01/25/1918i i1 January g5, I9I8.. An adjourn -d Me ttin4 f rol:: t-he regular „Tee ting of January 7, I9I8,Vra:1 . called to ord °r by Trustee :Hilton Frantz, Prejidcnt pro te,a.at 8 P.4. Roll Call:: Pre -;ant- Frantz, Gardner, Heil,p tead, Horenber�cr,Reay and Re-ichelt: Abzent- None-.. i,Tinuteu. of the, "isntingy held on Dncemb °r 3 and D- ceuiber I51 I9I71 ware read and approved. The- resignation of w. Mt. Reay,as TrurteA .vw rsad,anl upon motion of Tru -tpc Reicheltand J°conded by Truit. Henp;�tead , the ba:ae vau unaniz ously accept ^d. The Clerk report°.. the following rekult, of the ..pecial election for Pr,!.iaent, held on January I9, I9I8, called by yote of the Board of Trua.teA' at a cpccial erecting held on December I5, 1917. 'ra< !11. Reay. received 56' votes for PreLident. B. H. Kreoj it 14 n it it �hn name of J. G. Fndnr, for Pre6idsnt, vac written on 34 ballot:. Ur. Reay then took the chair as the nexly elect °d Pr- aidcnt. The PreL;.ident appoint --d the following Water'%Lq. - lililton Frantz Frank Herap:.tead J. A.. Raichelt Jr. Finance- Frank He: ,ap;t °ad J. A. Reichelt ?ra Gardner Auditing- Fred Horenberger Franktlier;ips.tead Ira_ Car:inAr Road;, & Public I,aprov- aent''- Judiciary= J X11 +:Roichclt I.ra Gardner I'tilton Frantz Ira Gardner Free: Horenberzer Milton Frantz. health & C"' R° 'lation:J- Dr. E.. A. Tull Frank. 111et;p6 t °ad J. A.. Reichclt Licenae- J. A. Reichelt Ira Gardner r Fre-a Tiorenb,�;rZer Treasurer- I;. H. Willman Attorney- 070'. 1.. raddi4l ;,,Toned by Truatee Reichelt and zeconded by TruatAe Frantz that the appointiaent4 be ratified. Carried The- following bilks., ware read. Deerfield Garage M I.00 Lake -, County 80.00 Legal Advisor Pub. Co. 2.53. C.. Antez. 8on;6 Co. 5.25 F.. H.- icyer_ I0•00 Public 3 °rvic; Co. G9.7& hone- Co. Chicago Telephone- 0 8.00 y_ ; land Park State Bank, T-. 11. Decker & 'CO. 5.44 ` City of Highland Park I3.00 ICI?VD January 25, I918. Loved by Tru;.1.t�e Reich -elt •and seconded by Trustee Frantz that the Bills be paid and char ,7p3 to their respective fundLi.. Upon toll call tlft, follo.,ring vote tixraki taken. Yaez. Frantz, rardner, horenbereer, Hempstead and Reichelt. Nae:j- None-. Moved b7 7ruatee Reiche;lt•and A y °t- tead th �..,cond.,a b Truro e� H.,Itlpv � at II 100.00 be� tzamiferred frow the 'r'ater Fund to the (General Fund, 'pending the determination of the- correct amount-. rm Upon roll call the following vote viaw taken. Yaci; Frantz, .:Gax:ner_, x e,• . e .:.� •T na _ f er nb _g..r, H u,p at row and R ch It -. ��a..� -, �•.o ,,. " doved by Truwt° Reich -It and t- coma °d by �'rustee- Frantz that the - .. A + a R' �r advanced,' e- '^ �.. ^.lerl; b r imbue d f or „ h., 10'. OCR h., -for the- Vii lad , � rj:� re in the Idea; Military- .-Road proposition. Upon roll call the folloainC vote taL°r�.- Yae-w Frantz, Caraner, =.i,J ,,wr s a '. w i e A 1Tn e � e- .b rg r, d:.,iipt a3 ar.;. R ich .lt. a�� .� Aron,,.• Co=,unication frog: the- State Board of Health wa-z read and referred to The Health Ccmm:Ltt Truut Frantz re port °d' that he- Ind ordered lur�b -r and that C .Y.To ti, had rude, a zleigh to carry the ChtLiical Engine=..- Moved by Tru::tee Herzpwtead and -;econd.d by Tru -ytee- Gardner that the action of Trustee Frantz be-approved and a vote of thank:: be given to C. n.. Pet.tiii. Carried.. moved by Tru&.tee Heu;putead and - :econdeek by Trustee Re-ichelt to u addourn.. Carri -k.. Village Clerk.