03/04/191896 March. 4, I9I8. Regular !'eeting of th- Boars. of Tru.itetw of th- Villay- of was: callea to ora -r by the r'.1 -rk at 5 P. A: %. In th;-- abz -rce of th0 Pr- wig. -nt, ;I'c:.. I. Reay, it �r�a:s Trust-- R- ich -lt anti -- con,Ieil by Tru:•tee Frantz, that Ti-° H- r:.px:tAau act u. Pr- A iJent pro t-r.'. Carri-a. Roll Cell: Prmdoent- Frantz, raranAr, IIe,u,�,�t -a , Reich -lt ana Horcnb -rg -r. Absent- R +ay. a'inut -.a of iw,!!ting 2'. -1d on Jan. 2,5, Ii�IF, wer- real and a- rov° :. The following bill.. were r -a12.9 "eo. P'ttit' y I0.00 P. Rol"'!l 1.00 Borchardt Broa. U.50 i1ilton Frantz, 7.77 Highland Park Px -Lw 6-.75 Theo. J. Knaak Z0.87 Badger 1<<;et.-r Mfg, Co. 3'.I7 ,Public. Service Co. Jan. 65.75. Public uArvice Co. Fcb. 69..75. F; .. H,. iPeyer... 20.00 P. Ror:ira�l I.00 ':Sov -1 by Tru..te- R- ich -lt an.'k u.econa -art by Trust -- IiorAnb -rg, -r that the bill.. be pain and charges to th+ir reap -ctiv- funJA... ' Upon roll call the follo-,vin? vot- -,aau taAen:. Yaec.- Frantz, Car6ner, Heir, stead, R -i r °lt and Horenberger. ',3a i1on -. ' c ._ The Co,itraunication from 1."r.' Beaub•an any fro::; 'Aac.Guffin, rt -re r- f-rrea to J'Ar. Reay. Thi r- ,.ignation of 'Mr. Ira Garkner a-i Tru6te.- ,iq;L; r -au., 1WI0v -J by Truitt-!! Fieichw2.t and ueconde:.-. by Trust Frantz that ti:- r -:siz nation of }.tr. Ire: rarilnAr b- accent -a.. Carried.. iOtov. -: by Tru+; tee of thank,. be "Ztendl !d ?Rove' by Tru4.tee the Village Telephone A motion wasp mad R- ichelt and ueccnu -.a by Truvtc- Frart.— that a vote to 2r. Ira rarkner for hiw : - .rvic -w on the Board. Carried. Ri!ichelt ant ;.:eccn.'Lad by Trust. Hor -nb -r -r that be rrrov -d from, reo. Ile =,anl u,.place' to the Town Hall. Carri!!J. to a%ljourn.. Carri -u... t-A V illage C1 er:c ..