06/04/1914J , C R • D June 4, I9I4. An adjourned meeting from the regular meeting of June I, I9I4 was called to order by the President W. .Whiting at 7:30 P.M. Roll Call - Present, Fritsch, Horenberger, Juhrend, Kress and Reay. Absent, Pettis. Moved by Kress and seconded by Horenberger that the plat of dedication of Park Avenue presented by Mrs. Hole be accepted and approvd Upon roll call the following vote was taken:._ Yeas; Fritsch, Horenberg Juhrend,and Kress Naes; None. (Reay,absent) Moved by Kress and seconded by Horenberger that E.A.Rossiter the village engineer be ordered to make a plat of dedication showing that Hazel Avenue be 66 foot wide-from Lincoln Avenue to Journal Place. Upon roll call the following vote was taken: Yeas; Fritsch, Juhrend, Horenberger, and Kress. Naes: None. (Reny, absent.) ,Moved by Kress and seconded by Horenberger that the following letter be addressed to the Public Service Company. "Theft tesent contract has become 'a burden to the Village of Deerfield f or,two reasons; First owing to the excessive amount charged for the village lights and secondly for the reason that the present revenuee0f„ the-village does not enable us to maintain this service,in any event the O bill for the month of June will have to be paid with anticipated warrant j Would ask you to have an immediate conference with the village. " Upon roll call the following vote was taken: Yeas;Fritsch, Juhrend, j Horenberger,Kress and Reay. Naes -: None. I Moved by Fritsch and seconded by Juhrend that no watermain belonging to .the village be tapped without first obtaining a permit from the village clerk and that no member of the Board has authority to grant such permission. Upon roll call the following vote was taken: Yeas; Fritsch, Horen- berger,.Juhrend, Kress and.Reay. Naes; None. Moved by Reay and seconded by Kress that our watermeters at the Highland park limits be kept shut off and only be opened by a permit 8 permit issued by the village clerk.upon authority of the Board or the President. Carried unanimously. An ordinance providing for the disposition of dirt taken dOf of Deerfield Avenue was read.: Moved by Fritsch and seconded by Horenberger that the ordinance be adopted as read. Upon roll call the following vote was taken: Yeas; Fritsch, Horenberger, Juhrend, Kress and Reay. Naes; None. . I M ved M Kress and seconded by Reay to adjourn. Carried. Village Clerk. EI