03/20/1915ICRVD MARCH 20 1915 Special meeting of'the Board of Trustees of the Village of Deerfield called for the purpose of adopting ordinances for water on Springfield and Sheridan Avenues was called to order by the President, W. A. Whiting, at 8:00 pm Roll call: Present - Trustees Fritsch, Pettis, Horenberger, Reay. Absent-- Juhrend, Kress. An ordinance for a local improvement providing for the construction of a six inch cast iron water main_on the East side of Springfield Ave. from Hazel Ave. to Fair Oaks Ave. was read. Moved by Trustee Pettis and seconded by Trustee Fritsch that the ordinance be adopted as read. Upon roll call the following vote was taken :.Yeas -- Fritsch, Pettis, Horenberger, Reay.. Nays- -None. An ordinance for a local improvement providing for the construction' of.a six inch cast iron wrier main on the wesi side of Sheridan Ave. from Hazel Ave. to Somerset Ave. was read. Moved by Trustee Pettis and seconded by Trustee Horenberger that Section 12 be changed to read ten installments in place of five. Upon roll call the following vote was taken: Yeas -- Fritsch; Pettis, Horenberger, Reay. Naye- -None. Moved by Trustee Pettis and seconded by Trustee Reay that the ordinance be adopted as corrected. Upon roll call the-following vote was'taken: Yeas -- Fritsch, Pettis, Horenberger, Reay. Nays - -None. Moved by Trustee Fritsch and seconded by Trustee Reay that the vote taken on the Ordinance for water on Springfield Ave. be reconsidered. Carried. Moved by Trustee Pettis and seconded by Trustee Reay that Section 12 of the ordinance for water on Springfield Ave. be amended to read ten install - ments in place of five. Upon roll call the following vote was taken: Yeas -- Fritsch, Horenberger,- Pettis, Reay. Nays- =None. Moved by Trustee Pettis and seconded by Trustee Fritsch that the ordinance for water on Springfield Ave. be adopted as emended. Upon roll call the following vote was taken: Yeas.:- Fritsch, Horenberger Pettis, Reay. Nays- -None. Moved by Trustee Pettis and seconded by Trustee Reay that the bond of Fred Selig and Gas. Pettis and the lease for the fire station with fir. Meyer be referred to the Judiciary Committee. Carried. Moved b;� Trustee Pettis and seconded by Trustee Horenberger to adjourn. Carried. �t� r �` : Clerk.