05/12/1919I CRVD X13 May I2, I9IS.. Adjourned Meetingf from .than: regular.- Meating•.Cof_: May, ; 5 -, ISM; was.' called to order by the President, B. H. Kress at ;S PF.Pd: Roll Call:: Present -- Becklay, Duffy, Haunschild, Peters:om: & Geg:ert. Absent— Haggi:e. An. ordinance designating B. H.. Kret)a. as; President, and Frank Rertezebn, pater Duffy, John: Beckley, Wm.. Haggie-, Herman. Haunachild. and Edw-. F. Segart, Trustees, to constitute the Board of Local. Improvement, was read,. j Moved by Trustee Duffy and seconded by Trustee Backl'y, that the ordinance- be ;gassed as read ;. Upom roll call the, following; vote was taken.M Ya:ea— B'agkla.y, Duffy,, Haunschild,, Petersom and fieg-ert. NaeB— None.. Letter from Mr.. Nm. M. Haay, on Pettis, and delig; bill .for filling, o_.f To.tz property, was refered to. Attorney A... R.. Wolfs. Motion 1� made to ad jou=. Carri ad... Village= Clerk-. 1 t