06/18/1917MI VD �1 June IS, 19170 An adjourned 114eeting from the- regular meeting of Juno 4, I9I7, was called to order by the Prea.ident, 1.. A. 7ihiLting,. at 8 P U.. Rolf Call; Present Frantz, Gardner,.Horenbergnr & Rei:chelt. A'b:;ent -- Fieirpatead & Reay. 1.tinute:� of the regular Iteeting held on Rta.y 7, I9I7, and of the- op -0cial meeting held on 1.1ay I9, I9L7, were- read and approved. f' The following bills were read. Geo. Herwan. Marbhal- (.Salary lvtay I9I7.) 75.00 • Badger 14eter Mfg. Co.. 7.81 (. Clerk Salary , , , 0Theo. J. Knaak. .00 • •E'.. H Willman. ( Treae. Salary 5/I I$IG to 5 /1) I. 9.1.7. I5,.00 • Universal Crushed Stone Co:. 89.6"5 - Public. Service- Co. ( Street Lights May I9I7) 6.9_.75 • F.. H.. Meyer.. ( Rent- Fire Station May ISI7. ) 10.00 Universal Sta!np, Co. (; Dog Tags)' 3.25 Knaak Bros.. (.; Hauling- Tools & 1.1aterial to Sin. Se-i1 r ' • . 75,, • Dee-rf ie-ld Pluming- Co'. Theo. J. Knaak ( Collecting, Spmcikl A6se -z..T -3'-46.55 - 4 -I9.52 . 5- 6.4.8 • �'- 6- 2.29 ` .. • ? I0- 6'.08... VIII- 2.00 82..92 Theca. J. Knaak ( Miac. expences 5/1,1916 to 5/1)1917)' I4.50 ( J. C.. Hue11 (' Scraping Roadd I Day ) I5.00 i Lake,. Co. Gravel Co. (. Gravelj 29.. 08 Aurora Auto. 1vtach.Partz Co.( 140tor cycle, repair -Geo ;H:)I2.68 Aug. Huehl ( Hauling,dcrappr from Everett) 2.00 Aaron Brick Co. (Brick ) 9..00 i Herman Frost (;