07/01/1937 + 07/13/19379 ' _Y July 1, 1937.- A special meeting of the President and the Board of Trustees of the village of Deerfield was called to order.by the- President Christian 'Willman at 7 :30 P. The meeting was called for the purpose of drawing up an ordinance for the issuance of anticipation warrants and also for the purpose of purchasing a mower for the cutting of park- ways and obnoxious weeds and the purchase of a truck for,the water department. .Those responding to-roll call.were Trustee Hertel, Palmer, Pottenger, Schneider and Stupple. Those absent were Trustee Peterson.._ A motion was made by Trustee Pottenger and seconded by ; Trustee Palmer that the Corporation Counsel be instructed to draw up an ordinance for the issuance of talc anticipation warrants not to exceed Six Thousand ($6000.00 Dollars and these to be drawn as needed in One Thousand ( 1000.00) Dollar amounts. Motion unanimously carried. Those voting "Aye" being Trustee Hertel, Palmer, Pottenger „ Schneider and Stupple. Those voting "Nay" being None. Moved by Trustee Stupple and seconded by Trustee Hertel that we purchase a McCormick - Deering #7 Mower with special safety hitch and pneumatic tires for cutting obnoxious weeds and parkways in the Village of Deerfield. Roll call resulted as follows. Yeas- Trustee Hertel, Palmer, Pottenger, Schneider and Stupple. Nays - `None. Motion carried. A motion was made by Trustee Palmer and seconded by Trustee Pottenger that we purchase a truck for the use of the Water Department at a price not to exceed One Hundred ($100.00) Dollars. Yeas- Upon roll vote Nays None. Hertel, Palmer, Pottenger, Motion carried. Moved, seconded and carried to adjourn. Village 0 l er k President of the Board. July 13, 1937. A regular meeting of the President and the Board of Trustees of the Village of Deerfield was called to order by the President Christian Millman at 8 P. M. Roll call- Present; Trustee Hertel, Palmer, Pottenger and Schneider. Absent- Trustee Peterson and Stupple. Mr. Charles S. Whyte represented Corporation Counsel George McGaughey who was unable to be present. The minutes of our regular meeting which was held June S. 1937 and the special meetings which were held June 17, 1937 and July 1, 1937 were read and approved. There are at present two cases of scarlet fever still in quargntine and one case of chicken pox according to the report Of the Health and County Relations Committee. It was also stated that the Health Officer Dr. C. Johnston Davis is willing to take any action necessary to eliminate the nuisance existing on the property now tenanted by William Bubert. A motion was made by Trustee Pottenger and seconded by Trustee Schneider that the resolution authorizing the President and Village Clerk to assign and execute any necessary papers to the Deerfield State Bank in connection with the following described certificate: 13g5 A BOPT45 D. Utilities Realty Liquidation Trust Certificate of Deposit No. 202 for ten units issued and oountersigned by the American National Bank and Trust Co. of Chicago, Transfer Agent, said Certificates being dated February 7th, 1935. Roll call resulted as follows. Yeas- Trustee Hertel, Palmer, Pottenger and Schneider. Nays- None. Motion carried. The President Hillman made the following appointments; Building Commissioner, William H. Barrett and for Chairman of the Water Committee, Trustee Stupple. Motion by Trustee Schneider and duly seconded by Trustee Hertel to confirm these appointments. Motion carried. 