05/05/1919�J CR V.D May 5, MIS." Regular. Meeting; of the' Board of Trustees, of the Village of Deerfield was called to; order by the Clerk at 8 i Moved by Truatee-'Duffy and seconded by Trustee Kreh. that Trustee Hempat ead act as chairman. . Carried. ' Roll. Call :: Preaent -- Duffy, Hempatemd, Kreh and, Rotereon. kbaent- Haggia, Reichelt. Minutes: of the regular. Meetinga, held on March 3, and. April 771 1919 were read and- approa_ed. The following bills were read. Jena Peteraon 3.5:0 City of Highland Park - Etter, Ncv,•.I, I9I8Apr l I, ISIS. ISB1. 5 George Pettis 2.4'.5:0 M. L. Frantz ao..4a rdik e, Duff y 3;. 00 Legal A.dvt:ao:i. Publiahing Ca. 5.5�d Fred, Selig-' - 18.0.0. • Judges and Clerks of Election 12.,00) F. H. Meyer -Rent, March - April. 2Q).00 .Theo . J . Knaak- Salary, lay I, I9I8- May I, 2.919. ?. 0Q T2ierr. S:: " Itnaak- Lrrc i den.t:al expeirc�T /I T318 =5 /I, I9I9� ' I5.85 E.. H.. Willman -` Treas. Salary, May I, ISIS= May` I, ISI.9. 25. W (` Highland Park Pies a 9.50 Public: aerviice, Co,. - rights, Mash and, April I6 ..00 Moved. by Trustee Duffy and. "coned. by Trua,tev. Kreh, that the bills be.. paid and. charged to their reep:ective funds. Upon roll call the following vote- was- taken :: Yaea., Duffy-, Kreh, Poterson and Hempatead. Nmeu - None,. The Clerk reported that: t he� following having . receiived the highest number of votes .mththe Village Election held April I5, 191% were elected to their respective offices ;. , B: H. Krasa;. 'far PtesUtnt. Theo. J. Knaak " Clerk: Eug,enT Ender '" Police Magiatrate John J. Be-ckler m Trust ee H&rma:r_ Hounachi Id 0 Trustee . Edward. F. S' vart .. "' Trusteee- - i Moui-edi bydTruatee Duffy and seconded *by Trustee Kreh that the Boardi do) nca;m andJourn sine, die. Caxried.. May 5.2 I91a,. The- nevar Board;. of Trustees, oaf the "Village of _Deerfield was: cabled: to . ale r •. by the Preaident, B. H.. Kress., apt 8::4 P . M. Rail Call:: Present - Beckley, Duffy; HaunachiU, Petersen and Ba<:gerti 'Abs,ent- Haggie'• The-.President appointed the following 'CommItteea. Finance, Chmi%narr- .aP.J.Duffy, F• P.'eters�en H.` Hauna:childi := Health and?. County Relations - Chairman= .. ° "?�F. Petersen J.J. Beckley E. Segert Dr. E.. C'.. Beaker Judiciary Chairman- :.�,'W, Haggie, P'.J. Duffy H. Hauna.childi hicena.e Chadirman- Edv. Bogert Wm. Hagggie J. J.. Beckley 112 May b, I SI9 Printing- and. Auditing Road and Publi -a Improvementt Treasurer Village Attorney Fire, Marshal: Chairman- J J iBeakley P.J. Duffy, F. Petersen, Chairman-, :'H. Haunachild W. Ha- ggie . E. R.H. Willman Axtihur R-. Wolfe, Alex. Willman. Ase4atant. Fire, Marshal: Herman Froa.tt Water Tapper Charles, G'ehrk& Waiter 'Committee- Chairman- H.. Hauna.chi:ld_ Wm. Haggie PI. J. Duffy It, was. regularly moved and aeaonded that the- appbintmenta as rea& be rad.ified. Carried.. Letter from Lewis Hendee, County Clerk relating to Special Asaesament for sidewalks on Somera.et Ave-. and on Hazel Ave. was "read and refered to� the Village- Attorney-. A letter from Trustee'Haggie, filing otrjections to the appointment. a:f Chaa.Gehrke acq Vil_la�e ame d t M ��. as Fire Marshal; on thee grounds that a o ec o 8 made: V.Pex to o record, was rea:d, and:. ordered placed on fi18. Attorney Mac. Guff: n then p.reaented a Communication for the Chicago-, Wliwaukee & St.Paul Railroad, relative, to Judgment. against the Village, which was ordered refered to the Village Attorney. Moved by Trustee Haunschild. and seconded by Trustee Duffy -that the Clerk be instructed to order twn Cara of coarse and. one cdr of screenings also one car of Cinders. Upon roll call the following vote was taken :: Yaes Beckley, Duffy, Hauns.child, Peteroetriand Segert. Naes- None. Matter of Compiling, Book oaf, oxdinanaea was referred to the Judiciary Committba. Mmttex of the- bill of Pettis, and Selig for filling on T-atk. property, was referred to the- Judiciary Committee,.. Moved by Trustee- Duffy and seconded by *Trustee Haunschild to adjourn. o Monda -y evening, May IZ, I9IS. Carr..ied. L