12/06/1915I CIND 25 December f', I9I5.. Regular Meeting of the Board of Trustees of the Village of Deerfield .waa called to order by the President IT, A'. Whiting at 8 P'.IA.. -Roll call-; Present- Hempstead, Horenberger, Juhrend, Pettis, Reich1h. A- bsent- Reay. Minutes of the regular meeting held on Nov.1st. I9I5 and of the ' -a.d.' tned meeting held on Nov.Oth.I9_I5, . were read and approved. 3 An .ordinance providing for licence of Public Garages, Mathod of application, frontage-.consent, fees and penalty for violation waa read.. * Moved by Trustee- Reichelt and seconded by Ti:ustee Pettis that the ordinance .be pa:ised as corrected. Upon roll call the gollowing .wad. taken:: Yeas_. Hempstead, Horenberger, Juhrend, Pettis. cl. Reichelt... Nays- None.. Moved by Trustee Reichelt and seconded by Trustee Pettis .that the ordinance of Undertaker: go back to the Judiciary Committee and Attorney, Carried..' F1 K w 1 Contract, of Railroad Company was referred to. Mr... Whiting -to take- it up. riith the. Railroad Company. Contract of the Public Service- Co. for Street lights was read.. Moved by Trustee Pettis and seconded by Trustee-Juhrend that we accept the contract of the Public Service-.Co. and that the President and Clerk be.autherized to sign the 68U6 for the Village,. Upon roll call the following vote was taken:.. Yeas -- Hempstead, Horenberger, Juhrend, Pettis and Reichelt. Neas- None-.. Moved .by .T-rust ^e Pettis and seconded by Trustee Reichelt that one light' be p3,aced at each of the, following places. Northweat corner of Central Ave-. and Pe-ttia Ave.- Koebelin"a Cornar. Hazel•Ave.. 400ft. west ,of Grand Ave.. Hazel Ave. east of railroad,40G ft.. west of present light.. Ostsrman Ave. (:Osterman"a_ Subd.) 3rd pole- west of present west..ligh % Carried unanimously. The, following bills, were read:: . F..H.. ;Meyer Ia..00� E-.. A.. Rossiter 40F.GC1 Public Service: 10o.. 75..O'Q . hincoln Pettia.. I2 AO' Deerfield Garage h..00 Geo.. Herman i'S..0a, Tdoved- by Trustee Pettis and seconded by Trustee Reichelt that the- bills. be paid and charged to their recp.ective funds. Upon rbll call the following vote waa� taken Yeas Hempstead, Horenberger) Juhrend, 'Prttia and Reichelt. Neal- N.one,, Motion was, m ade, to adjourn.. /J v Carried.. •Cle rk,'