ourn to: Wednesday,, October IS:, I9I91 a:t q:6' fit. Carried.. Village- Clerk - protean.