11/20/19361 251 Roll call resulted Peterson, Pottenger and Motion carried. as follows. Yeas- Trustee Palmer, the President tiling. Nays- None. Moved, seconded and carried 2LZ�_ .1 VILLAGE CLERK. November 30, 1936. A special meeting of the President and the Board of Trustees of the Village of Deerfield was called to order by the President Harry E. Ming, with the following trustees present- McKillip, Palmer, Peterson, Pottenger and Willman. Absett- Trustee Scribner. The purchase of a snow plow was discussed and it was moved,by Trustee Millman and seconded by Trustee McKillip that we purchase a Champion V Snow Plow at a price not to exceed $515.00. The motion was unanimously carried, those voting ItAyell being Trustee McKillip, Palmer, Peterson, Pottenger and Willman. Those voting "Nayll being None. 1#4 A motion was made by Trustee McKillip and seconded by Trustee Peterson that the President Harry E. Wing be author - ized to waive the accrued interest in the matter of the Ira Hole loan inasmuch as this loan is secured by Special Assess- ment Bonds and with the understanding that both the Hole and Plagge loans be cleared up before January 1, 1937. Roll call resulted as follows- Yeas- Trustee McKillip, Palmer, Peterson, Pottenger and Willman. Nays- none. Motion carried. The President Harry E. Ming gave a, report of the result .of his efforts in closing the other outstanding loans which were heretofore made to the Deerfield State Bank. Mr. Erwin Seago tendered his resignation as a member of the Zoning Board of Appeals as he is no longer a resident of Deerfield. President Ming appointed Arthur J. Ender to fill the vacancy. .Moved by Trustee Pottenger and seconded by Trustee McKillip that the appointment of Arthur J,,.Ender as a member of the Zoning Board of Appeals to fill the vacancy caused by the resignation of Mr. Erwin Seago be confirmed. Roll call resulted as follows. Yeas- All. Nays- None. Motion carried. It was moved by Trustee Pottenger and seconded by Trustee Willman that we rent from the Deerfield Temple Association 'at the rate of $5.00 per month, beginning October 1, 1936 the room at the rear of the fire station. Upon roll call the following vote was taken. Yeas- Trus- tee McKillip, Palmer, Peterson, Pottenger and Willman. Nays- None. Motion carried. As our lease with the Deerfield v Temple Association has expired, the President Harry E. Ming appointed Trustee McKillip Peterson and Millman to act as.a committee to draw up a new lease. Moved, seconded and carried that these appointments be confirmed. A motion was made by Trustee Pottenger and seconded by Trustee Palmer that a phone extension be installed to the desk of the Water Superintendent William Johnston in the room at the'rear of the fire station. Those voting "Aye" being Trustee McKillip, Palmer, Peter - son, Pottenger and Willman. Those voting"Nay" being None. Motion carried. President Wing appointed Trustee Pottenger as a committee of one to contact Mr. Knox of the Illinois -Bell Telephone Co. with reference to excessive cost of phone service between Deerfield and Highland Park. Moved, seconded and carried that the appointment be confirmed.. Moved, seconded and carrie4PSI4DEjr' jou. r VILLAGE CLERK. OF BOAR D. _F 1'25 2 `� I III