10/19/191788 Special "..lemtincy of called by tht Premident 1.'r.. Call on the Lindbloi y €hi'tini; a� Prex ident of at 8 P. Lt. October I9, I9I7. the Board of Truk.t -dU of for the purpo..e of taking c� :i,attsr and to act on the the Villaze, ova, called t the Villa; c of Deeifield, ur) d con,a,unication frow snoleration of 1/tr.. .Y.. A.. D ordir by the Prejid -nt Roll Call:: Prevent— Frantz, Gardner, Hor -rber, er, R- ich -lt and liewpLtea d . Abaent Away, A Co=.,- unication froL. Attorney F. S. Gail. of Hi ;hland Park in reference - to our fiettleai-nt of the Contractor Lindblow .vav r -ad. 1 -loved by Trui.tee M- nipat -ad and a- conded by Truatee Frantz that 1.tr.. Gail be aoked to me -t with the Villaid Board at their next ;Zho will ive, him the proper. information.. Carried.. A Coumunication froca. Ux.• X.. A.. Whitine, atatin, that buuineay neces.uitieb compelled him to u.ove from the Village and r-; rettin- that ti • could no lon�nr 4.-rve au Pre+►ident , pxe,.ent -d him roaiu nation ab Pr- �,_ider}t of the VillaZe of Deerfield to take effect iL�„.cdiatei . Mov -d by Tru4te- Riichelt and - cond -d by Truutee ileLip ,-t °ad that the reaiZ nation C.f W.. A.. Whitin- at;. Pr.;sidentof the Board of Truz-t -ei- b- a accepted Upon roll call the follovrinE: vot^ !rnau taken. Ya -a— Frantz, (ardner) HorenberSer, RmIchelt and Hempatead, 11a.eo.— "'one-.. 14oved by Truat -e Reich°lt and caeconded by Trurtie Frantz to adjourn.. Ca,rri.ed.. Villayc Clerk . i