270 k E 274 A resolution authorizing the President only to sign checks on behalf of the Village of Deerfield and payable out of village funds, the same to be countersigned by the Village Clerk and the Village Treasurer was read and it was moved-by Trustee Pottenger and seconded by Trustee Schneider to adopt the resoles tion. Motion unanimously carried. Those voting "Aye" being Y Trustee Hertel, Palmer, Pottenger and Palmer. Those voting "Nayv being None. A motion was madeby Trustee Pottenger and seconded by`' { Trustee Hertel that-the following annual appropriation ordinance* be passed as read. . Upon roll call the following vote was taken. Yeas--Trustee Hertel, Palmer, Pottenger and Schneider. Nays None. Motion Ll carried._ � y .., �..�_. tiJCi: TERW'D THE ANNUAL APPROPRIATION HILL III A14D Iri VHICR THE CORPORATE AUTFFOFiITI1?S .1;0 APPROPRIATE SUCH SU13 OR 0115 OF 11011EY ' 1'�;IICFI. SAY, .B1 ,L'isF3r..D NECESSARY O 'DEFRAY ALL: NECES: ARY , LXPE'3SE AND. ALL LIAIaILITIES 0�''THE`, VILLAGL OF 'DL1:r1FIUD, LAKE COUNTY, ILLI11OI8, '.FpR THL'FI::GAL YEAR t3FGINNING TFiF FIRST DAY OF "JAY A. D. 19379 AND 1r�fDITIG O.I THF: THIRTIETH DAY OF APRIL, A. D. I9u3, AND IWECIFYING TFiL.OI3JICT5 AND PURPOSES FOR ►11TCH SUCH APPROPRIATIOISS +TIRE UADE, TOGFTHER•1 ?IT.4,.THE A, OUIZT APPROPRIATED FOR EACH OBJECT OR PURPOSE. Hu` IT GRDAIZIrD ` BY TUB PRESIDE 1T AND BOAnD OF TRUGTEFS OF THE VIL' :Gi., OF DLErFIELD, LArE COUNTY, ILLINOISs ! Thn' t''tho following sum or , sums of money, or so 1.. much thereof as maybe authorized by law,, be and the saWo• are y pproprirted for the objects and. purposes horein specified liereb a to dofray'pll necessary nVenses and liabilities, and for all coroorste °purposes of, the Village of Deerfield, Lnko County, Illinois, `.for tho, fiscal year beginning tho'tirst'day of Uny, A. D. 19-07,,. r,nd ending on the thirtieth day of. April, :A. D. GENFFRAL._FUND 1. �::CII "�'IVL: SALARIES 'A - President and Trustees 544.00 i .100.00 s B - Village Clerk C - Village Troasurer 500.00 D - Village Collector 1,-00.00 E Comptroller 500.00 i 8, LEGAL: XPL1SFS ` A -'Corporate Counsel ;8alary 600.00 j I3'+ Extra Legal Expenses ,R1 '0000.00 - ,C,'- Contingent Expcnsa Fund 100.00 R- ' ©FFZCE ExPF�iSEf3 ,. !)00.00 4.00.00 1011.00 750.00 .1 i �0 750.00 I M . F ,- Telehsnd :Teleeraph,,. p 'x 100« 00 « . - Y G -.Contingent X00.00 ' 4 0T:i f F V?1BF4S - lcction xpensa I 00,00 ; B - interest on Obliviations - 2OCf.001, C "- Publishingf`0rdinances 250 «Oa: - pur4ty Bond Premiums '> ti 50.00 ,. 3ui ldinr. Co= issioner 5OOsOO - F -` apo i ,1.1i5sess nt poc i1bxias =00 ,r f a t{£.' T `FOJI : VILLAGE ,QFF ICBS 1, 90a, 00 aOTAL PROPRI Tion A wri GENERAir;FU?TIp .. ,,. .. ;�...:. �::.� .. ,11P30t .00 • r 1 1 Y i F Rr -1) PAE„_VdM FUND , . ....ranges for, Fircraen . id qUIP "SENT, UTER,.ALS ATIO , SUPPLIES { . A w � Riaxinte'nance of Motor Equipment 500.00 r csLn ana'oi.' ti' ' ©.ao \a:nd z t C -' Instmllatio:i JLaintenance 'of - . , Fire Alarm Equipment' Insuranco 1. �i`1%040 r B Chemicals •and Supplies 15a »t7a - Purchaise of Neer E ui ment l 500.0 .. .�. C Contingent 100,00 , TOTAL FIrX1 -DI. AliT�f;�t� �!PPROFRIATI0��3 — - ::, - — .- - -- -» � 0,44'50.0€? {: WATER D:�PJ� I�'i'�JT 1.1T FiTPdi? , Ptirchos+c,,, of, Tinter 1' Q00« 1t7 B -- ualary� `of Venter Superintendent 1 600 p0 " f K C .:.`;Uaintensnce. ` Installation and "'Hoter Repair ' i 600 »00 4rf 'R--� f r } f w •ra• ~ Y , • - • r } _ , - s S \ �" �, i . r � 'n - R�'; aiir of Pipes and Equipment- 10000 '00 ti M . , E - Tapping Supplies° rznd ,Upenie r Contingent 500�00: ¶ ti' ALfi if i+ Le�' ili+�lYRALi� iJi PI1Oln YE1T+lOd1 L? �a ar r �► r �' r r, ' • r7 0 2 t 3 STPf'T;T in ATITrys FUND f ' _ A_- Lnbor 750` 00: Equipment and Supplies 503. 00 C"' - Insurance 130.00 D .