O-008es :mc 4/3/47 1 -6 -1 458 -6 -B 0 • ORDINANCE NO. 9 AN ORDINANCE AMENDING THE ZONING ORDINANCE OF THE VILLAGE OF DEER - FIELD, LAKE COUNTY, ILLINOIS. BE IT ORDAINED BY THE PRESIDENT AND BOARD OF TRUSTEES OF THE VILLAGE OF DEERFIELD, LAKE COUNTY, ILLINOIS. SECTION 1: That the Zoning Ordinance of the Village of Deerfield, Lake County, Illinois passed and approved February 6, 1924, be and it is hereby amended as follows: "That the following described parcel of real estate: 'The southeasterly one -half (2) of Lot 60 and the northwesterly one;ah.alf (2) of Lot 61 in Goldman's North Shore Golf Links Subdivision in the north one -half of the northwest 1/`4 of Section 33, Town- ship 43 north, Range 12, East of the 3rd P.M., ac- cording to the plat thereof, recorded June 7., in Book N �� of Plats, page 7, as in Lake County..-Illinois being now within the district zoned for "A" Residence District of the said Village of Deerfield, be, and the same is hereby rezoned and changed to that of and for "B" Residence District ". " Section 2: That this rezoning ordinance has been recom- mended and the subject matter hereof approved by the Board of Appeals of the said Village of Deerfield as is in the statutes and ordinances of the Village of Deerfield, Lake County, Illinois in such case made and provided. Section 3: That this ordinance shall be in full force and effect from and after its date of passage and approval. PASSED this -day of April, 1 47. Ayes: Nays : h�— APPROVED--this day of Apr , 4'• A ATTEST .11age Ulerk. r sident of the t3oara or Tr stees of the Village of Deerfield, Illinois. • TO THE PRESIDENT AND BOARD OF TRUSTEES OF THE VILLAGE OF DEERFIELD, LAKE COUNTY, ILLINOIS: GENTLEMEN: The undersigned members of the Board of Appeals of the Village of Deerfield, Lake County, Illinois, respectfully represent that a public hearing was had on the foregoing ordinance on the 7th day of April, 1947 at 8 :00 o'clock P.M., after due notice as is by statute and ordinance in such case made and provided, and that the foregoing ordinance is hereby recommended. Chairman. :mc 3/19/47 1 -6 -1 i TO: BOARD OF APPEALS, and TO PRESIDENT AND BOARD OF TRUSTEES Village of Deerfield, Lake County, Illinois Deerfield, Illinois PETITION FOR REZONING OF CERTAIN PROPERTY IN GOLDMAN'S NORTH SHORE GOLF LINKS SUB- DIVISION IN THE N(R TH 1/2 OF THE NORTHWEST 1/4 OF SECTION 33, TVVP. 43 NORTH, EAST OF THE 3RD P.M. The undersigned, PERCY WILSON, as Trustee for Percy Wilson & Company, under a certain Trust Agreement dated September 1, 1944, being the owner of The southeasterly one -half (2) of Lot 60 and the northwesterly one -half c2) of Lot 61 in Goldman' s North Shore Golf Links Subdivision in the north 1/2 of the northwest 1/4 of Section 33, Town- ship 43 North, Range 12, East of the 3rd P.M., according to the plat thereof, re- corded June 7, 1924, in Book "N" of Plats, page 7, as Document 241049 in Lake County, Illinois, represents that under and by virtue of the provisions of the Zoning Ordinance of the Village of Deerfield, adopted February 6, 1924, the above described real estate is zoned for "A" Resident District, and it is the desire of the under- signed that the said Zoning Ordinance be amended so that the above described property shall be zoned for "B" Residence District. The undersigned represents that the zoned classification now applicable to said real estate bears no relation to the public health, safety, morals and welfare within the meaning, purport and intent of the zoning law of the State of Illinois; that the highest and best use of said real estate is for "B" Residence District and that the surrounding growth and development, together with the future development of needed multiple dwelling areaswithin the said Village of Deerfield, warrant and justify the rezoning of the said real estate. Accordingly, the undersigned pray that a public hearing be called by the Board of appeals at the earliest convenient date for consideration of the proposed amendment and that an amendment to said zoning ordinance as herein prayed be recom- mended to the President and Board of Trustees for adoption. Dated this 20th day of March , 1947. Respectfully submitted, Percy YV11Ton s 'Trustee ror Percy Wilson Company, under a certain Trust Agreem6rb dated September 1, 1944. 