04/08/1918I CR VD X April 8, I9I8. An adjourned Meeting from the regular Meeting of April Ist. I9I8, was called to order by the Clerk at 8 PA i.. In the absence-of Trustee Reay,it was moved by Trustee Reichelt, and seconded by Trustee Frantz,, that Trua:tee- He:iipstead act'as. Prea.ident. p,ro tem. Carried. Roll. Call:: Present— Frantz, Hempatead, Horenberger and Reichelt. ,.4inutes of the regular 'Meeting held on-March 4, I9I8, were read and approved. Thee ?Matter of grading on Osterman Avenue, was laid over until next Meeting: Letter—fro,;; public Utilities ^.aumiu6 ion in reference- to advance-in rates asked by North Shore Gas. Co. was read.. Moved by T.rua.tee, Reichelt and'sedonded by Trustee Horenberger that Trustee Herripstead represent the Villag-3 at Carried.. The following bills were read. F. H.. Meyer ( Rent Fire Station.March I9I8. v I0..00 Public Service, Co ( Street Lghta.PMar�L9I8�` 69.75 F.. H.. Stryker (Hauling & Work on road) 14.75 G'eo.. Pettia. (" Haul.ing - & Work on Road)` 9..00 Highland Park Press( Publishing sidewalk notice)`I2.05 Moved by Trusteef Reichelt and seconded by Truateer Frantz that the bills be paid. Upon roll call the following vote vrau taken*.- Yaes Frantz, Hempstead. Horenberger and Reichelt. Naaa -- None. The, Judiciary Committee- 'recommended the following for Judges and Clerks of the Village Flection, to be- held on April I6, I9I8. For Judges — Peter Leiat, D.-IT. Lidgerwood and John Selig:' For Clerks Theo. J Xnaak, Josephine Wvoodcnan and Franc is. Carrity.. Moved by Trustee Reichelt .and seconded by Trustee Frantz that the recoin,nendation of the Committee- be accepted and the- oppoirrtment ratified. Carried.. Moved by Trustee Reichelt and seconded by' Trus -tee Horenberger that a regular notice be- given to Louis Tot27 to construct a new- sidewalk in front of his place. CarrLed. Moved.by Trustee Reichelt and seconded by Trustee Frantz to adjourn... Carried. y Village' Clerk 1i N x