- Contingent s 100.00 f ! E - 1;x vndituroa fvr Improvc�rent: `1r ?a td frost Villn re Fhnre of Motor Fuel Tai: Lato x,000.00 , s (�) :fat erials i ) 000.00 TOTAL STRF.FTS AIIP ALLITS FUND`Ax PROPRIATIONS - - - - - _ - - 0,530.00 j POI,TCF? rrParMtI'ti"%_FUND i 1. SALAr, r' A - Vilinge Uarshtal 2,100.00 13 - Emergoncy Eslarlos 400.00 E. EqUIRJUENTIMATFRIALS IND SUPPLIM ` , b - f •1 Insurrance 75.00: l A — Telephone and Telegraph 100.00 ! C7- Cas And Oil 1:50.00 D - Contingent 100.00 j f TOTAL P0LjCF;' DF?ART7111;T APPR0PRIhTIOti3 ti .•• •- _ - _ - - .. ':. .. _ ° . 32025.00 _ t :. ROM)FD TSIPrATrnLri; TrTI, n t t r it Payment or Maturing Bonds 30000.00 � B - 'Intervat on .Bonded Indebtedneon 10650.00 I ' TOTAL,, APPROPRIATIO.17 FOR T OUMD DEBT .. - - - - - - - - - - - �� 4j,650 ;00-w S3TRETT I_TC1(T -1 FUND -ALLEY EIGIM8 A - ornamental Lights 40000.00 13 -:Traffic Lights 240.00. INSTALLATION AND'liAINTENANCE 4 , .A _ street and:Alley Lights 100.00 ' b .. Ornamental Lights 100100 . 3 ! C - Truffi'c Light s E 0 70 .00 I { -TOTAL APPROPRIATION FOR STP.Err LIGHT FUND - - ,. - ....:' C40540.00 277 f S AGT, DIRPOE31,L f r For, Cans - ruction, Repair, and Rcncadciiri � Both Dispounl Plants. 50, 00040 'n t 000. 00 2 f (;j) Engin6cki n g _,Services 50000.00 r i i {) Legal. �tx�vr�*:? ``5,a J0.00 __ TOTAL APPFOPRIIrt10,'t SEkiM, DISPOSAL - 80,000.00 4` T "� "" Alin 11F.Ci MTTONS �,AYGAE7��►�p, " _ _'A z�larie and ral els • • 500.40 ..uiprent, ;later 'all and Supplies 500.00 t TOTAL APP RoMATI02! .'FOR PLAYMOMIDS AND RIE R17'��Tlt�td8 - - -. 10000.00 � t ¢x s CONTTTTGFNT For Contineent, 11iccelluneous,an-d General Xnforescen'Fxpenses not Included in any ° `I'.bovo • , 500.OU , n Ell F t k TIT�..r f General Corporate Corporate Purposes o 11, "300.00`,° Fi Iopartment Fund ' 3 rc ?45'Jt?0. , dater Department Fund '„ S20000.00 Streets and Alleys, Fund' ft' G, 530.00 r oliee Dopartment' Fund` q� 5,0;:5„00 = Funded Indebtedness Fund, 4£35000 Street Lighting' Fund 49!-:40,00' o. Ski: o sal, h t30, 000.00 a p rround�s= ind Ilecroations' lay t k';., ` x.,000.00 Continge nt Fund 50000 f`'. ',TOTAL 95.00° s " % -,v)V.CTI01T P.. The unexpended balance; of any item or it+*ms � of ` made by this Ordinance tray • be .expended in, rya' -izts any nppropriction #;up any deficiency in any item or items in the same Senegal•- appropria- tion rend for the s&mn; general purpose, or in a 1.1.kc.- appropriation +'made by this orcinanco* ,. oil 21 v'This'Ordinsnce shall be in, full. Force, and effect -: a # a � P � n in t�ccordance', -j . from anct after its passages, .., •p, rovalF °and. f ublic'atil ' with thc, .laws. 1278 R� .Si'CTIOtI`F4, Thst this Ordinance be publish" in nn official newepapor° of -the Vjllaar. of Deerfield. Fft ;;lIEliT U szi, V.LLAU, OF DEERFILLD Presented and rend, /3� A.D. 1927. Passed, 3�, ;. , A D.19370 t dpprovcd, A.D. 1937. �• i Published i 3 A.D.. 197.7: . APPfi , I AT I ILLAGE GLLR.K f �„ _ . as tr form, A. D. 19 $7.- aAA, CUhFUFUMUN CUUhb , .q n z : .z FM The follo inF ° ordinazice for the issuing of tax anticipation warrant'd eras read and it was moved by Trustee Pottenger and seconded by Trustee Schneider that the ordinance be passed as read. Roll call--resulted as follows, those voting "Aye" being ! Trustee Hertel, Palmer, Pottenger and Schneider. Those voting "Nay" being None. Motion carried. • TAX ANTlCr?AT1QN ORDTINANCE, � -- r. V;HERFJ , a lack of funds exists in the current revenues,,,, " I of the Village of Deerfield, County of Lake endrStatO cf.Illinois, t 'Which said, -Inck of funds iv. attributable to the inability of the , County Tronsurcr to'make- the:eustomary distribution of tnx• funds r owing to the lack of payment by the taxpsyers;..und • HERFASi, it hors .beccmo necessary to the fiscal . "management ' i and aaxlutennnce of tho said Village of Deerfield to.,anticipate the tax'rovenues of the said Vi11aSQ which are not collected for` not. year-1937 in accordance p:it2 'the Stctute of the .Dtate of Illinois,, in such case made and provided. 