2. a;s N0TI•CE TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN: Pursuant to a petition presented by Percy Wilson, as Trustee for Percy Wilson & Company under a certain Trust Agree- ment dated September 1, 1944, owner of the following described real estate, to -wit: The southeasterly one -half (2) of Lot 60 and the northwesterly one -half (2) of Lot 61 in Goldman's North Shore Golf Links Subdivision in the north 1/2 of the northwest 1/4 of Section 33, Township 43 North, Range 12, East of the 3rd P.M., according to the plat thereof, recorded June 7, 1924, in Book "N" of Plats, page 7, as Document 241049 in Lake County, Illinois, for the rezoning of the above described parcel of real estate from "A" Residence District to that of "B" Residence District, a public hearing will be held before the Board of Appeals of the Village of Deerfield, Lake County, Illinois, in the Village Hall in Deerfield on the 7th day of April, 1947, at the hour of 8 :00 o'clock P.M., where copies of the proposed varying or amending ordinance will be exhibited for examination to interested parties. The hearing may be adjourned from time to time. The Board of Appeals will submit any proposed ordinance to the President and Board of Trustees of the said Village of Deerfield within five (5) days after its final report. This notice has been posted in the following four (4) public places in the Village of Deerfield, Lake County, Illinois: West Door of Deerfield Village Hall South Door of West Deerfield Township Hall Bulletin Board, Depot, Chicago, Milwaukee, St. Paul Railroad, Deerfield Bulletin Board, Deerfield United States Post Office. OF APPEALS . benz, rman 14ORTE BgQR GOLF 'SIN ME-- DIVIS1 � 1-N THE,N(i eH 1/2 OF THE' NOW 1E EST 1/4 6F SACT10R 33 TW?..43 NRORTRo BAST: OF THE Ub The undersigned, PERCY ?.'iLSON as Trustee for .Mercy Wilson & Company, under a certa in. Trust Agreement dated. September 1, 1944, being the owner of The southeeiterly one =half ( ) of Lot 6D and't'he horthwesterly one -half (i) of , Let 61 in 4oa(tatn's forth Share Golf R° v i. A),(a Subdivision In the north 1/2. of the northwest 1/4 of Seation '33,. Town - ship 43 North, Han &e .12, East of the .3rd" P.M., according. to.: the plat thereof., -re- corded June 7, 1.924, in Book "Ai " of Plats, page 7; as Document 241045 in Lake County, Illinois, represents that under -.a ncd by virtue of the provisions of the' Zoning ' Ordinance. of "'the ttiiia'ge of Deerfield, adopted Febru arg 6, 1324, . the above described real-estate ie zoned for "A" Resident District; and it is .the desire of .the under- sit - ed that the said Zoning Ordinance be. amended so that the above described property shall be zoned for "B" Residence District. '-'he tdersigned represents that the zoned elaasaeif cation now applicable to said real estates bears no relation to the public health, safety, morale and welfare within the meaning, purport 'and intent . of the .zoning law of the State of Illinois; that the highe'st'.and beet' use: of said real astate''is for "B" Residence: District and that the surrounding growth and development, together with the future development of needed multiple dwelling areeis within the said Village of .Deerfield, warrant and justify the retoni.n�° of the said real ostate , Accordingly, the undersigned pray that a public bearing be called by the, Board of *ppeals at the' earliest ocarbhint date for consideration.of the proposed amendment and that an amendment to said zoning ordinance as herein preyed be recom- mended to the President and Board of Trustees for adoption. Dated th,is2Oth 8ny of ,,March , 1947, „�...w. . Respectfully submitted, Perey. Trustee for Percy W-- l e o & Company,. - under a 'certain Trust Agreian dated September 10 1944. 