03/03/1919 + 04/07/1919� cin 109 March SO- I9I9 Regular meeting of the Board of Trustees of the Villages of Deerfield. was called. to order by the Clerk at 8 O' Clock P. U.. In the absence, of the President Wm. M. Reay it was moved by Trustee Duffy and aeconded by Trustee Reichelt that Trustee Hempstead act as chairman. /Present/ Roll Call:- Call: Anuffy, Haggie,, Hempstead, Kre-h and Reichelt. Abaent, Peterson. Minutes of the regular meeting held on February 3, I9I9 were, read and approved. Mr. C. W. Pettia reported for the Fire Committee- that rain -coats could bey bought for S,.75 each and rubber hats for 75 ,cents each and recommended the purchase of four coats and six hate. Moved by Trustee Reichelt and seconded. by Trustee Haggie that the report of the fire committee be accepted and. that 27.56 be a <.. p � appropriated for 'the purchase of four coats and aix hats. for the fire department. Upon roll call the, f ollowing vo t e- was tak en: -Yeas, Duff y, Haggi e, Hempatead,Kreh and Reichelt. Naes, None. The following bill& were, read: - Ge-o . Pettia $ 7.50 Fred Selig 4.50 Chicago Telephone, Co. .20 Milton Frantz, I3.40 F.H.Meyer --- Rent fire station, Feb. I9I9 I0.00 Public Service Co.- Street lights, Feb. I9I9 77.50 Moved b:y Trustee Reichelt and seconded by Trustee Duffy that the bills be paid. and charged to their respective, funds. Upon roll call the, following vote waa. taken : - Yeas, Duffy, Haggie, Hempstead, Kreh and Reichelt. Naes, None. Complaints having- come to the Board of persons discharging firearmsi ' in the Village it was movers by Trustee- Rerie.helt. and. seconded:. by Truatee Duffy that Otto Juhrend, Leo Seiler, Frank Sack, Robert `Greenslade and P. G. Leist be, notif.ied. t'hmt there is; a state law with a fine of five dollars for each bird shot, that it is against the Village, Ordinances t to diazharg-e firearms in the, Village and that if' then are, detected discharging firearms in the Village` the3► will be prosecuted, also that the, Clerk post notiaes that any boys found using air guns or sling shots ..gill have them confiscated. Carriedd unanimously. Moved by Trustee Duffy and seconded by Trustee Reichelt to adjourn. Carried. Village Cl ark . - April 7, I9I9 Regular meeting of the, Board of Trustees of the, Village, of Deed ield. There: being, na quorum the meeting adjourned 110 l