110", T IEW ORE2 BE IT ORDAINED 3Y TilrR PRFSIDr IT AND DOAP,D OF ` TRUS_ I: r.S OF THE VILLAGZ OF, DEERiF IELD., LAKE COUNTY0 ILLINOIS: SFC:TIO.1 That rrarronta, payable solely and exclusively out of the taxes of the said Vilinge of Deerfield far the yoar 1937, Which texas have not yet boon collected, ;bc3 iss�.led rnd ` x 1 ! °° executed toy the`procr officeraof� the Village off'- heriId. �. I 2i J ' S =CTI0N 2. , . That the said tax anticipations ''warrants be Z, in the denomination of V^1,000.00 each,'and that therc be not .t } more than y8,000 04'rior't1 Hof tax anticiprttion vrarrsnts` levied, rand that : aid :varrants be` issu d, b e the Y proper officers of tha Village of Deerfield only,-as.-deemed necessary, b� the; President of the Villagc of Deerfield. SFCTIO11 3. That said :antici, aii",i,`vrttrrant�s;. `:;�i� 11 'barer' ...s ! i `interest at the rate. of three per cent per" 'annum. C. M. Willman PRESIDENT OF THE BOARD OF TfiUWE5 j OF THE VILLAGE OF DEERFIELD i r, i e, _ ATTEST. a ' Cheater 37yealiDg, VILLAGE' C ERR Presented and read July 13, A. D. 1937. ji Passed 'a 'approved .July 13� A. D. 1937. Approved: ? I a Cleo. S.: McGaughey _ Corporation Counsel.,.. THISTLE ORDINANCE ADOPTED An ordinance relative to the appointment of> a Canada Thistle') Commissioner and defining his duties was read and it was moved by Trustee Schneider and seconded by,Trustee Pottenger to adopt`.the ordinance as read. Roll,call resulted as follows. Yeas- Trustee Hertel, Palmer, Pottenger and Schneider. Nays— None Motion carried. ET? .IT" ORD�.xN # >D i3X�TV'-,PRESIDP.1T .AND BOARD, OF, TRUSTFES "OF "THE VILLAGL OF DEF.RFIELDp LAKE COUNTY, ILLINOISs ' $I'CTION 1� That there be appointed by- the `President. of the Village "of Deerfield a -Canada Thistle,iCommissioner,'. yho r shaU, take an oath of office, to perform -the duties of hi's', office to the ` best off its t�bility 'rand vrho 'shall' hold iif office; for t2iej term--of 'one year. and " until -.his 'successor is appoiritcd-.. and qualified, . - ; and he shall .receive for his compensation 'such sum 'as mia be fixed , T/? u s T CL'S ;g -tj�r the Board of. the"*' of Deerfield. _ SECTI01i'£.'Duties. The Cundda Thistle Comissioner shall ,diligently" °inquire concerning',the introduction and.exiatence of 'Canada thistles -& tit e V _ in : the',"Vill.u0 -of Deerfield; and if any are found g. rowing, he shall, take charge of all such "growing E, nel .tra%e care :that they do not go to seed ' or 'other i wise.spread,'.end he, shall carefully'seep and- lesarn so far as;is practicable. the best methods of their,'destructicn,andohe� shall. , . V..� persistently' ap;)ly, in l proper' time, such; ;remedy '.or treatmt` as 280 shall be ;best calculated to prevent their spread vrid to eradicate.. the some. SECTI011 3. -Prosocutions, It shall be the duty of the._:,_ Thistle Com-missicnor to prosecute or complain, to tho 'proper ,", authorities of any person or corporation rho may violate any, . law now existing or which may hereafter be passed on the subject of heiilrmio • rd_ -by the Village 'of 'Deerfield or by the S t r, t e - of 'Illinois. SECTION 4. All ordinances or parts of ordinances in confli'ct.herewith are hereby expressly repealed. -r, CT I0111_ 5. 1` Thi's ordinnnee, shall take take elf ' f ct niW be 'in full.forca from, an'&;.fter'i. t end 'rid- approval as `is provided by-Statute. �er PRESIDENT OF THh BOARD OF7,fr, 6TI 'OF, 711E. VILLAGr OF DEERFIELD VILLAGE, CLUX t ,Presented and resd, 131 A. Do 1937, 1Passbd` 0 A. D.