0 • • SEAGO, PIPI \T, BRADLEY & VETTER MARSHALL A.PIPIry ATTORNEYS AT LAW ERWIN SEAGO TELEPHONE STUART B.BRADLEV 135 SOUTH LA SALLE STREET FRANKLIN 3627 DONALD L.VETTER NORMAN BRIDGE EATON CHICAGO 3 CHARLES O_BUTLER March 21 1947 JOHN H.MARTIIN SAMUEL S.HOLMES,JR. Mr. Chester I.. Wessling Village Clerk Deerfield, Illinois Dear Mr. Wessling: We are enclosing a signed copy of the petition of Percy Wilson for rezoning of a parcel of real estate in Deerfield. Mr. John A. Benz advised us that this hearing, as well as the one of James A. Flynn, could be held on April 7th and we have arranged for publication accordingly. We also enclose five copies of the notice, one for your file and four which we would appreciate your having posted in the places indicated. Yours very truly, SEA G0, P I P IN, BRADLEY & VET TER i By - S ua B SBB -CFT #4586 -B r*uaut to apt tlot� 'a Lei ate xk� *0 .runt** rar "0110Y 41140n, S� ovkpany Wider aartoln crust AS"*", awr or Ulxoaln dosarlbed 6) of tot !nQ a14 tits northimoUrl7 Katie - ;halt' t Of lot 01 lax U'— v jd *u 1$ ?SOP 11K,hare Calf Links 40t$ivi,+ lon in the earth 1{2 o the norshoost 1✓4 fat t�0et10ra 4ZO 4Wnthip lwnge 14# "S,t 'ot- the 3rd F# .,r m000rdin to the 'Plat thorsaf, r000rded June 7. 1024$ t.t..' iox for tho rttouliag of thi above► d+tttr d. rsol of real sha t from "A" AssidwA 40 b1s mot �C� 3���ek�. or ����, liefillaor1a4, 's "10trUto a p►ublia hoorlas will t* hold 'Wer'e, tb# V*Ard or- A ,*1# 6t 4bo VAIU4e i�1r +Ml i kw ► t t i # .i .. u ii n a1 . la ""asrt'lold .00 tb# 7th d&T of 'Aprilo .1947* at Vm j"fur *hers a000S or propasld ror '71rks or a rding ordinAu4s; will bq axhiU3ted i l to ter: s s I��C* ►1it r Arpaedla will gulmit &ny. 00po' sod o ins'no R to tbo ,4 }resldont arA of" rrurtoos' pt X110 tail i arriold, Wit4in. vivo thIs notlao hoer been patt *d. 3n t14 fallowing Maur �?ublltr piaao�. $u t��a �.illa oaf �r+�sir�ler�.d, lal�lb dd�aiA��, 1���i�� ��aet ��or ��` �•oarft:e ..11a� X11 • �aut� �t�car �� �e��, .� °±�t�*�"�e.1d .�nwhthl� ��11 Su110 -I n iaaard,. 4pot, ilvuukoe, S, t. ftul �Aslxvad, John A. Benz /s/ SEAGO, PIPIN, BRADLEY & VETTER MARSHALL A -PIPIN ATTORNEYS AT LAW ERWIN SEAGO STUART B. BRADLEY 135 SOUTH LA SALLE STREET DONALD L.VETTER _ NORMAN BRIDGE EATON . _ CHICAGO 3 CHARLES O. BUTLER VICTOR E. FURMAN JOHN H. MARTIN April 10, 1947 Percy Filson &'Co. 134 N. LaSalle Chicago, Illinois tie: Southeasterly one -half of Lot' 60 and northwesterly one -half of Lot 61 in GoldTan's . TELEPHONE FRANKLIN 3827 Gentlemen: in connection with-the. above, as y know a hearing was held before the Zoning Board o ppeals •of the Village of Deerfield on the of April 7, 1947. t'hereaf'ter the matter was e by � the President and Board of Trustees � e Villa e of Deerfield en April 8, 1947, and y r. Get ion fo -he rezenirg of this above described ao IS from "A" Residence Dis- trict to "B" e e Vi^ rict was approved by the' unanimous ad on said Board of Trustees of an amending, Zoni 6rd'i nc A copy of that amending ZonI a Is closed. A s t ement : r necessary disbursement an', our legs char is enclosed.. Yours very truly, SEAGO, ,PIP IN, BRADLEY & VETTE.R By es:mc encls. 458 -6 -B cc: qtr. Chester Wessling Note: Mr. Wessling: The original petition and the original notice is enclosed for your files. i TO VM PRESID'WT AND BO:' RD ON TRUSTEES Off' THE VILLt GE OF DURFIRLD, LAKE COIWY, ILLINOIS: The v�ndersi ed mabers of the board of Appeals of the Village., of Deerfield, Lske County, illintis,: respectfully..,. represent that a public h"ring was had on the fordgoing ardin:ance on the. 'nth day of. April, 1947 at 8 # 00 o l clack after due notice as is. by .statute and ord1nanee in svch came made and provided; and.'thatz the foregoing ordinance is hereby reeommendod.