O-010ORDINANCE NO. / G AN ORDINANCE PROVIDING FOR NO PARKING ZONES FOR UNITED STATES POST OFFICE AND FOR POLICE DE- PARTMENT. _ WHEREAS, it is in the public interest to provide a no parking zone for use by vehicles handling and carying the United States public mails, and it is in the public interest to provide a no parking zone for use by the Police Department of the Village; and WHEREAS, pursuant to Section 343 -12, Article V - Parking Rules - of the Municipal Code of the Village, it is unlawful to permit vehicles to stand at any place where official signs pro- hibit parking and.it is the purpose of this ordinance to so pro- vide for the official designation of certain no parking zones as herein set forth; NOW THEREFORE BE IT ORDAINED BY THE PRESIDENT AND BOARD OF TRUSTEES OF THE VILLAGE OF DEERFIELD, LAKE COUNTY, ILLINOIS: Section 1. -Chat a 18 -foot parallel strip on the east side of Waukegan Road, commencing at a point 65 ft. north of the northeast corner of the intersection of Waukegan and Deerfield Roads, exclusive of the width of the sidewalk, be, and the same is hereby set aside and designated as a no parking zone,.in order that the same may be used exclusively for vehicles handling and carrying United States mail. Section 2. That a 20 -foot parallel strip on the south side of Deerfield Road, starting at the southwest corner of the intersection of Deerfield and Waukegan Roads, exclusive of the width oft he sidewalk, be, and the same is hereby set aside and designated as a no parking zone, in order that the same may be used exclusively by the Police Department of the Village. • • -1 Section 3. That a 20 -foot parallel strip on the east side of Waukegan Road, starting at the southeast corner of the inter- section of Deerfield and Waukegan Roads, exclusive of the width of the sidewalk, be, and the same is hereby set aside and designated as a no parking zone, in order that the same may be used exclusively by the Police Department of the Village. Section 4. That any person, firm or corporation violating any provision hereof, shall be fined not less than Two Dollars, ($2.00) nore more than Two Hundred Dollars, ($200.00) for each offense. Section 5. That this ordinance shall be in full farce and effect from and after its passage, approval and publication as re- quired by law. Y_ Passed by the Board of Trustees, this /3 day of , 1947. Ayes: r Nays: Gam_ Approved this / 3 _j _day of , 1947. ATTE� led ED and f this 1,3 -!.,:P-day of , 1947. � Village uleft. Tres ent or the boara or lru tees of the Village of Deerfield, Lake County, Illinois. 2. ORDINANCE NO. AN ORDINANCE PROVDING FOR NO PARKING ZONES FOR UNITED S TA TES POST OFFICE AND FOR POLICE DEPARTMENT.