• 19370 .Approve-,, D '1937. AlIZED.: -CORPORATION' C008M AN!'TORDINANCE CONCERNING FIREWORKS 0 Nil z An ordinance relative to the sale and discharge of fireworks., within the limits of Deerfield and the Penalties for the violation thereof,, was read and it was moved by Trustee Pottenger and seconded by Trustee Schneider that the ordinance be passed as read.- Upon roll call the following vote was taken* Yeas_ Trustee Hertel, Palmer, Pottenger and Palmer. Nays- None. Motion carried. COT4CFPNTNG FIRT"i.,0SIX8 BE IT ORDAVIED BIL THE PRESIDE11T AND BOARD Or, TRUSTEES OF VIVVILLAGE OF. DEERFIrLD: That; no,person shall within the corporate, limits of.the -Vlllago of - Deerfield sell,, offer: for sale, .Siva awayp havc,, in this: or her.,possessions,or dischnrgo any cannon, ors ,,torpedo, rocket,),-mine wbcmb.,fir'eworks or other explosives, or, :.set off any.iquibsj,-crackersp dynamite caps# dynamite tablets naterielp With- or., anything containing; -pcwde r or other explosive 0 } 281 ott�. err�isalau ' rr :. th,e -Poard , of.- !Zrustees• or* v,^r tten permi ss�,on from, the President; viliah:. permission -,'shal.l l thf, ° ti Ye of� (.., sucho-firing, and shall be subject•. to being revoked,,-by the` Pres dent °at any time after tt hz•: been grant6d.• a 1 •M1 SFCT -ro f'. Penalty. - Any . violation of the p1 ovisions f of this- ordinance shall subject the offender 'to, a. fine ,of not less, than TY;o ($2,00) Dollars• and notimore th an Two 'Hundred t ( P0b.00). Dollars .'for 'each offenpe. SECTI0Ti 3. All ordinances and parts r of ordinances in 3 ' conflict herewith are hereby repealed. a SECT ?ON 4. This ordinance shall go.', into. and be in full force and effect from and after its passage and . approvnl. as, provided by i PRESIDENT ... ATTEST: VILLAGE CLERK , ;Presented and reed, / 3,. A. D..1937. 11 Passed cnCj !-1 roved / 3 A. D. 1937. Published, /�s�: D. 1937,, The President Willman appointed Trustee Schneider, Pottenger, Hertel and Building Commissioner Barrett to serve on a committee for the purpose of adopting a new building., code. It was moved by Trustee Pottenger,and seconded by Trustee Schneider that the President Willman be authorized to sign the Complaint for Injunction in behalf of the Village of Deerfield together with Anton J..11erourio, Phillip Marribella and Theresa Ma.rrib'ella,_,his, wife ,,,as. PlaintiffelIVS. William Bubert and Edwin P. Easton,` Defendants:• 'Motion• unanimously carried. The following bills were read and it was mov b Trustee and seconded by Trustee Palmer that they be approved Pottenger for payment -on receipt- of proper funds. - -- • Roll call resulted as follows. Yeas- Trustee Hertel Palmer, Pottenger and Schneider. Nays- None. Motion carried. M. L. Kerrihard- - - - - - - - - - M. Knigge - -- $ 11.00 (� 6.50 JohnHittle - - - - - - — --- _ -_ -_ 71.75^ Jack Johnston - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 16.25 ConradUchtman - - - - - - - - - - - - - 5.00i\ George Morey - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 2.00t\ Paul Knigge- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 3,001\ Sam Rockenbach_____ __ --- ____ 2.50 Zion Office Supply ----- ___ -__ 8 76 H. ChannonCo. ___ __ _____ _ __ 6.86^ Horder s, Incorporated - - - - - _ _ _ _ 90891 Perfection Legal Blank and Printing Co'.- 5.27t,\ Badger Meter Mfg. Co.- - - - - - - - - - 30181 National Office Supply - - - - -- - - - _ 3 80� Andrew E. Decker - - - - - - - - - - - 2.62t� Nelson Chevrolet Sales, Inc. - - _ _ Neptune _ _ 50.00 Meter Mfg. Co. - - - - - - - - - 24.95